
A modern React & GraphQL setup with step-by-step lessons made for a full day pre-conference workshop

MIT License


GraphQL for React developers

Welcome to the GraphQL workshop for React developers! ☀️

In this workshop, we'll be building a Twitter clone using GraphQL and React. We'll be using GraphQL Yoga for the GraphQL server and Apollo Client for the React app.

  • 🌱 Learn GraphQL basics
  • 🥑 Build GraphQL queries & mutations
  • 🥝 Get familiar with the GraphQL client
  • 🍇 Implement queries & mutations on the client
  • 🔑 Access control & authorization
  • 🎛 Production deployment

🔧 Setup

  1. Get started by cloning this repo and installing the dependencies:
git clone
cd react-graphql-workshop
pnpm install
  1. Start the development servers:
pnpm dev
  1. Open GraphiQL at http://localhost:4000/graphql and the React app at http://localhost:3000.

📚 Exercises

Learn GraphQL basics

  • GraphiQL
  • Schema
  • Types
  • Resolvers

Create a query hello that takes an argument name. Based on what the user inputs, return a greeting. For example, if the user inputs Glenn, return Hello Glenn!.

Useful links

Default types

  • String
  • Int
  • Float
  • Boolean
  • ID

Schema definition example

type Person {
  id: ID! # Not nullable
  name: String # Nullable
  age: Int
  weight: Float
  isOnline: Boolean
  posts: [Post!]! # Not nullable (but empty list is fine)

type Post {
  id: ID!
  slug: String!
  text: String!

type Query {
  allPersons: [Person!]!
  personById(id: ID!): Person
  allPosts: [Post!]!
  postBySlug(slug: String!): Post

type Mutation {
  createPost(message: String!): Post!

Resolver function

(parent, args, context, info) => result;

Build GraphQL queries & mutations

Build queries

  1. 💎 Implement allPosts query
  2. 💎 Implement me query
  3. 💎 Implement user query

Build mutations

  1. 💎 Implement createPost mutation
  2. 💎 Implement deletePost mutation
  3. 💎 Implement updateUser mutation

Useful links

Query & mutation field:


Make sure you're in the server directory:

pnpm prisma migrate reset --skip-generate # Reset database
pnpm prisma db push # Push prisma schema to database
pnpm prisma generate # Generate Prisma client
pnpm seed # Seed database with fake data

Get familiar with the GraphQL client

Implement queries & mutations on the client


  1. Implement query in user-avatar.tsx
  2. Implement query in home-feed.tsx
  3. Implement queries in profile-page.tsx
  4. Implement query in edit-profile.tsx

Use useSuspenseQuery from @apollo/experimental-nextjs-app-support/ssr to fetch data on the server.


  1. Implement mutation in create-post-form.tsx
  2. Implement mutation in delete-post-dialog.tsx
  3. Implement mutation in edit-profile.tsx

Use useMutation from @apollo/client