
Deep-embedded combinators for strategic rewriting.

MIT License



A library for strategic rewriting. Rewrite rules look like this:

process :: Rewrite User Record
increment :: Rule Int -- aka Rewrite Int Int

They are written with a monadic syntax, or the arrow syntax if you so choose. There is also a complete library of useful combinators; if your data structure can't conveniently be crawled with this library, please file an issuethat's a bug!

You can invoke a rule with rewrite. The semantics of this rule (choice, failure, and sequencing) are inferred from the provided Alternative-implementing Monad. For example, specializing m to Maybe returns the first successful result, whereas the [] monad returns all successful results.

rewrite :: (Alternative m, Monad m) => t -> Rewrite t a -> m a

If you use the recursion-schemes library and provide Recursive and Corecursive instances for your data type, you can apply a Rewrite at every level of a data structure:

recursively :: (Alternative m, Monad m, Corecursive t, Recursive t, Foldable (Base t))
            => Rewrite t a
            -> t
            -> m a

There also exists directed rewrite rules, in the manner of Lmmel et al.'s The Essence of Strategic Programming.

applyAll :: (Corecursive t, Recursive t, Traversable (Base t))
         => Rule t -> Rule t

This library was extracted from the semantic project, and as such is licensed under the MIT license.