java & libgdx制作的RPG游戏! an RPG by java and LibGDX



A not working cross-platform RPG game engine (tease you)


This project is no longer maintained(The rest is up to you). The current branch is the 2.0 engine (not yet developed). 1.0 engine is relatively complete except for the battle part UI & task system. You can click here to view and build 1.0 engine.

At present, my energy is mainly used in GDX-HTML, the GOAL is to build LibGDX ui using REAL-WORLD HTML + CSS! Please take a look at it!

via Libgdx.

now refactoring...

/ website:


UI Prototype:

"git clone" this project into your IDE, build, and enjoy it.

Common build faults!important( . )

0.Gradle Version

here are issue of gdx, you MUST USING gradle 3.3(or 2.4?), android buildToolsVersion 24. You can remove retrolambda if AndroidStudio build failed.

We need RetroLambda to using java8-lambda on java7 or lower, please set the environment variable JAVA8_HOME and JAVA7_HOME with your jdk7 and jdk8 directory (so you need dual java :p).

1."SDK location not found ..." or other errors while gradle building .

please download "android sdk" at first. you have to download those modules:

  • Android SDK Build-tools (23.0.1)
  • Android 5.1.1 (API 22)
  • Android Support Library (23.0.1)
  • Android Support Repository (22)

maybe you have to set "ANDROID_HOME" variable or create a file on project root!

2.first run this game via eclipse/android studio, and got an error "Exception in thread "LWJGL Application" com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: Couldn't load file: xxxxxxxxx"

easy, it's eclipse solution, and here is android studio solution

3.oh no, there are some errors in this project!

don't worry, the game is working, those errors are my debugging.

4.and more...

you can create an issue, or mail to [email protected].


What's this

It's a big RPG game use "Touhou Project(Project)" background story. You can visit to see more info. (because my energy is limited, this game has only Chinese language can be chosen.)


Sorry,the project inner images is protected by COPYRIGHT, don't use in other places please :) Others, it's noncommercial.