
How to model of Deck of Cards in Haskell


tjakway asks, "[What is the] best way to model a deck of cards?"

This is an excellent question. For the sake of simplicity, let's make a few simplifications:

1. Aces high
2. No jokers
3. Single deck

A deck of cards has several important properties:

1. Each card is a combination of a rank and suit
2. There are 13 ranks and 4 suits
3. Each card appears only once in the deck
4. There are 52 cards in the deck
5. All combinations of rank and suit are valid

Clearly the 'best' model is going to enforce these properties.

It is clear that some properties can be derived from the others. For example, in order for 2, 3, and 4 to all be true, 5 must be true.

In order to enforce these properties, we need to make sure they are represented at the type level so that the type checker can enforce the properties at compile time.

First we are going to enable a giant mess of LANGUAGE pragmas:

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

Next we have some imports. We do not depend on anything that is not in base.

import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(Refl),type (==))
import GHC.TypeLits

Next we will define a simple data-type to represent the Rank of a card:

--  Rank

-- | card ranks, with Aces high
data Rank
    = Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten
    | Jack | Queen | King | Ace
   deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Enum)

We automatically derive Ord and Enum instances which assume Aces high. A newtype could be used to change the sort order if needed, though other changes would be required.

One of the LANGUAGE pragmas we enabled above is DataKinds. As normal, the above data declaration creates a type construction and a bunch of data constructors:

Rank :: *   -- type 'Rank' with kind '*'
Two :: Rank -- value 'Two' with type 'Rank'
Three :: Rank

But because of the DataKinds extension we also get a bunch of additional type constructors and a new kind:

Rank          -- the kind `Rank`
Two :: Rank   -- type 'Two' with kind 'Rank'
Three :: Rank -- type 'Three' with kind 'Rank'

There are some occasions where the newly created types can result in ambigous type errors, so there are also aliases which prefix the types with a single quote:

'Two :: Rank   -- type 'Two' with kind 'Rank'
'Three :: Rank -- type 'Three' with kind 'Rank'

Sometimes we want to convert a type, like Two to the data value of the same name. We can do that by creating a type class:

class RankVal (rank :: Rank) where
   rankVal :: Proxy rank -> Rank

Note that the kind of rank is Rank not *. That means we can only create instances for the Rank types:

instance RankVal Two   where rankVal _ = Two
instance RankVal Three where rankVal _ = Three
instance RankVal Four  where rankVal _ = Four
instance RankVal Five  where rankVal _ = Five
instance RankVal Six   where rankVal _ = Six
instance RankVal Seven where rankVal _ = Seven
instance RankVal Eight where rankVal _ = Eight
instance RankVal Nine  where rankVal _ = Nine
instance RankVal Ten   where rankVal _ = Ten
instance RankVal Jack  where rankVal _ = Jack
instance RankVal Queen where rankVal _ = Queen
instance RankVal King  where rankVal _ = King
instance RankVal Ace   where rankVal _ = Ace

If we tried to do:

instance RankVal Int   where rankVal _ = Ace

We would get the error:

    The first argument of ‘RankVal’ should have kind ‘Rank’,
      but ‘Int’ has kind ‘*’
    In the instance declaration for ‘RankVal Int’
Failed, modules loaded: none.

We can use the rankVal function to create a helper function for pretty printing the rank:

-- | show the `rank` as a `String`
showRank :: (RankVal rank) => Proxy rank -> String
showRank p = show (rankVal p)

For our convenience we will create a type alias that lists all the ranks in asecending order:

-- | all the card ranks
type Ranks = '[ Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine
              , Ten, Jack, Queen, King, Ace]

Note that the list is '[] instead of the typical []. That is because we are using the promoted list value that DataKinds introduces.

Next we have a little helper function which gives us a Proxy value with all the Ranks.

