
Debugging and live development tool for Apache OpenWhisk

APACHE-2.0 License



Debugging and live development for Apache OpenWhisk. CLI tool written in Node.js and depending on a local Docker. Integrates easily into IDEs such as Visual Studio Code.

Live development of a web action using wskdebug:

On the left Visual Studio Code in debug mode. On the right, a browser with the page rendered by the web action. The developer notices the feature of handling the name is not implemented yet. A breakpoint shows them that name is set, but it's not used. They add the code to respond and greet with name. Simply by saving the code, the browser auto reloads the page, and the breakpoint is hit again. They step through to see that the new code is working fine, and get the expected result in the browser: "Hello, Alex!".

Youtube video of wskdebug being demoed to the OpenWhisk community:



wskdebug requires Node.js (version 10+), npm and a local Docker environment.

To install or update run:

npm install -g @openwhisk/wskdebug


npm uninstall -g @openwhisk/wskdebug


wskdebug is a command line tool to develop and debug OpenWhisk actions in your favorite IDE or debugger with a fast feedback loop. It features:

  • full debugging of actions of the respective language runtime
  • automatic code reloading
  • LiveReload for web actions
  • auto-invoking of actions on code changes
  • or running any shell command such as a curl request on code changes

Currently, Node.js actions are supported out of the box. For others, basic debugging can be configured on the command line, while automatic code reloading needs an extension in wskdebug.

Note on timeouts

Web actions or other blocking invocations time out after 1 minute in OpenWhisk. This limit cannot be configured. This means that if the debugging session (stepping through code) takes longer than 1 minute, any web action will return an error and any blocking invocations will just get the activation id, which most callers of a blocking invocation do not expect.

However, there is no time limit on stepping through the code itself if you do not care about the result of the action being handled synchronously.


The action to debug (e.g. myaction) must already be deployed.

Node.js: Visual Studio Code

Add the configuration below to your launch.json. Replace MYACTION with the name of your action and ACTION.js with the source file containing the action. When you run this, it will start wskdebug and should automatically connect the debugger.

    "configurations": [
            "name": "wskdebug MYACTION", // <-- adjust name for debug drop-down
            "type": "pwa-node",
            "request": "launch",
            "attachSimplePort": 0,
            "killBehavior": "polite",
            "runtimeExecutable": "wskdebug",
            "args": [
                "MYACTION",  // <-- replace with name of the action
                "ACTION.js", // <-- replace with local path to action source file
                "--cleanup", // remove helper actions on shutdown
                "-l",        // enable live-reload
                "-v"         // log parameters and results
            "localRoot": "${workspaceFolder}",
            "remoteRoot": "/code",
            "outputCapture": "std"

In VS Code versions <= 1.47 use the config below. If you use 1.47, you also have to set "debug.javascript.usePreview": false in your VS Code settings.json. See also issue #74.

    "configurations": [
            // legacy launch config for VS Code <= 1.47
            "name": "wskdebug MYACTION",
            "type": "node",
            "request": "launch",
            "runtimeExecutable": "wskdebug",
            "args": [ "MYACTION", "ACTION.js", "-l" ],
            "localRoot": "${workspaceFolder}",
            "remoteRoot": "/code",
            "outputCapture": "std"

After you are done with the debugging, stop the debugger in VS Code to end the debugging session and wskdebug.

This snippets enables browser LiveReloading using -l. For other reloading options, see live reloading.

For troubleshooting, you can run the debugger in verbose mode by adding "-v" to the args array.

Control wskprops credentials

To use custom credentials from a custom .wskprops and/or use a developer-specific openwhisk package name, but avoid committing that into your source control system, you can use an .env file.

  1. Put this .env file in your VS Code project root:


    Set either of the variables as needed.

  2. Make sure to not commit this file into source control, by e.g. adding .env to a .gitignore file.

  3. Add an envFile setting to the .vscode/launch.json, which you can share with co-workers and commit to source control:

    "configurations": [
            "name": "wskdebug",
            "type": "pwa-node",
            "request": "launch",
            "attachSimplePort": 0,
            "killBehavior": "polite",
            "runtimeExecutable": "wskdebug",
            "args": [ "MYACTION", "ACTION.js", "-l" ],
            "localRoot": "${workspaceFolder}",
            "remoteRoot": "/code",
            "outputCapture": "std",
            "envFile": "${workspaceFolder}/.env"

Node.js: Multiple actions

Each wskdebug process can debug and live reload exactly a single action. To debug multiple actions, run wskdebug for each. If all of them are using the same kind/language, where the default debug port is the same, different ports need to be used.

