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GNOME Bluetooth

gnome-bluetooth is a helper library on top of the bluez daemon's D-Bus API. It used to contain widgets for application developers but is now home to everything Bluetooth related for the code GNOME desktop, and nothing pertinent to application developers.


Multiple Bluetooth adapters

The gnome-bluetooth user interface and API have no support for handling multiple Bluetooth adapters. Earlier versions of the bluez backend software had support for setting a "default adapter" but that is not the case any more.

Since GNOME 42, the default adapter is the "highest numbered" one, so removable/external Bluetooth adapters are likely going to be preferred to internal ones.

As the goal for multiple adapters usually is to disable an internal Bluetooth adapter in favour of a more featureful removable one, there are a couple of possibilities to do this, depending on the hardware:

  • Disable the internal Bluetooth adapter in the system's BIOS or firmware

  • Disable the internal adapter through a mechanical "RF kill" switch available on some laptops

  • Unplug the USB cable from the wireless card in the case of combo Bluetooth/Wi-Fi desktop cards

  • Enable the hardware-specific software kill switch on laptops. First find out whether your hardware has one:

rfkill | grep bluetooth | grep -v hci
5 bluetooth hp-bluetooth  unblocked unblocked

Then block it with rfkill block <ID> where <ID> is the identifier in the command above. systemd will remember this across reboots.

  • Disable a specific USB adapter through udev by creating a
    /etc/udev/rules.d/81-bluetooth-hci.rules device containing:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0a5c", ATTRS{idProduct}=="21b4", ATTR{authorized}="0"


A long time ago, gnome-bluetooth was a fork of bluez-gnome, which was:

Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Marcel Holtmann <[email protected]>