
A jQuery plugin for easily creating Handlebars templates

MIT License


jQuery-handlebars - v1.3.7

A jQuery plugin for alleviating the strain out of using the wonderful Handlebars template framework.

What exactly is jQuery-handlebars?

How many times have you found yourself writing the following code over and over again? Quite laborious isn't it? Surely using a template framework is meant to make our "developing" lives a little easier?

    // Cache the jQuery object of where to append the template
    var $content = $('#content');

    // Get the HTML of the template only
    var html = $('#my-template').html();

    // Compile the template
    var template = Handlebars.compile(html);

    // Data to pass to the template
    var context = {demo: 'This is a simple demo'};

    // Append the template to the content element

As you can see, if you do this multiple times over the course of your project it can become bloated and quite repetitive (seems I repeated myself there!). Then there is the issue of injecting a template into an element with the ability to remove or replace at some point. Then you're talking about a lot more boilerplate code and for what? Wouldn't it be great if there was a jQuery plugin (there is) that allowed me to specify a template, append to the content element and keep record of those that have been compiled before? With the additional bonus of being able to remove a single template or all templates from the content element. Well you're in luck...

jQuery-handlebars is as simple as 1-2-3, no really, it's that simple.

    <!--Use the minified version for better performance-->
    <script src="jquery-handlebars.min.js"></script>

        // Cache the jQuery object of where to append the template
        var $content = $('#content');

        // Data to pass to the template
        var context = {demo: 'This is a simple demo'};

        // Append the template to the content element
        //  'add': action
        //  '#my-template': template id string or jQuery selector object
        //  context: context data to pass to the template
        $content.handlebars('add', '#my-template', context);

        // It's that easy!

The plugin will basically take care of compiling the template (if it hasn't been done already), mark in the DOM that it's a template by wrapping in a div with a data-* attribute (data-jquery-handlebars) and append to the content element. How easier could it be? It could probably even make you a sandwich if it wanted to!

How to install

If you use bower, then just copy and paste the following command to the shell window. (Note: jQuery-handlebars was already taken.)

	bower install jquery-handlebars-plugin

Otherwise just include jquery-handlebars.min.js somewhere in your document and preferably after jQuery (since it relies on jQuery).


The following documentation outlines in detail how to use the following plugin, with the addition of thoroughly commented examples.


The plugin has 4 actions that are passed as the first parameter. For simplicity and semantics, the actions have multiple aliases.

By default the plugin has 4 parameters, though these parameters have different roles depending on the action passed to the plugin. Please refer to the examples below as to what each parameter represents depending on the action. This is similar to jQuery in which functions appeared to be overloaded.


Add a template to the specified content element using the template string parameter.


Add an external template by prefixing ajax- to the url of where the external template is stored e.g. ajax-external-template.js. This will then asynchronously load the template.


Remove a specified template or all template(s) from the content element.


Retrieve the HTML for a particular template in the content element. If no template string is provided, then all templates will be found.


Get all the compiled templates stored by the plugin.

Demo of actions

  • add (default): Add a template to a content element, by either passing a template string id or a jQuery selector
        '#template-string' | $jQuerySelector,
        override_default_options [optional]);
  • clear/remove: Clear either a specified template or all templates for a content element
        '#template-string' | $jQuerySelector [optional],
        override_default_options [optional]);
  • get/find: Get either a collection of compiled templates from the DOM by template string or all compiled templates from the DOM
        '#template-string' | $jQuerySelector [optional],
        override_default_options [optional]);
  • compiled: Get all compiled templates stored by the plugin


The following options below can either be passed via the options parameter or by overriding the defaults using $.fn.handlebars.options.[PROPERTY], in which the property is substituted for a particular option.


An example of overwriting the default options of the plugin using $.fn.handlebars.

    $.fn.handlebars.deleteCompiled = false;


Delete the template(s) from the compiled store when a clear action is specified. Accepts true (default) or false.


Store a compiled template. This improves efficiency if using the same template continuously. Accepts true (default) or false.


Allow the addition of multiple template(s) inside a content element. Accepts true (default) or false.


Remove pre-existing (compiled) templates from the specified content element when adding/appending a template.

The following options are:

  • 'none' (default): Don't remove any template(s) from the content element
  • 'all': Remove all valid template(s) from the content element
  • 'same': Remove only those template(s) that match the provided template string from the content element


How to output the compiled template to the specified content element?

The following options are:

  • 'append' (default): Append to the specified content element
  • 'html': Return a compiled template as HTML
  • 'compiled'/'raw': Return a compiled template


Check whether the data passed to the plugin is empty. Accepts true (default) or false.


To contribute to the project, you will first need to install node globally on your system. Once installation has completed, change the working directory to the plugin's location and run the following command:

    npm install

After installation of the local modules, you're ready to start contributing to the project. Before you submit your PR, please don't forget to call gulp, which will run against ESlint for any errors, but will also minify the plugin.


Call the following command to start 'watching' for any changes to the main JavaScript file(s). This will automatically invoke ESLint and Uglify.

	gulp watch

Call the following command to invoke ESLint and check that the changes meet the requirements set in .eslintrc.

    gulp eslint

Call the following command to invoke Uglify, which will minify the main JavaScript file(s) and output to a .min.js file respectively.

    gulp uglify

Call the following command to invoke both ESLint and Uglify.