In VS code you can start multiple debuggers from the same window thanks to compounds. Compounds provide a way to aggregate VS code configurations to run them together. Here is a .vscode/launch.json example that uses compounds to expose a config starting 2 wskdebug instances:

  "configurations": [
      "name": "mypackage/action1",
      "type": "pwa-node",
      "request": "launch",
      "attachSimplePort": 0,
      "killBehavior": "polite",
      "runtimeExecutable": "wskdebug",
      "args": [
      "localRoot": "${workspaceFolder}",
      "remoteRoot": "/code",
      "outputCapture": "std"
      "name": "mypackage/action2",
      "type": "pwa-node",
      "request": "launch",
      "attachSimplePort": 0,
      "killBehavior": "polite",
      "runtimeExecutable": "wskdebug",
      "args": [
      "localRoot": "${workspaceFolder}",
      "remoteRoot": "/code",
      "outputCapture": "std"
  "compounds": [
      "name": "All actions",
      "configurations": [

Alternatively, if you don't want to use compounds, you can have a separate VS code window for each action with separate VS code launch configurations.

With launch, VS Code will automatically pick an unused debug port and pass it as --inspect=port param to wskdebug as if it were node, and wskdebug understands this as alias for its --port argument.

Otherwise you have to make sure to pass a different --port to each wskdebug. Similarly, if you use browser live reloading for multiple actions, you must specify different ports for that uing --lr-port on each instance.

Node.js: Plain usage

Run wskdebug and specify the action

wskdebug myaction

This will output (in case of a nodejs action):

Debug type: nodejs
Debug port: localhost:9229
Ready, waiting for activations of myaction
Use CTRL+C to exit

You can then use a debugger to connect to the debug port, in this case localhost:9229. See below.

When done, terminate wskdebug (not kill!) using CTRL+C. It will cleanup and remove the forwarding agent and restore the original action.

Node.js: Chrome DevTools

Run Node.js: Plain usage and then:

  1. Open Chrome
  2. Enter about:inspect
  3. You should see a remote target app.js
  4. Click on "Open dedicated DevTools for Node" (but not on "inspect" under Target)
  5. This should open a new window
  6. Go to Sources > Node
  7. Find the runner.js
  8. Set a breakpoint on the line thisRunner.userScriptMain(args) inside (around line 97)
  9. Invoke the action
  10. Debugger should hit the breakpoint
  11. Then step into the function, it should now show the action sources in a tab named like VM201 (the openwhisk nodejs runtime evals() the script, hence it's not directly listed as source file)

See also this article.

Node.js: node-inspect command line

Run Node.js: Plain usage and then:

Use the command line Node debugger node-inspect:


Enable debug logging

To enable debug logs in your action, you can set environment variables:

  1. (nodejs) DEBUG environment variable from the popular debug library is passed through to the action. Options:

    • Run wskdebug using

      DEBUG=xyz wskdebug myaction
    • Alternatively put it in the .env file (see above)

  2. (nodejs) To control theNODE_DEBUG used by built-in node modules, just set the WSK_NODE_DEBUG variable. (It is a separate one in order to not affect wskdebug itself which is written in nodejs.) Options:

    • Run wskdebug using

      WSK_NODE_DEBUG=NET wskdebug myaction
    • Alternatively put it in the .env file (see above)

  3. Any other custom environment variables that enable debugging or logging features in your action can be set by controlling the docker run arguments using --docker-args (note the leading space before -e, which is required):

    wskdebug --docker-args " -e DEBUG_VAR=something" myaction

Unsupported action kinds

To enable debugging for kinds/languages not supported out of the box, you can specify these cli arguments manually:

  • --internal-port the actual language debug port inside the container
  • --command override the docker run command for the image to e.g. pass a debug flag to the language environment
  • --port (optional) the port as it will be exposed from the container to the host, i.e. to what clients will connect to. defaults to --internal-port if set
  • --image (optional) control the docker image used as runtime for the action

Once you found a working configuration, feel encouraged to open a pull request to add support for this out of the box!

For automatic code reloading for other languages, wskdebug needs to be extended.

Source mounting

When a <source-path> is provided, wskdebug will load the local sources and run them as action (for supported languages/kinds). This enables the hot code reloading feature.

