
A bare bones starter template for a node gRPC micro service



What is this?

A bare bones Node.JS gRPC starter template. It does not use typescript, it does not use any additional frameworks.

It provides boilerplate to start a gRPC microservice using an example echo service .proto file and dynamic bindings.


  • @grpc/grpc-js (core gRPC server)
  • @grpc/proto-loader (.proto parser for dynamic bindings)
  • @grpc/reflection (provide reflection calls for method discovery in clients like Postman)
  • grpc-health-check (provide health endpoints)
  • pino (logger)
  • dotenv (configuration)

Dev. Dependencies

  • nodemon (hot reloading on change)
  • standard (opinionated code linting)
  • node-forge (boostraps PKI for mTLS E2E testing in CI)
  • testcontainers (verify container builds and runs)
  • jsdoc (create html documentation folder from code comments)

node --test is used for testing instead of bringing in a library/framework.


Scripts available in package.json

  • build:image builds a docker image
  • build:docs builds the docs folder using jsdoc
  • build:context creates a folder showing the files sent to the docker build context under the context folder
  • lint runs standard lint checks
  • lint:fix fixes all auto correctable lint failures
  • start runs the server
  • start:dev runs the server using nodemon and reloads on change
  • test runs tests


A github workflow is included that

  1. Runs unit tests and lint checks
  2. Runs npm audit checks
  3. Builds multi-platform docker image
  4. Scans image using trivy and uploads results to GitHub

Environment Variables

Name Description Default
SERVER_PORT Bind port of the server 3000
SERVER_CA_CERT String value of the CA in PEM format
SERVER_KEY_PAIRS JSON array, each object containing a key and cert property
SERVER_VALIDATE_CLIENT_CERT Boolean toggling whether or not the server will validate the client certificate, when set to true this enables mTLS false
SERVER_SUPRESS_INSECURE_WARNING When running without TLS a warning is logged, setting this to true disables that log message false
DOTENV_FILE_PATHS Comma seperated list of paths to .env files, if not provided .env is used, encrypted files should have a .vault ending extension
DOTENV_DEBUG When enabled debug messages from dotenv are logged false
DOTENV_VAULT_KEY_PATH When set, this path is used to load a key for decrypting .vault dotenv files, when set has priority over DOTENV_VAULT_KEY
DOTENV_VAULT_KEY When set, this is used to decrypt .vault dotenv files
DOTENV_OVERRIDE When set to true, values specified in .env files will override values already defined in the destination false

Automated Dependency Updates

A renovate configuration is provided to keep dependencies up to date and auto merge if tests pass.