
Some info that supposed to help to understand PureScript from Haskell perspective



PureScript For Haskellers

Some info that supposed to help to understand PureScript from Haskell perspective.

If you already know js it will be even simplier.

About PureScript

PureScript written in Haskell but usually distributed as binaries via NPM.

It uses Bower instead of NPM because Bower have flat dependencies and better dependency resolution. This explained better here: http://harry.garrood.me/blog/purescript-why-bower/

PureScript is strict by default!

Useful links


From Haskell perspective

  1. About Prelude:

    PureScript acts like {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} in Haskell, and Prelude also isn't distributed with PureScript compiler.

    You need to install dependency purescript-prelude and to import it:

    import Prelude
  2. About forall:

    PureScript acts like {-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-} in Haskell.

    You need to explicitly declare forall for every polymorphic type variable.

  3. About unicode:

    In PureScript using unicode is allowed by default.

    Basic unicode symbols also included (such as , , , , , , etc.)

  4. Basic operators equivalents (those which differ):

    PureScript Haskell
    (<<<) (.)
    (>>>) flip (.) or (.>) from flow package
    (#) (Data.Function.&) from base package
    (<#>) (Data.Functor.<&>) from base package
    (<>) (Semigroup type class) (++)
    a *> b (Apply type class) a >> b
    b <* a (Apply type class) b << a
  5. Basic functions equivalents (those which differ):

    PureScript Haskell
    map (Functor type class) fmap (works like map for lists)
    unsafeThrowfrom Control.Monad.Eff.Exception.Unsafefrom purescript-exceptions package error
    forkAfffrom Control.Monad.Afffrom purescript-aff package forkIO

    If you're looking for Haskell's Control.Concurrent.MVar look at PureScript's Control.Monad.Aff.AVar from purescript-aff package.

  6. About point-free style:

    For partially applied operators you must specify ghost place for a value:

    PureScript Haskell
    (_ + 2) (+ 2)
    (2 + _) (2 +)

    You're defenitely familiar with {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} in Haskell:

    In PureScript you have kinda the same, but again, you need to explicitly set ghost place for a value:

    case _ of
      Just x  -> 34
      Nothing -> 42

    That in Haskell would be:

      Just x  -> 34
      Nothing -> 42

    To update a record in PureScript you also use a ghost place marker:

    _ { foo = 42 }

    But in PureScript you also able to easily modify nested records without even using stuff like lenses:

    _ { foo { bar { baz = 42 } } }

    You able create a function that fills record values this way:

    { foo: _, bar: _ }

    Which is equivalent to:

    \foo bar -> { foo: foo, bar: bar }

    Or even to (as in js):

    \foo bar -> { foo, bar }
  7. About Unit:

    PureScript Haskell
    Type Unit Type ()
    Value unit Value ()
  8. About IO:

    If you're looking what would be equivalent to IO () in Haskell or just wondering what the heck is Eff (foo :: FOO) Unit:

    PureScript have improved implementation of IO monad in Haskell, the main difference is that Eff monad (in PureScript) have additional parameter to specify limitation of possible side-effects (such as CONSOLE, DOM, REF, etc.) so you can have more precise control of IO stuff.

    You defenitely should read official docs about this, the story couldn't be told in few sentences.

    Few tips about Eff (Eff means effects):

    • IO () is kinda forall eff. Eff eff Unit;
    • You must type your own Eff monads providing type of side-effects which it
      going to make (e.g. Eff (console :: CONSOLE) Unit);
    • But usually it's better to allow to use your monad inside more complex ones
      by making it polymorphic (e.g.
      forall eff. Eff (console :: CONSOLE | eff), that means it can do
      CONSOLE stuff but not limited to be used in context of others);
    • | could be read as as (this aliases whole block inside parentheses).

    For async stuff (kinda threading, but remember you're in js world, it's not really threads) you have similar Aff monad. You also should read docs about this too.