-- | all the card ranks as a proxy value
ranks :: Proxy Ranks
ranks = Proxy

Next we do the exact same for the Suits

--  Suit

-- | Suit - sorted low to high
data Suit = Clubs | Diamonds | Hearts | Spades
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Enum)

class SuitVal (suit :: Suit) where
   suitVal :: Proxy suit -> Suit

instance SuitVal Clubs    where suitVal _ = Clubs
instance SuitVal Diamonds where suitVal _ = Diamonds
instance SuitVal Hearts   where suitVal _ = Hearts
instance SuitVal Spades   where suitVal _ = Spades

-- | show the `suit` as a `String`
showSuit :: (SuitVal suit) => Proxy suit -> String
showSuit p = show (suitVal p)

-- | all the card suits
type Suits = '[Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades]

-- | all the card suits as a proxy value
suits :: Proxy Suits
suits = Proxy

Now that we have Rank and Suit types we can create a Card:

--  Card

-- | a 'Card' has a 'Rank' and a 'Suit'
data Card :: Rank -> Suit -> * where
   MkCard :: Card rank suit

instance Show (Card rank suit) where
    show MkCard = "MkCard"

MkCard is a nullary constructor. It does not take any arguments -- the Rank and Suit appear only in the type-level.

Note that because the kind is Rank -> Suit -> * and not * -> * -> * types like Card Int Char are not valid.

If we have Rank and Suit Proxy values we can use this helper function to construct the Card:

-- | helper function for building a 'Card' from 'Proxy' values
mkCard :: Proxy (rank :: Rank) -> Proxy (suit :: Suit) -> Card rank suit
mkCard _ _ = MkCard

The following function uses the showRank and showSuit functions from above to pretty print the Card.

-- | pretty print the 'Card'
showCard :: forall rank suit. (RankVal rank, SuitVal suit) => Card rank suit -> String
showCard _ = showRank (Proxy :: Proxy rank) <> " of " <> showSuit (Proxy :: Proxy suit)

Now we can create an example card:

-- | example card
aceOfSpades :: Card Ace Spades
aceOfSpades = MkCard

If we evaluate the card in GHCi we get back what we put in:

*Main> aceOfSpades
*Main> :t aceOfSpades
aceOfSpades :: Card 'Ace 'Spades

The value is just MkCard and the type is Card Ace Spades. Note that GHCi used the type names prefix with a single quote for clarity.

Next we need a little bit of Boolean logic to enforce our properties. First we declare some type-level logic types:

--  type level boolean functions

data Equal x y
data Not x
data And x y
data Or x y

These types have no data constructors, so we can't create any values of those types, but we can use them as arguments to type functions.

Let's create a type family which evaluates Boolean expressions and returns True or False.

type family ToBool a where
   ToBool (And True True) = True
   ToBool (And x False) = False
   ToBool (And False y) = False
   ToBool (And x True) = ToBool x
   ToBool (And True y) = ToBool y
   ToBool (Or True y) = True
   ToBool (Or x True) = True
   ToBool (Or False False) = False
   ToBool (Or x False) = ToBool x
   ToBool (Or False y) = ToBool y
   ToBool (Not True)  = False
   ToBool (Not False) = True
   ToBool (Not p) = ToBool (Not (ToBool p))
   ToBool (Equal x x) = True
   ToBool (Equal x y) = False

Note that these are all type-level calculations, so we could have used 'True and 'False for clarity.

Next we are going to create a type-level function which calculates the length of a type-level list:

--  type level length

type family Length (list :: [k]) where
   Length '[] = 0
   Length (c ': cs) = 1 + Length cs

Although we are operating at the type level, our Length function looks very similar to the classic value-level length definition:

length :: [a] -> Int
length [] = 0
length (c:cs) = 1 + length cs

Along similar lines, we can create a type-level IsElem function:

--  type level isElem

type family IsElem (c :: k) (cs :: [k]) where
   IsElem c '[] = False
   IsElem c (c' ': cs) = ToBool (Or (Equal c c') (IsElem c cs))

We can use the IsElem and Boolean logic functions to test if all the elements of a type-level list are unique or not.

