
Exercises for the Introduction to Functional Programming course at Helsinki University


Introduction to Functional Programming, exercises

Getting started

  1. Install Stack

  2. Open a terminal

  3. Clone this repository by running

     git clone https://github.com/opqdonut/ifp2018-exercises.git
  4. Change directory to the cloned repository

     cd ifp2018-exercises
  5. Download dependencies by running

     stack build
  6. Then check you can actually run the tests with:

     stack runhaskell W0Test.hs

    This should print Everything seems to be OK!. If you see any errors, you might have a problem with your Haskell installation.

  7. Now you can edit W1.hs and see how well you did by running

     stack runhaskell W1Test.hs

Working on the exercises

  • Edit the Wn.hs files according to the instructions

  • Don't remove or change any type signatures (things like foo :: String -> String) that are already in the files

  • Check your answers for week n with stack runhaskell WnTest.hs (or just runhaskell WnTest.hs if you're not using stack)

  • A typical test failure looks like this:

      Testing 11
      *** Failed! Falsifiable (after 1 test):
      Expected 1, got 3

    This means that the function from exercise 11 failed the test when the two arguments were 0 and 0. The result should have been 1, but it was 3.

    I'm sorry if the test failures aren't always understandable :/

Using GHCi

  • You can also play around with your solutions interactively by
    running stack exec ghci Wn.hs (or ghci Wn.hs).
    This is a good idea for instance when you don't understand the
    test failures.
  • Use the :reload command to reload the file if you've made
  • You can use the :type command to get the type of an expression, for example
    :type tail "asdf"