
Second version of my personal website

MIT License


dickwyn.xyz v2 ⚡

Hi! Thanks for dropping by the repo for my portfolio site. This second iteration enables quicker updates on my end and drops the reliance for Bootstrap for the CSS grid. This showcases my experiences and projects but also my skills as a web developer. Access it on www.dickwyn.xyz

Project Dependencies

This project is built with:

  1. NodeJS
  2. Ruby

Running the Project


$ gem install jekyll
$ yarn add gulp-cli -g
$ git clone https://github.com/dickwyn/v2.git

Development Mode

$ cd v2/
$ yarn
$ yarn start

Production Mode

$ yarn deploy

Folder Structure

├── .publish
├── _data               # YAML (.yml) files to support liquid templates
├── _includes           # Folder for the broken up components
├── _layouts            # Default layout for page types
├── _pugfiles           # Uncompiled .pug scripts
├── _site               # Tools and utilities
├── assets              # All additional assets of the projects
│   ├── css             # All stylesheets (.css and .scss)
│   │   └── uncomp      # All unprocessed .scss files
│   ├── images          # All images used by the project
│   │   └── pre         # Original image files before compression
│   └── js              # All additional scripts (.js)
├── gulpfile.babel.js   # Automate compilation of pug, sass and jekyll
├── _config.yml         # Stores pre-determined values
├── .gitattributes
├── .gitignore          # Folders and files that are ignored by git
├── .prettierignore     # Folders and files that are ignored by prettier
├── .prettierrc         # Config for prettier
├── CNAME               # Used for GitHub pages custom domain
├── index.html          # main entry point
├── package.json        # Document node dependencies
├── README.md           # Readme file for repository
└── yarn.lock           # Yarn lock file


  1. Travis Neilson
  2. shakyShane
  3. Brittany Chiang


The contents of this repository are covered under the MIT License.