
This repository contains a boilerplate project that demonstrates how to set up an OpenTelemetry-enabled gRPC-Gateway REST server. The gRPC server implements a simple SayHello method that returns a greeting message to the client.

MIT License



This repository contains a boilerplate project that demonstrates how to set up an OpenTelemetry-enabled gRPC-Gateway REST server. The gRPC server implements a simple SayHello method that returns a greeting message to the client.

The project uses the following tools and technologies:

  • OpenTelemetry for distributed tracing
  • gRPC for building high-performance, language-agnostic RPC services
  • gRPC-Gateway for generating a reverse-proxy server that translates RESTful JSON API requests into gRPC calls

The code is written in Go and uses the following Go modules:


Folder structure:

├── Makefile
├── assets
│   └── opentelemetry-grpc-gateway-boilerplate.svg
├── buf.gen.yaml
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main.go
└── proto
    ├── buf.lock
    ├── buf.yaml
    └── helloworld
        └── v1
            ├── helloworld
            │   └── v1
            │       ├── helloworld.pb.go
            │       ├──
            │       └── helloworld_grpc.pb.go
            └── helloworld.proto


Generating Protobuf and gRPC-Gateway Code

To generate the protobuf and gRPC-Gateway code, you can use the buf tool. The protobuf files are stored in the proto directory, and the generated code will be placed in the internal directory.

To generate the code, run the following command:

make generate

This will generate the necessary Go code for the protobuf files and the gRPC-Gateway files.

gRPC Requests and Responses

Once you've started both the gRPC and gRPC-Gateway servers using go run main.go, you can send gRPC requests and receive responses using a gRPC client.

Here's an example of how to send a gRPC request and receive a response using the grpcurl command-line tool:

  1. Install grpcurl by following the instructions in the official documentation.
  2. Open a new terminal window or tab and run the following command to send a gRPC request to the SayHello RPC:
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"name": "John"}' localhost:8080 helloworld.v1.GreeterService/SayHello

This sends a gRPC request to the SayHello RPC with the name "John" as a request parameter.

  1. You should receive a response that looks like this:
  "message": "Hello, John!"

This is the response message returned by the SayHello RPC.

REST Requests and Responses

Once you've started both the gRPC and gRPC-Gateway servers using go run main.go, you can send REST requests and receive responses using a tool like curl.

Here's an example of how to send a REST request and receive a response using curl:

  1. Open a new terminal window or tab and run the following command to send a REST request to the /v1/helloworld endpoint:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8081/v1/helloworld -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "John"}'

This sends a POST request to the /v1/helloworld endpoint with a JSON payload containing the name "John".

  1. You should receive a response that looks like this:
  "message": "Hello, John!"

Adding OpenTelemetry Instrumentation to gRPC-Gateway

To add simple OpenTelemetry instrumentation to your gRPC-Gateway, follow these steps:

  1. Import necessary packages:
import (
	sdktrace ""
  1. Add a function to initialize OpenTelemetry:
func initTracing() func() {
	exporter, err := stdouttrace.New(stdouttrace.WithPrettyPrint())
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create stdout exporter: %v", err)

	// Create a simple span processor that writes to the exporter.
	bsp := sdktrace.NewBatchSpanProcessor(exporter)
	tp := sdktrace.NewTracerProvider(sdktrace.WithSpanProcessor(bsp))

	// Set the global propagator to use W3C Trace Context.