--  type level: check if all elements in a type level list are unique

type family IsUnique (list :: [k]) where
   IsUnique '[] = True
   IsUnique (c ': cs) = ToBool (And (Not (IsElem c cs)) (IsUnique cs))
--  type level: check if all elements in the list are cards
type family IsCards (list :: [*]) where
    IsCards '[] = True
    IsCards (Card r s ': cs) = IsCards cs
    IsCards k = False

Now we have all the pieces required to create a set of cards:

--  Cards

data Cards :: Nat -> [*] -> * where
    -- ensure that there are a specific number of a cards and that each card appears only once
   Cards :: ((IsCards cards) :~: True) -> (Length cards :~: (n :: Nat))
         -> (IsUnique cards :~: True) -> Cards n cards

instance Show (Cards (n :: Nat) (cs :: [*])) where
    show (Cards Refl Refl Refl) = "Cards Refl Refl Refl"

The Cards type constructor takes two parameters, the first is the number of cards in the list, and the second is the list of unique cards.

The Cards data constructor takes three values. The first value is the proof that the list only contains cards. The second value is the proof that the length of the list is equal to the number of cards we are supposed to have. The third value is proof that the cards in the list are unique.

We can create a little helper function for generating a specific set of cards:

-- | helper function to make 'Cards'
mkCards :: (IsCards cards ~ True, Length cards ~ (n :: Nat), IsUnique cards ~ True) =>
           Cards n cards
mkCards = Cards Refl Refl Refl

We can also create a helper function which adds a new cards to an existing set of cards:

-- | add a card to a set of cards
-- card must not already be in the deck
addCard :: ((1 + n) ~ (1 + Length cards), IsUnique (Card rank suit ': cards) ~ True
           , IsCards cards ~ True) =>
           Card rank suit
        -> Cards n cards
        -> Cards (1 + n) (Card rank suit ': cards)
addCard c cs = mkCards

So let's look at this in action now:

--  example cards

-- | an empty set of cards
cards0 :: Cards 0 '[]
cards0 = Cards Refl Refl Refl

-- | just the ace of spaces
cards1 :: Cards 1 '[Card Ace Spades]
cards1 = Cards Refl Refl Refl

-- | the ace of spaces and the ace of diamonds
cards2 :: Cards 2 '[Card Ace Spades, Card Ace Diamonds]
cards2 = mkCards -- use mkCards for variety sake

Note that the value of all these cards are the same, only the types are different.

If we try to stick a non-Card value in the list:

-- | the ace of spaces and the ace of diamonds
cards3 :: Cards 2 '[Card Ace Spades, Card Ace Diamonds, Int]
cards3 = mkCards -- use mkCards for variety sake

we will get the error:

    Couldn't match type ‘'False’ with ‘'True’
    Expected type: 'True
      Actual type: IsCards
                     '[Card 'Ace 'Spades, Card 'Ace 'Diamonds, Int]
    In the expression: mkCards
    In an equation for ‘cards3’: cards3 = mkCards

Sometimes we might actually want a value. Perhaps we need to store the cards in a database or serialize them to JSON or something else. Or maybe we just want to through type safety out the window. We can define a simple card type as follows:

--  SimpleCard

-- | A card type which does not have its 'Rank' and 'Suit' in the type level
data SimpleCard = SimpleCard Rank Suit
   deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

Here Rank and Suit are acting like normal Haskell types.

We can easily convert a Card to a SampleCard using our rankVal and suitVal functions:

-- | convert a 'Card' to a 'SimpleCard'
toSimpleCard :: forall rank suit. (RankVal rank, SuitVal suit) =>
                Card rank suit
             -> SimpleCard
toSimpleCard _ =
    SimpleCard (rankVal (Proxy :: Proxy rank)) (suitVal (Proxy :: Proxy suit))

Of course, we also want to convert a Cards to [SimpleCard].

--  SimpleCards

-- | a list of cards
type SimpleCards = [SimpleCard]

To do the conversion, we will use a simple type class with two instances. One for the base case, and one for the recursive case.

