
A Bootstrap 4 Starter Theme, for WordPress



b4st – A Bootstrap 4 Starter Theme, for WordPress

Version 3.1


Interested in Bootstrap 5? Then go for https://github.com/SimonPadbury/b5st

b4st is a simple, Gutenberg-compatible WordPress starter theme loaded with Bootstrap 4 and Font Awesome 5 — using Gulp for preprocessing its SCSS into CSS.

Basic features

  • UNLICENCE (open source).

  • Simple, intuitive, clean code. Theme CSS and JS, functions and loops are organized into different folders.

  • A starter CSS theme – /theme/css/b4st.css, enqueued. (Note: do not put your styles in styles.css, because that is not enqueued.)

  • b4st.css is generated from SCSS using Gulp and NodeJS packages. The SCSS files are also included.

  • Sass (actually, SCSS) preprocessed to b4st.css by Gulp (or you can do your own thing).

  • A starter JS script – theme/css/b4st.js, enqueued.

  • Dimox breadcrumbs (http://dimox.net/wordpress-breadcrumbs-without-a-plugin/).

  • A CSS lock gradually enlarges the typographic font sizes from base 16px to 20px for larger viewports. This affects headers, paragraphs, lists, tables, etc. but not buttons and forms.


  • WordPress.

  • Served from CDN’s:

    • Modernizr 2.8.3
    • jQuery 3.5.1 (full, not slim version)
    • Popper 1.16.1 (needed by Bootstrap popovers, tooltips and collapsed navbar “hamburger” action)
    • Bootstrap 4.5.1 CSS
    • Bootstrap 4.5.1 JS
    • Font Awesome 5.14.0
  • Optional (install these if you want to Gulp-Sass for preprocessing the SCSS files):

    • NodeJS
    • Gulp-CLI – installed globally
    • Node packages for the following devDependencies:
      • autoprefixer
      • cssnano
      • gulp
      • gulp-postcss
      • gulp-sass
      • gulp-sourcemaps

Bootstrap Integration

  • Bootstrap navbar with WordPress menu and search.

  • Bootstrap customized comments and feedback response form.

Gutenberg Compatibility

  • Gutenberg editor stylesheet – into which has been copy-pasted the typography styles from Bootstrap 4’s Reboot CSS (see http://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.3.1/content/reboot/).

  • Since v.3.0, b4st (this theme) has adopted a narrow single-column layout, so that it can make use of Gutenberg’s extra-wide and full width blocks. In the front-end CSS, these are handled by a variation on Andy Bell’s full bleed utility.

    • Optional: If you wish to revert the font-end templates to a two-column (main content plus sidebar) layout, these are still available in the templates but commented out. However, you will also need to remove (or comment out) support for Gutenberg’s extra-wide and full-width comment blocks from the functions, and modify the CSS a little bit.

Child-Theme Friendly

b4st was not originally designed for child theming — it is a starter theme modifying directly. Most people still use it that way. But as child theme-friendliness has been asked for, here it is:

  • Many functions are pluggable.

  • Theme hooks – paired before and after the navbar, post/page main, (optional sidebar) and footer. Parent theme hooks are able to recieve actions from a child theme.

  • Also, the navbar brand, navbar search form and sub-footer “bottomline” are inserted using pluggable hooks. So, a child theme can override these.

  • Documentation on b4st theme hooks can be found in the wiki.

Using the Gulp Task-Runner to Preprocess SCSS into CSS

Since v.3.0, in the theme/ folder there is a scss/ folder containing all the SCSS files that have been used to create the file theme/css/b4st.css.

You can (beautify and) edit that file directly — or you can preprocess the SCSS files using whatever you prefer to use.

In order to use Gulp, you need to:

  1. Install NodeJS.

  2. Install Gulp-CLI globally, using your terminal:

npm install --global gulp-cli
  1. In b4st there are already these files that you need: gulpfile.js, package.json and package-lock.json. Therefore what you need next are the Node packages. To get these, you need to cd to the b4st theme’s root folder and do an npm install in your terminal:
npm install
  1. A few minutes later, with all the node_modules/ installed as local dev dependencies (as you can see from the 'package.json` these are: autoprefixer, cssnano, gulp, gulp-postcss, gulp-sass, and gulp-sourcemaps), you should simply be able to run gulp by typing this in your terminal:

That’s it.

You can stop Gulp by typing ctrl+C (hold the control key down and press the c key).

  1. So, in development, you could have WordPress running on a local server (e.g. BitNami-WordPress, AMPPS, Local by Flywheel, or MAMP + WordPress), and this Gulp setup watching and processing your SCSS into CSS.
    • You may sometimes need to purge your browser cache at the start of a dev/design session, so that it reloads your newer stylesheet.

See the LOG.md

See the b4st Wiki.

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