	// Return a function to stop the tracer provider.
	return func() {
		if err := tp.Shutdown(context.Background()); err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to shut down tracer provider: %v", err)
  1. Modify the gRPC-Gateway function to pass the OpenTelemetry context to the gRPC client connection:
func runRESTServer() error {
	ctx := context.Background()
	mux := runtime.NewServeMux()

	// Use the OpenTelemetry gRPC client interceptor for tracing.
	conn, err := grpc.DialContext(ctx, "localhost:8080", grpc.WithInsecure(), grpc.WithUnaryInterceptor(otelgrpc.UnaryClientInterceptor()))
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if err := pb.RegisterGreeterServiceHandler(ctx, mux, conn); err != nil {
		return err

	fmt.Println("Starting gRPC-Gateway server on :8081...")
	if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8081", mux); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
  1. In the main function, initialize OpenTelemetry and defer the shutdown function:

func main() {
	// Initialize tracing and handle the tracer provider shutdown.
	stopTracing := initTracing()
	defer stopTracing()

	// Start the REST server in a goroutine.
	go func() {
		if err := runRESTServer(); err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Failed to run REST server: %v", err)

	// Start the gRPC server.
	if err := runGRPCServer(); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to run gRPC server: %v", err)

To test the OpenTelemetry instrumentation we will send gRPC-Gateway requests using curl and view the traces. So when I send a request to the /v1/helloworld endpoint, I should see a trace in the console that looks like this:

➜  opentelemetry-grpc-gateway-boilerplate git:(main) ✗ go run main.go
Starting gRPC server on :8080...
Starting gRPC-Gateway server on :8081...
	"Name": "helloworld.v1.GreeterService/SayHello",
	"SpanContext": {
		"TraceID": "3a2c50516735224c323ffb848399819d",
		"SpanID": "60263bb1d968fb06",
		"TraceFlags": "01",
		"TraceState": "",
		"Remote": false
	"Parent": {
		"TraceID": "00000000000000000000000000000000",
		"SpanID": "0000000000000000",
		"TraceFlags": "00",
		"TraceState": "",
		"Remote": false
	"SpanKind": 3,
	"StartTime": "2023-04-27T22:28:47.164181+05:30",
	"EndTime": "2023-04-27T22:28:47.164874369+05:30",
	"Attributes": [
			"Key": "rpc.system",
			"Value": {
				"Type": "STRING",
				"Value": "grpc"
			"Key": "rpc.service",
			"Value": {
				"Type": "STRING",
				"Value": "helloworld.v1.GreeterService"
			"Key": "rpc.method",
			"Value": {
				"Type": "STRING",
				"Value": "SayHello"
			"Key": "",
			"Value": {
				"Type": "STRING",
				"Value": "localhost"
			"Key": "net.peer.port",
			"Value": {
				"Type": "INT64",
				"Value": 8080
			"Key": "rpc.grpc.status_code",
			"Value": {
				"Type": "INT64",
				"Value": 0
	"Events": [
			"Name": "message",
			"Attributes": [
					"Key": "message.type",
					"Value": {
						"Type": "STRING",
						"Value": "SENT"
					"Key": "",
					"Value": {
						"Type": "INT64",
						"Value": 1
			"DroppedAttributeCount": 0,
			"Time": "2023-04-27T22:28:47.16422+05:30"
			"Name": "message",
			"Attributes": [
					"Key": "message.type",
					"Value": {
						"Type": "STRING",
						"Value": "RECEIVED"
					"Key": "",
					"Value": {
						"Type": "INT64",
						"Value": 1
			"DroppedAttributeCount": 0,
			"Time": "2023-04-27T22:28:47.164873+05:30"
	"Links": null,
	"Status": {
		"Code": "Unset",
		"Description": ""
	"DroppedAttributes": 0,
	"DroppedEvents": 0,
	"DroppedLinks": 0,
	"ChildSpanCount": 0,
	"Resource": [
			"Key": "",
			"Value": {
				"Type": "STRING",
				"Value": "unknown_service:main"
			"Key": "telemetry.sdk.language",
			"Value": {
				"Type": "STRING",
				"Value": "go"
			"Key": "",
			"Value": {
				"Type": "STRING",
				"Value": "opentelemetry"
			"Key": "telemetry.sdk.version",
			"Value": {
				"Type": "STRING",
				"Value": "1.14.0"
	"InstrumentationLibrary": {
		"Name": "",
		"Version": "semver:0.40.0",
		"SchemaURL": ""