The class definition is pretty straight-forward:

-- | convert a list of 'Cards' to '[SimpleCard]'
class ToSimpleCards a where
    toSimpleCards :: a -> SimpleCards

Our base case looks like:

instance ToSimpleCards (Cards 0 '[]) where
   toSimpleCards _ = []

And the recursive case:

instance forall rank suit n cs. (RankVal rank, SuitVal suit, IsCards cs ~ True
                                , IsUnique cs ~ True
                                , Length cs ~ (n - 1)
                                , ToSimpleCards (Cards (n - 1) cs)) =>
    ToSimpleCards (Cards n ((Card rank suit) ': cs)) where
   toSimpleCards _ = toSimpleCard (MkCard :: Card rank suit)
                   : toSimpleCards (mkCards :: Cards (n - 1) cs)

While we have a lot more noise, we can see our classic recursive pattern. If we were dealing with normal values we would have:

toSimpleCards :: [Card] -> [SimpleCard]
toSimpleCards [] = []
toSimpleCards (c:cs) = (toSimpleCard c) : (toSimpleCards cs)

Now let's create a deck of cards. Writing out all 52 cards by hand would be tedious, so lets take the cartesian product instead. First we need an type-level Append function:

type family Append (a :: [k]) (b :: [k]) where
    Append '[] bs = bs
    Append (a ': as) bs = a ': (Append as bs)

And now we can create our cartesian product generator:

type family GenCards (r :: [Rank]) (s :: [Suit]) where
    GenCards r '[] = '[]
    GenCards '[] s = '[]
    GenCards (r ': rr) (s ': ss) =
        Append ((Card r s) ': GenCards (r ': '[]) ss) (GenCards rr (s ': ss))

And for our grand finally, the deck of cards:

deckOfCards :: Cards 52 (GenCards Ranks Suits)
deckOfCards = mkCards

If we load it up into GHCi we can inspect the value and the type:

*Main> deckOfCards
Cards Refl Refl
*Main> :t deckOfCards
  :: Cards
       '[Card 'Two 'Clubs, Card 'Two 'Diamonds, Card 'Two 'Hearts,
         Card 'Two 'Spades, Card 'Three 'Clubs, Card 'Three 'Diamonds,
         Card 'Three 'Hearts, Card 'Three 'Spades, Card 'Four 'Clubs,
         Card 'Four 'Diamonds, Card 'Four 'Hearts, Card 'Four 'Spades,
         Card 'Five 'Clubs, Card 'Five 'Diamonds, Card 'Five 'Hearts,
         Card 'Five 'Spades, Card 'Six 'Clubs, Card 'Six 'Diamonds,
         Card 'Six 'Hearts, Card 'Six 'Spades, Card 'Seven 'Clubs,
         Card 'Seven 'Diamonds, Card 'Seven 'Hearts, Card 'Seven 'Spades,
         Card 'Eight 'Clubs, Card 'Eight 'Diamonds, Card 'Eight 'Hearts,
         Card 'Eight 'Spades, Card 'Nine 'Clubs, Card 'Nine 'Diamonds,
         Card 'Nine 'Hearts, Card 'Nine 'Spades, Card 'Ten 'Clubs,
         Card 'Ten 'Diamonds, Card 'Ten 'Hearts, Card 'Ten 'Spades,
         Card 'Jack 'Clubs, Card 'Jack 'Diamonds, Card 'Jack 'Hearts,
         Card 'Jack 'Spades, Card 'Queen 'Clubs, Card 'Queen 'Diamonds,
         Card 'Queen 'Hearts, Card 'Queen 'Spades, Card 'King 'Clubs,
         Card 'King 'Diamonds, Card 'King 'Hearts, Card 'King 'Spades,
         Card 'Ace 'Clubs, Card 'Ace 'Diamonds, Card 'Ace 'Hearts,
         Card 'Ace 'Spades]

Using the Cards type we can now generate an entire deck of cards, or some subset of the deck. Note that although we did not explicitly limit the number of the cards in the deck to being 52 or less, we got that 'for free'. Because we insist on each card being unique, there is simply no way to generate a 53rd card.

The implementation here is probably not the most efficient. Additionally, I may have recreated some functions that already exist elsewhere in base but have escaped my seacrhing. If you have improvements, please submit a pull request.

And, believe it or not, this code could be more general. For example, the Cards type is basically a vector of unique values. The first argument to the Cards constructor forces the elements to be cards, but that could be made for flexible.