GET: Gulp, ES6, TailwindCSS

MIT License


GET: Gulp, ES6, TailwindCSS

A starter project that GETs you up and running with Gulp (v4), ES6 JavaScript modules, and TailwindCSS (v3).

Great as a kickstart template for trying out TailwindCSS, quickly generating simple sites, mocking up design components or wireframes, or working on SPAs.


  • Sass compilation (in SCSS format, so you can use CSS directly if you prefer)
    with autoprefixing, minification and sourcemaps, using modern
    Dart Sass.
  • Responsive image file and markup generation (<picture> sets with webp and
    avif formats), automatically.
  • Modern (2022) HTML5 boilerplate, heavily commented to guide you in your work.
  • HTML and Javascript minification.
  • Cache-busting of CSS, JS and image assets.
  • All the usual Tailwind 3 stuff, including
    Just-In-Time mode
    CSS purging by default.
    (If you weren't around for the history of TailwindCSS, just know that these
    are both Good Things.) The Tailwind
    typography plugin is also
  • Live browser reloading.
  • ES6 modules and syntax, so this starter project is easy to extend and adapt as
    you see fit.
  • Bonus: Prettier is integrated and runs on every
    commmit using Husky and Pretty Quick. You can run it on all files at any time
    by using npm run format.
  • Bonus: Optional automatic publishing to GitHub Pages each time you push to
  • Bonus: Optional accessibility checking with


Prerequisite: Node v.14.8.0 or above

  1. Clone or fork this project

  2. Run npm install


gulp or npm start

After the site is built, your default web browser will open with the index file and automatically reload whenever project files change. (If you don't want a browser to open automatically, use gulp --noop.)


gulp --prod or npm run prod


On production builds all CSS, JS and image files are renamed by appending random strings, and references to those files in HTML, JS and CSS files are automatically rewritten. If you don't need cache-busting, you can turn it off by setting the cacheBusting option in config.js to false.

GitHub Actions

A GitHub build action will publish your project to GitHub Pages on every push. We use it to build the GET page itself!

A GitHub accessibility action will check your project for common a11y issues when you push to your repo. You may want to replace this with accessibility checking in your build process to ensure issues are addressed earlier in your development cycle.

There are other workflows with internal_ prefixes that are used to manage the GET project itself. These can be safely removed, or you can use them as templates for your own workflows.

With all workflows, edit or remove the files as necessary to fit your own project and process!

Options and file structure

  • config.js contains path and project configuration -- edit this
    to suit your needs.
  • tailwind.config.cjs contains TailwindCSS
  • docs contains GET's internal documentation. You can remove or change
    these for your own project as you like.
  • src contains the files you'll be working with:
    • src/fonts contain local font files; note related
      configuration in tailwind.config.cjs.
    • src/img contains images which will be minified in builds.
    • src/js contains site scripts which will be minified, and
      contains subdirectories for drop-in library scripts and vendor scripts.
    • src/root contains files you want copied to the root of your
      build directory, like robots.txt or CNAME.
    • src/styles contains Sass files that generate minified CSS.

Build processes will generate files in dist, which is ignored by git.


If you aren't using GitHub for your project development, you can remove this directory entirely.

If you are using GitHub, you can remove files directly under .github (e.g. CODEOWNERS), or edit them to align with your own project.

Within the workflows directory, actions that begin with internal_ are part of GET's project management, and can be removed if you don't want them to run in your own GitHub repo.


You may want to edit the name, description, author, and URLs listed in this file to match your own project. Run npm i to update package-lock.json to match.

Modern image and markup generation

This feature is designed for single-page sites with a handful of images. The markup generation is just regex string replacement, and images that have the same name but different formats (e.g. foo.jpg and foo.gif) will clobber each other. In larger projects, a more efficient and robust templating system would make much more sense -- for instance see how a Hugo theme I've contributed to handles it.

To turn off GET's image and markup generation, set modernImages to false in config.js. Images will still be minified, but alternate formats and markup will not be created.

Dark mode

Tailwind provides an option for targeting styles for when dark mode is enabled on a user's system using the dark: prefix, and this has been turned on in the Tailwind configuration.

Print styles

Tailwind provides an option for targeting styles for print-only styles on a user's system using the print: prefix, and this has been turned on in the Tailwind configuration.

Language direction

Tailwind has experimental support for language direction modifiers using rtl: and ltr: prefixes (only those, at the moment). To help support this, dir="ltr" is already set on the sample HTML file; change as needed to set the overall language direction for the page.

Getting support

Ask a support question on GitHub if you're stuck.

Helping out

  • Add a GitHub Star to the project.
  • Tweet about GET on Twitter).
  • Consider sponsoring rootwork, GET's
    developer, and have
    your name or logo included here!
  • Blog about the project. We love reviews, and are eager to hear ways we could
    make things even better.
  • Contribute!


First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! Contributions are what make the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make will benefit everybody else and are greatly appreciated.

Please read our contribution guidelines, and thank you for being involved!


Legalese: GET is provided "as is" without any warranty. Use at your own risk.

For more information and to report security issues, please refer to our security documentation.

Thanks and Sponsorships

Work funded in part by Multi-Etch, LLC.

Consider sponsoring rootwork, GET's developer, and have your name or logo included here!

Built with

GET originally inspired by and

The big three components are, of course:

Other projects GET leverages:

Thank you open source!

Extracted from project README
License: MIT Pull Requests welcome Coded with love by rootwork