For this to work, you must run wskdebug in the root folder of your project, below which all the sources are (e.g. in nodejs anything that is loaded through require() statements), and then provide a relative path to the main js file (the one that contains the action main function) as <source-path> . If you have sources outside the current working directory wskdebug is executed in, they would not be visible to the action that wskdebug runs.

For example, say you have a folder structure like this:


Then you want to run it in the root like this:

wskdebug myaction lib/action/action.js

Under the hood, wskdebug will mount the working directory it is executed in into the local action container (under /code inside the container), and then tell it to load the lib/action/action.js file as action entry point.

If --on-build and --build-path are specified, then --build-path is used instead of the <source-path> for running the action inside the container. It still mounts the current working directory. But <source-path> is still relevant for detecting local modifications for live reloading.

Live reloading

There are 3 different live reload mechanism possible that will trigger something when sources are modified. Any of them enables the hot reloading of code on any new activation.

  • Browser LiveReload using -l: works with LiveReload browser extensions (though we noticed only Chrome worked reliably) that will automatically reload the web page. Great for web actions that render HTML to browsers.
  • Action invocation using -P and -a: specify -P pointing to a json file with the invocation parameters and the debugged action will be automatically invoked with these parameters. This will also automatically invoke if that json file is modified. If you need to trigger a different action (because there is chain of actions before the one you are debugging), define it using -a.
  • Arbitrary shell command using -r: this can be used to invoke web APIs implemented by web actions using curl, or any scenario where something needs to be triggered so that the debugged action gets activated downstream.

By default it watches for changes underneath the current working directory for these file extensions (reflecting common OpenWhisk kinds and json for -P params.json auto-execution):

json, js, ts, coffee, py, rb, erb, go, java, scala, php, swift, rs, cs, bal, php, php5

The directory or directories to watch can be changed using the --watch argument, which can be a directory path glob. You can also specify multiple via --watch one --watch two or --watch one two.

The extensions to watch can be changed through the --watch-exts argument, e.g. --watch-exts js ts.

Hit condition

If an action is invoked frequently but you only want to catch certain invocations, such as ones you control, you can set a condition to limit when the debugger should be invoked using -c or --condition. This must be a javascript expression which will be evaluated against the input parameters.

For example, with a condition like this:

-c "debug === 'true'"

an invocation with these parameters would trigger the debugger:

  "debug": "true",
  "some": "value"

In another example for a web action, let's assume we want to catch all requests from Chrome. We would check for the header:

-c "__ow_headers['user-agent'].includes('Chrome')"

If the hit condition is true, the action will be forwarded to the local debug container. If not, the original action (copy) in the OpenWhisk system will be invoked.

Please note that if source mounting is enabled, this will not have an effect on the original action copy that is invoked if the hit condition is not met. This means if condition is met, the latest local code changes will have an effect, but if not, the version of the action before wskdebug was started will be executed.

Custom build step

For some projects, the raw source code that developers edit in the IDE goes through a build process before being deployed as OpenWhisk action. To support this, wskdebug has these arguments:

  • --on-build: Shell command for custom action build step
  • --build-path: Path to built action, result of --on-build command

As a simple example, imagine the build process for an action with source file action.js deployed as myaction is simply renaming the file and placing it as index.js in a build/ directory:

mkdir build/
cp action.js build/index.js

Replace the copy/rename here with whatever build step is happening. Make sure source maps are enabled.

Then you would invoke wskdebug like this:

wskdebug myaction action.js \
    --on-build "mkdir build/; cp action.js build/index.js" \
    --build-path build/index.js

Note: When using --on-build, you might have to set --watch to the directory that holds the source files and which is not the build directory. Otherwise you could get an endless loop as writing the build files will trigger --on-build again. The --build-path file will be explicitly excluded from watching, but other files next to it that might be generated as part of the build are not. For example, if there is a src/ and build/ directory and multiple files would be generated under build/, add --watch src:

wskdebug myaction src/action.js \
    --on-build "mkdir build/; cp action.js build/index.js; cp util.js build/util.js" \
    --build-path build/index.js \
    --watch src

Help output

wskdebug <action> [source-path]

.            ____      ___                   _    _ _     _     _
.           /\   \    / _ \ _ __   ___ _ __ | |  | | |__ (_)___| | __
.      /\  /__\   \  | | | | '_ \ / _ \ '_ \| |  | | '_ \| / __| |/ /
.     /  \____ \  /  | |_| | |_) |  __/ | | | |/\| | | | | \__ \   <
.     \   \  /  \/    \___/| .__/ \___|_| |_|__/\__|_| |_|_|___/_|\_\
.      \___\/ tm           |_|

.                              W S K D E B U G

Debug an Apache OpenWhisk <action> by forwarding its activations to a local docker
container that has debugging enabled and its debug port exposed to the host.