    Few tips about Aff:

    • Doing Aff is kinda doing forkIO in Haskell I believe;
    • Use launchAff or launchAff_ to run Aff from Eff monad
    • Use forkAff to run another Aff from Aff monad asynchronously;
    • Use liftEff (Control.Monad.Eff.Class from purescript-eff)
      to execute Eff from Aff monad;
    • Use liftEff' (Control.Monad.Aff from purescript-aff)
      to execute Eff from Aff monad if Eff monad has EXCEPTION effect.

    Keep in mind that PureScript is strict by default, so using:

    if condition
       then someMonad foo bar
       else pure unit

    could be better than:

    when condition $ someMonad foo bar

    in sense of efficiency, because if condition compiles to native js if condition while when constructs function reference with possible partial application.

    See also:

  9. About booleans

    PureScript Haskell
    Type Boolean Type Bool
    Value true Value True
    Value false Value False
  10. About tuples

    In PureScript there's no special syntax for tuples.

    You also need to install purescript-tuples.

    PureScript Haskell
    Type Tuple Bool Int Type (Bool, Int)
    Value Tuple true 42 Value (True, 42)
    Pattern (Tuple x y) Pattern (x, y)
  11. About lists

    PureScript has builtin Arrays. Functional Lists are provided by purescript-lists package.

    [1,2,3] will produce an Array Int (not [Int] because in PureScript there's no sugar for typing Arrays/Lists).

    PureScript doesn't have special syntax for Array comprehensions. Here is an example of doing comprehension using monads:

    factors :: Int -> Array (Tuple Int Int)
    factors n = do
      a <- 1 .. n
      b <- 1 .. a
      guard $ a * b == n
      pure $ Tuple a b

    An example of Array patterns:

    f []     = -1
    f [x]    = x
    f [x, y] = x * y
    f _      = 0

    There's no builtin cons for Arrays for pattern-matching (some performance issues) but some helpers are provided by purescript-arrays package.

    See also about this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42450347/purescript-pattern-match-arrays-of-unknown-length#42450443

    Pattern-matching on Lists:

    PureScript Haskell
    (Cons x xs) (x : xs)
  12. About records:

    Records in PureScript isn't limited to be used in context of data, they're independent, you don't need (but may) have a wrapper for a record.

    Here is an example of a function that works with records:

    foo :: { foo :: String, bar :: Int } -> Int
    foo x = x.bar

    Type of foo is equivalent to:

    foo :: Record (foo :: String, bar :: Int) -> Int

    foo also can deal with any record that have bar :: Int if it's typed like this:

    foo :: forall r. { bar :: Int | r } -> Int

    You can read about | above, it acts here the same way.

    Constructing new records is simple:

    bar = { foo: "Foo", bar: 42, baz: true }

    But keep in mind that when you construct new record you use : but when you update a record you use =:

    bar { bar = 34 }

    An example how to update a nested record:

    foo { bar { baz { bzz = 42 } } }

    Destructuring also works as in js:

    1. foo x = log x.bar
      foo { bar } = <- log bar
      foo { bar: baz } = <- log baz
    2. foo = do
        x <- bar
        log x.baz
      foo = do
        { baz } <- bar
        log baz
      foo = do
        { baz: bzz } <- bar
        log bzz
  13. About deriving type class instance:

    Deriving instances separated from data, here's an example:

    derive instance eqLocation :: Eq Location
    derive instance genericLocation :: Generic Location
    instance showLocation :: Show Location where show = gShow

    Names eqLocation, genericLocation and showLocation is just for produced js code, they're named like this just by convention but they can be named differently.

  14. About imports:

    In PureScript you don't have qualified keyword for imports, if an import have as alias it is qualified.

    In PureScript as keyword must be places after everything (even after explicit imports).

    PureScript Haskell
    import Data.Foo as Foo import qualified Data.Foo as Foo
    import Data.Foo as Foo (foo) import qualified Data.Foo (foo) as Foo
  15. About some packages:

    • Maybe isn't included, install purescript-maybe
    • purescript-console for writing to the console
    • purescript-nullable to deal with js nulls (when you really need it)
    • purescript-generics to deal with Generic stuff
    • purescript-lens if you're looking for Kmett's lenses

This is pretty short list that supposed to get basic stuff as fast as possible, read articles by this links to go deeper: