
Transmogrify Haskell values with the same overall shape

MIT License


Have you ever wanted to do something like this?

> cons 'a' (1::Int, 2::Word, 3::Double) :: (Char, Int, Word, Double)

Or how about this?

> unsnoc ('a',1::Int,2::Word,3.0::Double) :: ((Char, Int, Word), Double)

Let me try to completely confuse you (and potentially give a hint as to what I'm doing):

> transmogrify ('H', 'a', 's', 'k', 'e', 'l', 'l') :: ((Char, Char), Char, (Char, Char, (Char, Char)))

One more hint:

> data Foo = Bar Char Char Char deriving (Show, Generic)
> transmogrify ('a', 'b', 'c') :: Foo
Bar 'a' 'b' 'c'

You read that right

What do you mean by that?

I've suddenly become really interested in GHC Generics, and it occurred to me the other day that -- since it basically decomposes more interesting types to products and sums with lots of associated metadata -- that it should be possible to get two different types that are fundamentally the same shape but lots of different pesky metadata.

Turns out, it is possible. I've got a prototype of a little library that implements this on GitHub, and that's what I used for those examples above.

How it works

Basically, all metadata (constructor names, record aliases, strictness annotations, etc.) is stripped out. This is done recursively throughout the entire type, stopping at fundamental types like Int and Char. To cap it all off, products and converted from a tree-like implementation into an explicit list (this is even done recursively for any products contained within products, like the nested tuples above).

When will this be on Hackage?

I doubt it will be.

The approach is a bit hacky, with various type-classes required including type aliases, etc. That's not too bad, but there is pretty much no type safety or inference available (hence all the explicit annotations above).

The performance is also not great: it's fundamentally O(n), and there's no way to really fix this (at least that I can see).

There are also currently two limitations with the implementation:

  1. No handling of sum-types. This could be remedied by basically copying and modifying the existing handling of product types.

  2. An explicit list of types is needed to be able to stop type recursion; this is currently limited to numeric types and Char.

This second limitation is the biggest fundamental problem with how to get this to a production-ready library. Ideally you could specify "this type should not be examined". Even better: if a component type doesn't have a Generic instance then don't bother trying to split it apart.

So, now what?

Well, the code is there. If there's enough interest I might try and clean it up and put it on Hackage regardless.

But if you think this will somehow solve all your problems, then maybe you should re-think what you're doing ;-)