
Utilities to build GraphQL clients.

MIT License


GraphQL client utils

This package contains utilities to create GraphQL clients for queries, mutations, and subscriptions. The clients provide authentication via cookies or a bearer token authorization header.


Install the client:

yarn add @moveaxlab/graphql-client


Schema and types generation

Install code generation packages from graphql-codegen:

  • @graphql-codegen/cli is the base package
  • @graphql-codegen/add adds custom code to generated files
  • @graphql-codegen/schema-ast allows to stitch together different schemas
  • @graphql-codegen/typescript and @graphql-codegen/typescript-operations are used for type generation
  • @graphql-codegen/fragment-matcher allows handling of union types
overwrite: true
  # generated schema file
      - ./schemas/common.graphql # add all the .graphql files you want to combine here
      - schema-ast

  # generated file with types 
      - add: "/* eslint-disable */"
      - add: "/* THIS IS A GENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT */"
      - typescript
      - typescript-operations
      - ./schema.graphql # your combined, generated schema
      - ./src/api/graphql/queries/*.ts # path to the files containing gql tags
        Long: number # add any other custom scalar here
      maybeValue: T | undefined
      avoidOptionals: false
      skipTypename: true
      declarationKind: interface
      flattenGeneratedTypes: true

  # generated introspection results
      - ./schema.graphql # your combined, generated schema
      - fragment-matcher

The introspection results configuration is only needed if your schema has interfaces/unions in it.


Both the query and mutation client and the subscription client handle authentication for you.

Authentication can be performed in one of two ways:

  • using cookies (aka cookies)
  • using a bearer token authorization header (aka headers)

When using header authentication, you must provide to both clients a getAccessToekn function that returns the access token. The clients will use this function when making requests that need authentication.

Subscriptions are always authenticated.

In both types of authentication, you need to pass to the clients a isTokenExpired function. This function will be invoked when an error happens, and should return true if the error indicates that the access token is expired.

You must implement the onTokenExpired abstract method when extending the client.

This method will be called when a query or mutation fails for a token expired error. Your token refresh logic must start when this method is called. The token refresh logic must call the signalTokenRefreshed or signalTokenRefreshFailed methods of the client, based on the outcome of the refresh operation.

The onTokenExpired method may be called multiple times, if several queries or mutations happen while the token is expired.

Query + Mutation Client

To create a query and mutation client, extend the GraphQLClient class. You must implement the abstract field errorMap, and the abstract method onTokenExpired.

The errorMap field must be a dictionary mapping error codes to error classes. When an error happens, if its error code matches something in the errorMap, its matching error class is instantiated and thrown.

To implement a query or a mutation, use the createQuery or createMutation protected methods. Both methods take in input a documentNode (output of the gql tag) as first parameters, and some options as second parameter.

The possible options for queries and mutations are:

  • authenticated, boolean, true if the query should be authenticated and should thus attempt to refresh the token
  • converter, a function that converts the return type to something else

Both methods take three generics:

  • V, the input type
  • R, the output type
  • TR, the converted output type (only needed if the converter options is defined)
class Client extends GraphQLClient {
  myQuery = this.makeQuery<RequestType, ReturnType, ConvertedReturnType>(
      authenticated: true,
      converter: (res: ReturnType): ConvertedReturnType => { /* ... */ },

Subscription Client

To create a client to handle subscription extend the SubscriptionClient class. The subscription client only works with the graphql-ws protocol.

The constructor take an object of type options.

Name Required Type Description
host true string URL of the GraphQL over WebSocket Protocol compliant server to connect.
wsImpl false unknown A custom WebSocket implementation to use instead of the one provided by the global scope. Mostly useful for when using the client outside of the browser environment.
retryWait false (retries: number) => Promise Control the wait time between retries. You may implement your own strategy by timing the resolution of the returned promise with the retries count. Retries argument counts actual connection attempts, so it will begin with 0 after the first retryable disconnect.

The class should implement the following methods

  • connectionParams: () => Promise<Record<string, unknown>>: Optional parameters, passed through the payload field with the ConnectionInit message, that the client specifies when establishing a connection with the server. You can use this for securely passing arguments for authentication.
  • isTokenExpired: (event: CloseEvent) => boolean;: Must return true if the CloseEvent means that the token is expired.
  • onTokenExpired: () => void;: Called when an error representing a TokenExpired happens.
  • onError: (error: CloseEvent) => void;: Called when a fatal error happens.
  • dispatch: (event: unknown | null) => void;: Called when an event is received.
  • onConnecting: () => void;: Called when socket is connecting
  • onConnected: () => void;: Called when socket is connected
  • onDisconnected: () => void;: Called when socket is disconnected
  • latencyMeasured: (latencyMs: number) => void;: Used in order to debug the latency between client and socket

The signalReady method must be called after initialization is completed. If you need custom initialization logic, call signalReady after it is complete, otherwise you can call signalReady in your constructor.

To implement a subscription use the makeSubscription protected method. The method take in input an object with the followgin keys:

Name Type Description
subscription documentNode The output of the gql tag
name string The name of the subscription. This must be unique.
eventCreator (event: R) => TR | null; A method that handle the received payload from the subscription

This method take three generics:

  • V, the input type
  • R, The output type
  • TR, the converted output type (if not present it's equal to R)
class Client extends SubscriptionClient {
    //... class implementation here
    subscription = this.makeSubscription<
        subscription: gqlSubscription,
        name: 'subscriptionName',
        eventCreator: (res: SubscriptionReceivedPayload) : SubscriptionConvertedRecevidedPaylod => {/*...*/},


Before activating a subscription, you must connect the subscription client, by calling the connect method. If your subscription server requires authentication, you must wait for your authentication token to be available before calling connect.

Any subscriptions started before calling the connect method will block until the connection has been established.

To subscribe and unsubscribe use:

const client = new Client();



Subscriptions are kept between socket connection and reconnection.

Calling the disconnect method on the subscription client will cancel all subscriptions.

The getActiveSubscriptions method returns a list of the currently active subscription, as a list of subscription names and parameters. You can rely on this method to implement custom fallback logic if the socket is disconnected.

Socket connection and disconnection is signaled through the onConnected and onDisconnected methods.

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