
Nutflow helps you create a Bolt CMS website easily and setup an automated development environment.



Nutflow helps you create a Bolt CMS website easily and setup an automated development environment.

Everything here is built directly with Gulp, and is based on and built around multiple sources like Boltflow, Fabrica Dev Kit and Automate Your Workflow.


Download the zip folder (or clone the repository), extract it,then run the following commands to install all dependencies required:

$ yarn

Project Structure

Nutflow's project is divided into four main folders:

  • config
  • gulp
  • src
  • www

config is where you keep track of Bolt configuration files, these will be automatically copied to ./www/app/config folder. Except for the deploy.yml file, which will be copied and renamed to ./www/.deploy.yml.

src is where you would place all your source files. This includes all your code, images, fonts and everything else.

These files will then be treated and copied over to the default Bolt themes folder ./www/public/theme/base-inuitcss_dev or ./www/public/theme/base-inuitcss depending on whether you're developing or creating an optimized build.


You begin the development phase with the gulp command:

$ gulp

When gulp is ran, Nutflow will look through all your source folders and execute the following tasks:

  • configs - Copies configuration files to ./www/app/config
  • clean - to clean the _dev theme directory
  • lint:js - Check for code formats
  • images - Copies images to _dev theme folder
  • fonts - Copies fonts to _dev theme folder
  • sass - Compiles Sass into CSS (Also lint sass files)
  • server - Runs Bolt included php server
  • webpack - Compiles JavaScript with Webpack
  • browserSync - Launches browser for live-reload
  • watch - watch files for changes.

You can find the configurations for each of these tasks in gulp/task/task-name.js.

You can also duplicate and rename the 'secrets.json.dist' file as '.secrets.json', to keep off private configurations from git.

Once the command has finished executing, you can navigate to localhost:3000 to view your website. Everything here is placed in the www folder.

Writing Sass

Sass files are kept in the src/scss directory. They are pre-configured to import libraries from both bower_components and node_modules folders. You can use the @import statement to import these modules without having to refer to the bower_components or node_modules folder.

// Importing Sass MQ.
// No need to add `bower_components` or `node_modules` folder
@import "sass-mq/mq";

Writing JavaScript

JavaScript files are kept in the src/js folder. They are compiled from ES6 syntax to ES5 syntax with Webpack. Feel free to write ES6 immediately within any file located in src/js.

// ES5 syntax
var _ = require('lodash');

// ES6 Syntax
import _ from 'lodash';

Adding Images

All images are to be placed in the src/images directory.

Templates Folder

src/templates contain all .twig template files. This is also the location where you add files (like partials and macros) that can be imported into other .twig files.

Summary for Development Phase

In short, here are the files you'd want to touch:

  • src/sass – For Sass files
  • src/js – For JavaScript files
  • src/images – For images
  • src/templates – For Twig templates, partials, macros and everything else you use in Twig.
  • config – For tracking Bolt configuration files.

A Quick Note on Watching

Nutflow watches every file you need, and automatically regenerates all your files whenever you save a .twig, .scss, .js file in the folders mentioned above.

The only thing to note is that Nutflow doesn't know when you have added a new file into the src folder. It cannot regenerate your site in this case.

Hence, whenever you add a new file into gulp.src, you must re-run the gulp command.

Optimization Phase

Nutflow is built to optimize your entire website in one single command: gulp --prod.

$ gulp --prod

The --prod flag is a custom flag introduced to tell Nutflow that you're building a optimized site for production. Nutflow will then run through the following tasks and create an optimized theme in the ./www/public/themes/ folder.

Deployment Phase

Nutflow has two built-in methods to help you deploy your website. They are rsync and simple.

You can set the deploy method by changing the deploy key in gulp/config.js.

Make sure you edit the deploy.yml file located in th the config folder.

Bugs & Contributing

You can list your bugs & issues under the issue tracker in Github.

Feel free to pull the repo and contribute as well.

Final notes

Free feel to play around with the Gulp configurations in gulp/config.js if you want to change your settings.

Let me know if you run into problems, or if you want some additional functionality. I'll see if I'm able to incorporate them.

It'll also be awesome if you think of ways to make this generator even better! :)

Have fun!



  • Initial Commit
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