If only <action> is specified, the deployed action code is debugged.

If [source-path] is set, it must point to the local action sources which will be mounted
into the debug container. Sources will be automatically reloaded on each new activation.
This feature depends on the kind.

Supported kinds:
- nodejs: Node.js V8 inspect debugger on port 9229. Supports source mount

  action       Name of action to debug                                            [string]
  source-path  Path to local action sources, file or folder (optional)            [string]

Action options:
  -m, --main    Name of action entry point                                        [string]
  -k, --kind    Action kind override, needed for blackbox images                  [string]
  -i, --image   Docker image to use as action container                           [string]
  --on-build    Shell command for custom action build step                        [string]
  --build-path  Path to built action, result of --on-build command                [string]

LiveReload options:
  -l            Enable browser LiveReload on [source-path]                       [boolean]
  --lr-port     Port for browser LiveReload (defaults to 35729)                   [number]
  -P            Invoke action with these parameters on changes to [source-path].
                Argument can be json string or name of json file.                 [string]
  -a            Name of custom action to invoke upon changes to [source-path].
                Defaults to <action> if -P is set.                                [string]
  -r            Shell command to run upon changes to [source-path]                [string]
  --watch       Glob pattern(s) to watch for source modifications                  [array]
  --watch-exts  File extensions to watch for modifications                         [array]

Debugger options:
  -p, --port       Debug port exposed from container that debugging clients connect to.
                   Defaults to --internal-port if set or standard debug port of the kind.
                   Node.js arguments --inspect and co. can be used too.           [number]
  --internal-port  Actual debug port inside the container. Must match port opened by
                   --command. Defaults to standard debug port of kind.            [number]
  --command        Custom container command that enables debugging                [string]
  --docker-args    Additional docker run arguments for container. Must be quoted and start
                   with space: 'wskdebug --docker-args " -e key=var" myaction'    [string]
  --on-start       Shell command to run when debugger is up                       [string]

Agent options:
  -c, --condition  Hit condition to trigger debugger. Javascript expression evaluated
                   against input parameters. Example: 'debug == 'true'            [string]
  --agent-timeout  Debugging agent timeout (seconds). Default: 5 min              [number]
  --ngrok          Use 3rd party service for agent forwarding.         [boolean]
  --ngrok-region   Ngrok region to use. Defaults to 'us'.                         [string]
  --cleanup        Remove backup and any helper actions on exit. Makes shutdown slower.
  --ignore-certs   Bypass TLS certificate checking for openwhisk requests.       [boolean]

  -v, --verbose  Verbose output. Logs activation parameters and result           [boolean]
  -q, --quiet    Quiet mode. Only output logs from action container.             [boolean]
  --version      Show version number                                             [boolean]
  -h, --help     Show help                                                       [boolean]


Debugger in VS Code does not hit breakpoints

If you use VS Code June 2020 release (version 1.47) it breaks wskdebug due to the new Javascript debugger implementation it includes. Breakpoints will not hit because it debugs the wskdebug process instead of the action.


Tell VS Code to use the old debugger. In your VS Code settings.json set:

"debug.javascript.usePreview": false

A better solution will come with a new VS Code update and wskdebug 1.3.0.

More details in issue #74.

Cannot install - EACCES: permission denied, access '/usr/local/lib/node_modules

If you get an error during npm install -g @openwhisk/wskdebug like this:

npm ERR! code EACCES
npm ERR! syscall access
npm ERR! path /usr/local/lib/node_modules
npm ERR! errno -13
npm ERR! Error: EACCES: permission denied, access '/usr/local/lib/node_modules'
npm ERR!  [Error: EACCES: permission denied, access '/usr/local/lib/node_modules'] {
npm ERR!   stack: "Error: EACCES: permission denied, access '/usr/local/lib/node_modules'",
npm ERR!   errno: -13,
npm ERR!   code: 'EACCES',
npm ERR!   syscall: 'access',
npm ERR!   path: '/usr/local/lib/node_modules'
npm ERR! }
npm ERR!
npm ERR! The operation was rejected by your operating system.
npm ERR! It is likely you do not have the permissions to access this file as the current user
npm ERR!
npm ERR! If you believe this might be a permissions issue, please double-check the
npm ERR! permissions of the file and its containing directories, or try running
npm ERR! the command again as root/Administrator.

