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Fetch data from a local GraphQL schema with urql. Useful for testing apps using urql.

npm install urql-exchange-schema


import { createClient } from 'urql';
import { schemaExchange } from 'urql-exchange-schema';

const client = createClient({
  url: '', // note that this will not be used, but is required by createClient so just pass anything into here
  exchanges: [schemaExchange(schema)]

This is useful for testing your apps using urql. Instead of mocking window.fetch, you can mock your entire GraphQL schema and get sensible responses for any query with graphql-tools!

import { Provider, createClient } from 'urql';
import { schemaExchange } from 'urql-exchange-schema';
import { makeExecutableSchema, addMockFunctionsToSchema } from "graphql-tools";

// Create your schema and add mock functions to it
const schema = makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs: yourTypeDefs });
  mocks: yourMockFunctions,

// Pass the mock schema to the schemaExchange
const client = createClient({
  url: '',
  exchanges: [schemaExchange(schema)]

// Now you can test all your components that fetch data!
it('should fetch some data', () => {
  const bla = render(
    <Provider client={client}>
      <SomeComponentThatFetchesData />


This package uses tsdx for development. Below is a list of commands you will probably find useful.

  • npm run dev: Runs the project in development/watch mode.
  • npm run build: Bundles the package to the dist folder.
  • npm run test: Runs tests.