



Test Requirements

There are 3 sections:

  • Hero Area

    - you need to use the following collection:
     - its up to you if you want it as json file or inside the js
     - there are 10 items. you need to extract only 3 items randomized
     - if there is no title the slide should not be show
     - if more than 2 lines these needs to be truncated to 2 lines
     - the arrow inside needs to be functional. On click it should scroll down to the
      next section
     - on mobile it should switch to a simple auto rotator fade that its: draggable,
      swipeable (you can use a library for this for the sake of speed)
     - on desktop it should horizontally scroll and pin (these means that the hero are needs
      to be fixed during the scrolling and unfix when its at the end.
     Check the examples). Use gsap with scrolltrigger.
  • Carousel Scroller

    - it needs to bring 10 dummy Json items with: link, image and description
     - its a simple list with items
     - the carousel scroller title needs to stick when the center of the viewport hits the
      top of the first title and unstick when the center of the viewport hits the top of
      the next title location
  • Rotator

      Its formed by 2 parts side by side.
      The right part freely scroll, the left part sticks when the center of the viewport
      hits the first item and unstick when the center of the viewport hits the last item
     - You have to take those items from dummyjson api (left description that rotates, right
     - The number should rotate
     - The dots needs to be clickable and go to that particular index
     - the text needs to truncate to 1 line (for the sake of simplicity)
     - the right images have a description, title and a link
     - on mobile is just a simple list
     Important note:
     - individual item should rotate. The line that is splitting should not.
    General must haves:
    - it needs to use a bundler like grunt a gulp. The idea is at the end we want a link to the
      repo, run 2 or 3 commands to install package -> run the server
    - you have to use git (and we need to see the commit history), when you finish the test just
      give us the link repo
    - please avoid to use jQuery (you can load it for the fader plugin but try to avoid it if
      possible on the rest of the widgets)
    - please lazyload images - you can use the lazysizes plugin

How to Run

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd interactiveschools_2024

    Open in browser the index.html file or access the deployed project at

Gulp Usage

  1. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  2. Start the application:

    npm run gulp