This is a common npm situation, please see npm documentation for different solutions: Resolving EACCES permissions errors when installing packages globally.

Cannot install ngrok dependency

If you get an error during npm install -g @openwhisk/wskdebug like this:

ngrok - downloading binary
ngrok - error storing binary to local file [Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/wskdebug/node_modules/ngrok/bin/'] {
  errno: -13,
  code: 'EACCES',
  syscall: 'open',
  path: '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/wskdebug/node_modules/ngrok/bin/'

run this instead:

sudo npm install -g @openwhisk/wskdebug --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root

The dependency ngrok requires full write permission in /usr/local/lib/node_modules during its custom install phase. This is a known ngrok issue.

Note that since wskdebug 1.2 the install command npm install -g @openwhisk/wskdebug --unsafe-perm=true should work, and since wskdebug 1.3 ngrok is an optional dependency that is not installed by default, and a plain npm install -g @openwhisk/wskdebug should be enough.

Does not work, namespace shows as undefined

Older versions of wskdebug before 1.1.2 required the NAMESPACE to be set in the ~/.wskprops. See issue #3.

No invocations visible in wskdebug

  • Is wskdebug working against the correct namespace? You can see that in the "Starting debugger for ..." output at the very start. If you tend to use WSK_CONFIG_FILE in your shell, please be aware that IDEs starting wskdebug will use ~/.wskprops unless you set the environment variable for the wskdebug invocation in the IDE.
  • Wait a bit and try again. Restart (CTRL+C, then start wskdebug again), wait a bit and try again. Catching the invocations is not 100% perfect, as OpenWhisk could sometimes start multiple containers for the action and that might break the agents used by wskdebug to forward the invocations locally. A restart overwrites the action and will reset those containers.

Port is already allocated

You can only run one wskdebug aka one action for the same runtime (debug port) at a time.

If you get an error like this:

docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint wskdebug-webaction-1559204115390 (3919892fab2981bf9feab0b6ba3fc256676de59d1a6ab67519295757313e8ac3): Bind for failed: port is already allocated.

it means that there is another wskdebug already running or that its container was left over, blocking the debug port.

Either quit the other wskdebug or if its an unexpected left over, terminate the docker container using:

docker rm -f wskdebug-webaction-1559204115390

The containers are named wskdebug-ACTION-TIMESTAMP.

Restore action

If wskdebug fails unexpectedly or gets killed, it might leave the forwarding agent behind in place of the action. You should be able to restore the original action using the copied action named *_wskdebug_original.

wsk action delete myaction
wsk action create --copy myaction myaction_wskdebug_original
wsk action delete myaction_wskdebug_original

Alternatively you could also redeploy your action and then delete the backup:

# deploy command might vary
wsk action update myaction myaction.js

wsk action delete myaction_wskdebug_original

How it works

wskdebug supports debugging of an action by forwarding it from the OpenWhisk system to a local container on your desktop and executing it there. By overriding the command to run in the container and other docker run configurations, the local container respectively the language runtime inside the container is run in debug mode and the respective debug port is opened and exposed to the local desktop.

Furthermore, the local container can mount the local source files and automatically reload them on every invocation. wskdebug can also listen for changes to the source files and trigger an automatic reload of a web action or direct invocation of the action or just any shell command, e.g. if you need to make more nuanced curl requests to trigger your API.

The forwarding works by replacing the original action with a special agent. There are different agent variations, which all achieve the same: catch activations of the action on the OpenWhisk side, pass them on to the local container and finally return the local result back to the original activation.

The fastest option (concurrency) leverages the NodeJS concurrency feature available in some OpenWhisk installations where a single container instance will receive all activations. It uses queues implemented as global variables of the action so that multiple invocations of this action (agent) can see and wait for each other.

The second fastest option - and fastest in case of an OpenWhisk that does not support concurrency - is using the free 3rd party service ngrok, which supports internet-to-localhost port forwarding. ngrok must be separately installed using npm install -g ngrok --unsafe-perm=true and manually selected using --ngrok on the command line. This works even without an account on Please note that is not affiliated with Apache OpenWhisk and use is completely optional and up to the user.

