
Read-only mirror of

OTHER License


Gnumeric -- The GNOME spreadsheet Jody Goldberg [email protected]

The project aims to become a drop in replacement for proprietary spreadsheets. If you are interested in contributing to its development please send us some email, there are lots of projects available.

To report Gnumeric bugs, please visit

Gnumeric is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL included in the file COPYING.


You need: Debian package name glib >= 2.40.0 libglib2.0-dev gtk+ >= 3.8.7 libgtk3.0-dev libgsf >= 1.14.33 libgsf-1-dev libgoffice >= 0.10.57 libgoffice-0-8-dev gnome-xml >= 2.4.12 libxml2-dev pango >= 1.46.0 libpango1.0-dev NOTE: gnome-xml is also known as libxml

Optionally: python >= 2.0 python-dev pygobject >= 3.0.0 python-gi-dev

The GDA plugin, for accessing databases
gda		>= 1.3.0	libgda2-dev
libgnomedb	>= 1.3.0	libgnomedb2-dev

Currently disabled: guile >= 1.5 (no maintainer)

Runtime suggestions: 'yelp' for help


There is a support forum to discuss Gnumeric:

An archive of the defunct former mailing list is available in:

Random notes

This is a partial list of Features implemented in Gnumeric, we need documentation for these:

- Autofill
	Number autofill (computes delta, autofills from that).
 	String autofill (daynames, months are built in).
	String+Number combo integer autofill.
	Formula autofill.

- Drag and drop selection
	Select an area and use the border to drag the
 	contents (shift/control/alt are modifiers to copy
	or move)

- Selection
	- Multiple selections are supported, hold down control
	  key to augment the existing selection (they can be

	- Walking selection.
	  Use return/tab and shift-return/shift-tab to capture
	  information in a selection.

	- Fill quickly a region with the same text: just enter
	  the text in a selection and press control-enter.

- Number formatting
	- The formatting of numbers is very powerful, we
	  emulate the Excel number formatting specification.

	- Format rules: you can use rules to specify which
	  format to use.

	- Format colors: you can specify a color to format
	  within the format.

	- Conditional colours and format strings.

- Column/Row resizing
	- Drag the column/row division to adjust the column
	  and row dimensions.

	- To make changes to various columns/rows
	  simultaneously, select the columns and then change
	  the dimension of one of them.

- Content
	- Merged Cells
	- Array formulas

- Filters
	- MS OfficeOpenXML 	Read/Write
	- MS Excel (95 -> 2003)	Read/Write
	- MS Excel (v2 -> v4)	Read
	- Applix (v4 & v5)	Read
	- Quattro Pro (v1-v3)	Read
	- Planperfect		Read
	- Lotus (wk1)		Read
	-	Read/Write
	- html (3.2 & 4.0)	Read
	- html (4.0, xhtml)	Write
	- Latex 		Write
	- Troff 		Write
	- DIF			Read
	- SYLK			Read/Write
	- Oleo			Read
	- SC			Read
	- MPS Optimizer files	Read
	- XBase db		Read
	- Text files		Read/Write
	- CSV, TSV		Read/Write
	- PSION			Read

- To edit the contents of a cell that already has a value,
  press F2 key.

- When typing a formula, you can use the cursor keys to select
  a cell or a cell range in the expression.  This will only
  work if a cell name is valid at the cursor point.

  To specify a cell range, just move to the start of the cell
  range and then hold down the shift key while making the size
  of the selection cursor bigger.

- An expression is evaluated constantly on top of the current
  selection.  There is a number of pre-defined auto-compute
  expressions, you can change this by right clicking on this
  expression (it is on the bottom right corner).

- If you drag a selection with button 3 instead of button one
  there is no default action, rather, a menu pops up with
  a list of possible options on actions to perform.

- Gnumeric distinguishes regular text from formulas by preceding
  formulas with an equal sign.  So to enter an expression you have
  to enter for example: =1+2.

- Control-A selects all.
- Alt-Space selects the row.
- Control-Space selects a column.

- Selection-keys + control extend the selection to boundary of

- Shift-Backspace:  Collapses selection to active cell.

- Home: move to the beginning of the row.

- Control-Home: move to the cell A1

- Control-Enter: copies current edit text to the selected range.

- Control-Shift-Enter: If there is a single range selected and the
  current edit text is a formula, the formula is made into an

- Control-Pg{Up,Down}: Switch to the previous/next worksheet.
- Alt-Pg{Up,Down}: Page left and right.
- Mouse-Wheel : scroll up/down
- Alt-Mouse-Wheel : scroll left-right
- Arrow+ScrollLock

 o Frozen Panes (including Horizontal or Vertical only)

 o Auto-convert-on-input features: When you enter text in Gnumeric
   it is now matched against the known formats of Gnumeric and if
   possible, converted to a (number, format) pair.  This works
   when you enter a formula and when you type in text.

   This means you can use now dates and times in expressions, like
   this: ="10-Jan"+45.  However, just because you can does not
   mean you should!  If you send a spreadsheet like this to someone
   else whose computer is set to a different locale, then there
   is no guarantee that the string will be interpreted in the
   same way.

   Autofill will also work on this.