
Gtk frontend for wget(1)



  • invocation
    • run single instance (per DBus sessions)
    • accept all wget command line options
    • popup 'New Download' dialog when command line paramaters given
  • main interface
    • support grouped actions: start, pause, clear
    • columns
      • Name - output file's name, or the filename part of the URL if output is not yet available
      • Progress - percetange
      • Status - Queued, Init, Downloading, Saved, Failed, Paused, Renaming
      • Added - when you added the current download
      • Speed in kB/s, ETA, and last line of log
    • open files, containing folders with mimeopen-gui
    • easy rename, delete, re-download file and read logs
  • support Drag and Drop
    • you can DnD items multiple times, it will gather all of the URLs dropped in
  • "New Download" panel
    • textarea for URLs
    • new file name to rename to after download finished
    • target folder
    • limit bandwith
    • specify cookies either by file or inline
    • specify POST parameters, attempts, credentials, proxy url, user agent, referer, other options accepted by wget
    • specify shell command to run after download finished
  • start new downloads
    • start only one download from the same domain at once
    • queue only mode: not start anything
    • select queued downloads when they have been queued
  • i18n
    • en
    • hu_HU

Key Bindings

  • Ctrl-N - New download dialog
  • Ctrl-R - Start/Resume all downloads
  • Ctrl-K - Pause all downloads (mnemonic: Kill)
  • Ctrl-L - Show the log of the selected download
  • Ctrl-P - Show the parameters of the selected download
  • Ctrl-O - Options
  • Ctrl-Q - Quit
  • Delete - Remove download (entry only, not file)
  • Return - Open downloaded file
  • Space - Rename in place
  • Ctrl-Enter - On New download dialog - Start downloading
  • Ctrl-Shift-Enter - On New download dialog - Queue downloads



Please submit issues via PR to some file issue/TITLE.txt.