
Dump the declarations of Haskell modules



(If you want to use this tool as a GitHub Workflow, check out diff-package-api)

Taken from the GHC CI scripts, this tool prints a human-readable representation of the exposed interface of Haskell modules that you can use in CI to ensure that you do not mistakenly introduce a regression.


Binaries for the following operating systems and GHC are provided:

GHC / OS Ubuntu 22.04 (glibc) Alpine 3.20 (musl) macOS 14


  • Pre-releases are provided if you need an urgent fix for a bug;
  • Official releases are available if you need stability and you don't urgently require the latest features.

If you have the GitHub CLI installed, (something like) the following does work:

$ gh release download --repo Kleidukos/print-api --pattern "print-api-*-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m).tar.gz" --output - | tar -x -z -C <INSTALL_DIRECTORY>


Go in your project and build it with the GHC environment files enabled:

$ cabal build --write-ghc-environment-files=always

You need the appropriate print-api-<GHC_VERSION> in your PATH. That means, if you did not obtain the executables from the GitHub Releases as described above but build and installed print-api yourself, then you need to install it for the GHC version you intend to use; For example:

$ git clone
$ cd print-api
$ cabal install --with-compiler ghc-<GHC_VERSION>

There is also an script in the print-api repository that installs print-api for GHCs currently installed by GHCup.

Then run the print-api binary from within the source tree of your project:

$ print-api -p <my-package>

Ignore list of modules

By passing the --modules-ignore-list FILE option to print-api, you can specify a list of newline-delimited module names that will be ignored by print-api, and shown as having been ignored in the output.


For instance in the text-display repository:

❯ print-api -p text-display

module Data.Text.Display where
  type Display :: * -> Constraint
  class Display a where
    displayBuilder :: a -> Data.Text.Internal.Builder.Builder
    displayList :: [a] -> Data.Text.Internal.Builder.Builder
    displayPrec :: GHC.Types.Int -> a -> Data.Text.Internal.Builder.Builder
    {-# MINIMAL displayBuilder | displayPrec #-}
    {-# MINIMAL displayBuilder | displayPrec #-}
  type role OpaqueInstance phantom representational