
🗣️📞 Gossip Model Checking

GPL-3.0 License


GoMoChe - Gossip Model Checking

A Haskell tool to analyse (dynamic) gossip protocols, including an epistemic model checker.

Getting Started

Option A: For a quick try-out, click here to use GoMoChe in your browser via GitPod, wait and use the terminal there.

Option B: To use GoMoChe locally, you need the Haskell Tool Stack. Then do stack build and stack ghci inside this folder.

Usage Examples

List all call sequences permitted by the protocol lns on the graph threeExample defined in the module Gossip.Examples:

GoMoChe> mapM_ print $ sequences lns (threeExample,[])

Count how many of these call sequences are successful and unsuccessful:

GoMoChe> statistics lns (threeExample,[])

The same, for another gossip graph given in short notation:

GoMoChe> statistics lns (parseGraph "01-12-231-3 I4",[])

Evaluate a formula at a gossip state:

GoMoChe> eval (threeExample,[(0,1)]) (S 1 0)
GoMoChe> eval (threeExample,[(0,1)]) (S 1 2)
GoMoChe> eval (threeExample,[(0,1)]) (K 2 anyCall (S 1 0))
GoMoChe> eval (threeExample,[(0,1)]) (K 2 lns (S 1 0))
GoMoChe> eval (threeExample,[(0,1),(1,2)]) (S 0 2)
GoMoChe> eval (threeExample,[(0,1),(1,2)]) (S 2 0)

If you have graphviz installed, you can visualize gossip graphs like this:

GoMoChe> dispDot $ diamondExample

Also execution trees can be visualized, for example:

GoMoChe> dispTreeWith [2] 2 1 lns (tree lns (nExample,[]))

Note: In GitPod, use pdf and pdfTreeWith instead of dispDot and dispTreeWidth.


The file test/results.hs contains a test suite that also covers most examples. You can run it with stack clean; stack test --coverage.


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