
Full-stack MEAN app with Create, Read, Update & Delete functionality.



  • A MongoDB Express Angular Node.js (MEAN) full-stack app using Apollo and GraphQL to get data from a MongoDB database.
  • Note: to open web links in a new window use: ctrl+click on link

📄 Table of contents

📚 General Info

  • Very basic Angular front-end where user can create read and delete database records with fields: name, quotation & an ID automatically assigned
  • From http://localhost:3000/graphql GraphQL can be used to query (GET) and mutate (POST, PUT, DELETE etc.) database records. Records can only be edited from here (i.e. not from the Angular frontend)
  • MongoDB Atlas backend database
  • Data is passed using GraphQL and Apollo using Apollo-Angular HTTP

📷 Screenshots

Example screenshot.

📶 Technologies

💾 Setup


  • From /backend run npm i to install dependencies
  • Create backend/config.json then add database access credentials - see config.example.json
  • npm run start to run the backend in dev. mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser. Restarts itself if code updated


  • From /frontend run npm i to install dependencies
  • npm run start to run frontend in dev. mode.

💻 Code Examples

  • backend/graphql/resolvers function to return an array of quotes with id using the map function
	quotes: async function () {
		const quotes = await Quote.find();
		return {
			quotes: => {
				return {
					_id: q._id.toString(),

📋 Status & To-Do List

  • Status: Part-working. Backend connects, Frontend error: ERROR Error: Http failure response for
  • To-Do: Add edit to frontend. Add styles

👏 Inspiration

📁 License

  • N/A

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