Lastly, there is the "activation DB" agent which simply stores the activation input and result as separate activations (using helper actions named *_wskdebug_invoked and *_wskdebug_completed) and polls them via wsk activation list, both from wskdebug (for new activations) and in the agent itself (waiting for results).

Inside the agents waiting for the result is where the limits have an effect: if the invocation is synchronous (blocking=true) or a web action, OpenWhisk will not wait for more than 1 minute. For asynchronous invocations, it depends on the timeout setting of the action. wskdebug sets it to 5 minute by default but it can be controlled via --agent-timeout to set it to a feasible maximum.

The debugger works with all normal actions, including web actions. Sequences are not directly supported but can be debugged by starting a debugger for each action in the sequence see Nodejs Multiple actions. Compositions itself (not the component actions) are not supported. The solution is only based on custom actions and works with any OpenWhisk system. wskdebug was inspired by the now defunct wskdb.

This diagram shows how wskdebug works including debugging, source mounting and browser LiveReload. The wskdebug components are marked blue. Follow the steps from (1) to (10) to see what happens when the user edits and saves a source file.


Extending wskdebug for other kinds

For automatic code reloading for other languages, wskdebug needs to be extended to support these kinds. This happens inside src/kinds.

Mapping of kinds to docker images

To change the mapping of kinds to docker images (based on runtimes.json from OpenWhisk), change src/kinds/kinds.js.

Custom debug kind

For default debug instructions and live code reloading, a custom "debug kind js" needs to be provided at src/kinds/<debugKind>/<debugKind>.js.

<debugKind> must be without the version, i.e. the part before the : in a kind. For example for nodejs:8 it will be nodejs, for nodejs:default it will be nodejs as well. This is because normally the debug mechanism is the same across language versions. To define a different debug kind, add a debug field in src/kinds/kinds.js for the particular kind, e.g. for nodejs:6set debug: "nodejsLegacy" and then it must be under src/kinds/nodejsLegacy/nodejsLegacy.js.

This js module needs to export an object with different fields. These can be either a literal value (for simple fixed things such as a port) or a function (allowing for dynamic logic based on cli arguments etc.). These functions get the invoker passed as argument, which provides certain variables such as cli arguments.

A complete example is the src/kinds/nodejs/nodejs.js.

See below for the different items to do.

Default debug ports and commands

To just add default debug ports and docker command for a kind, add a custom debug kind and export an object with description, port and command fields. Optionally implement updateContainerConfig() for extra container settings (such as passing in environment variables using -e or mounting volumes).

Support code reloading

To support live code reloading/mounting, add a custom debug kind and export an object with a mountAction function. This has to return an action that dynamically loads the code at the start of each activation. A typical approach is to mount the <source-path> (folder) passed on the cli as /code inside the docker container, from where the mount action can reload it. The exact mechanism will depend on the language - in node.js for example, eval() is used for plain actions. The docker mounting can be specified in updateContainerConfig().

The mountAction(invoker) must return an object that is an openwhisk action /init definition, which consists of:

  • binary: true if zip or binary distribution (depends on kind), false if plain code (for scripting languages)
  • main: name of the entry function
  • code: string with source code or base64 encoded if binary for the live mount

Example mounting actions from nodejs are mount-plain.js (for plain node.js actions) and mount-require.js (for action zips expecting node modules using require()).

Available variables

See also invoker.js. Note that some of these might not be set yet, for example invoker.debug.port is not yet available when port() is invoked. The raw cli args are usually available as invoker.<cli-arg>.

Variable Type Description
invoker.main string name of the main entry point (from cli args)
invoker.sourcePath string path to the source file either <source-path> or the --build-path
invoker.sourceDir string absolute path to root directory to mount in the container
invoker.sourceFile string relative path from sourceDir to sourcePath
invoker.action object the object representing the debugged action, as specified as Action model in the openwhisk REST API spec
invoker.debug.port number --port from cli args or --internal-port or the port from the debug kind js (in that preference)
invoker.debug.internalPort number --internal-port from cli args or if not specified, the port from the debug kind js
invoker.debug.command string --command from cli args or the command from the debug kind js (in that preference)


Contributions are welcomed! Read the Contributing Guide for more information.


Releases are done using the Apache OpenWhisk Release Process.

wskdebug releases are made available:


This project is licensed under the Apache V2 License. See LICENSE for more information.

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