
simple pugjs static website boilerplate


Project guide of pugjs-static-website

Frontend scaffolding tool based on Gulp 4 and Webpack 4 using pugjs, SCSS

Heavily inspired by gulp-webpack-4-pug-scss-static-website(almost copy from this repo), but more simple and add i18n support.


  1. Node.js
  2. npm i
  3. cd mockapi && npm i


  1. npm run dev - dev server
  2. npm run build - build to dist folder
  3. npm run production - build minified version to dist folder

Project structure

  • src - source files
    • components - detached components
    • layouts - header and footer to create a basic page structure
    • locales - i18n locales files
    • pages - pages
    • common - general styles and scripts
      • js - js scripts
      • scss - styles in .scss format
    • static - any static resources that are copied to the root folder 'dist'
      • fonts - fonts
      • img - *.png, *.jpg images, favicon
      • svg - icons in .svg format
  • dist - final build of the project for production
    • assets - static data
      • fonts - fonts
      • img - images
      • js - scripts
      • css - styles
      • svg - svg files
    • *.html - all pages
    • index.html - start page

Update packages versions

  1. npm i -g npm-check-updates
  2. ncu -u
  3. npm install



Author: Alexander Shiryakov ([email protected]), Jesse Liu

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