
The Project Management API is a comprehensive Rust-based web application designed to streamline and enhance the management of projects.

MIT License


Project Management API

The Project Management API is a comprehensive Rust-based web application designed to streamline and enhance the management of projects. It is built on the robust Rocket web framework, known for its speed and reliability, and utilizes Async-GraphQL, a powerful library for building GraphQL APIs in Rust. This combination offers a high-performance backend capable of handling complex project management tasks with ease.

Key Features

  • GraphQL API: Leverages Async-GraphQL to provide a flexible and efficient API for querying and mutating project data, enabling clients to request exactly what they need and nothing more.
  • Project and Owner Management: Supports comprehensive management capabilities for projects and their owners, allowing for the creation, update, and retrieval of project information and associated owners.
  • Robust Data Handling: Utilizes custom JSON handling for persisting project and owner data, ensuring data integrity and ease of access.
  • Integration Testing: Includes a suite of integration tests covering GraphQL mutations and queries, as well as JSON data handling, ensuring the reliability and stability of the application.


The application is structured around the Rocket web framework and Async-GraphQL library, with the following key components:

  • GraphQL Handler: Central to the application, the GraphQL handler (src/handler/ defines the schema, queries, and mutations for the GraphQL API.
  • Data Models: Defines the data structures for projects and owners, along with JSON serialization and deserialization logic for persistent storage (src/config/, src/schema/).
  • Integration Tests: Ensures the application's functionality through comprehensive integration tests, covering GraphQL operations and JSON data handling (tests/).

Getting Started

To get started with the Project Management API, ensure you have Rust and Cargo installed. Then, you can clone the repository and run the application using Rocket's built-in server.

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Change into the project directory:

    cd project-management-api
  3. Run the application using Cargo:

    cargo run
  4. Access the GraphQL playground at http://localhost:8000 to interact with the API.


The Project Management API provides a GraphQL interface for managing projects and their owners. You can perform the following operations using the provided queries and mutations:

  • Queries:

    • projects: Retrieve a list of all projects.
    • project(id: ID!): Retrieve a specific project by ID.
    • owners: Retrieve a list of all owners.
    • owner(id: ID!): Retrieve a specific owner by ID.
  • Mutations:

    • createProject(input: ProjectInput!): Create a new project with the specified input.
    • updateProject(id: ID!, input: ProjectInput!): Update an existing project with the specified ID and input.
    • deleteProject(id: ID!): Delete a project with the specified ID.
    • createOwner(input: OwnerInput!): Create a new owner with the specified input.
    • updateOwner(id: ID!, input: OwnerInput!): Update an existing owner with the specified ID and input.
    • deleteOwner(id: ID!): Delete an owner with the specified ID.

For detailed information on the available queries and mutations, refer to the GraphQL schema in the GraphQL playground.

API Test using Hoppscotch

To test the Project Management API endpoints, you can use Hoppscotch, a popular API testing tool. Follow the steps below to set up and run the API test using Hoppscotch:

  1. Install Hoppscotch:

    • Visit the Hoppscotch website at
    • Download and install the appropriate version for your operating system.
  2. Launch Hoppscotch:

    • Open Hoppscotch on your computer.
  3. Import the Project Management API collection:

    • Click on the "Import" button in Hoppscotch.
    • Select the option to import from a file.
    • Choose the collection file provided with the Project Management API repository.
  4. Configure the environment variables:

    • In Hoppscotch, click on the "Environment" button.
    • Add a new environment and provide the necessary variables such as the API base URL.
  5. Run the API test:

    • Select the desired API request from the imported collection.
    • Fill in the required parameters and headers.
    • Click on the "Send" button to execute the request.
    • Review the response and verify the expected results.

By following these steps, you can easily test the Project Management API using Hoppscotch and ensure the functionality and reliability of the endpoints.


The Project Management API includes a suite of integration tests to ensure the correctness and reliability of the application. You can run the tests using Cargo:

cargo test

The tests cover GraphQL queries and mutations, as well as JSON data handling, to validate the application's functionality.


The Project Management API was developed as part of a project management course and is intended for educational purposes. It leverages the Rocket web framework and Async-GraphQL library to provide a high-performance backend for managing projects and owners.

For more information on Rocket, Async-GraphQL, and other libraries used in this project, refer to the official documentation:


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Happy coding!🦀🚀