
Easily start a fake gRPC/gRPC-Web/Connect/REST server from protobufs

MIT License



FauxRPC is a powerful tool that empowers you to accelerate development and testing by effortlessly generating fake implementations of gRPC, gRPC-Web, Connect, and REST services. If you have a protobuf-based workflow, this tool could help.

Why FauxRPC?

  • Faster Development & Testing: Work independently without relying on fully functional backend services.
  • Isolation & Control: Test frontend components in isolation with controlled fake data.
  • Multi-Protocol Support: Supports multiple protocols (gRPC, gRPC-Web, Connect, and REST).
  • Prototyping & Demos: Create prototypes and demos quickly without building the full backend. Fake it till you make it.
  • Improved Collaboration: Bridge the gap between frontend and backend teams.
  • Plays well with others: Test data from FauxRPC will try to automatically follow any protovalidate constraints that are defined.

See the the documentation website for more!

Get Started

Install via source

go install github.com/sudorandom/fauxrpc/cmd/fauxrpc@latest

Pre-built binaries

Binaries are built for several platforms for each release. See the latest ones on the releases page.

Quick Start

Pass protobuf descriptors to FauxRPC and a test server will be created, returning random fake data!

$ fauxrpc run --schema=service.binpb

That's... it. Now you can call it with your gRPC/gRPC-Web/Connect clients:

$ buf curl --http2-prior-knowledge
  "text": "Thundercats."

Go to the documentation website for more!