
A python library to send rc signals with the RaspyRFM module

GPL-3.0 License


.. |pypi_version| image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/raspyrfm-client.svg :target: https://badge.fury.io/py/raspyrfm-client

raspyrfm-client |pypi_version|

A python 3.4+ library that allows the generation of network codes for the RaspyRFM rc module (and other gateways too!).

Build Status

.. |build_master| image:: https://travis-ci.org/markusressel/raspyrfm-client.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/markusressel/raspyrfm-client/branches

.. |build_beta| image:: https://travis-ci.org/markusressel/raspyrfm-client.svg?branch=beta :target: https://travis-ci.org/markusressel/raspyrfm-client/branches

.. |build_dev| image:: https://travis-ci.org/markusressel/raspyrfm-client.svg?branch=dev :target: https://travis-ci.org/markusressel/raspyrfm-client/branches

.. |codebeat_master| image:: https://codebeat.co/badges/fcac9cfe-b6a2-4c4a-938d-42214371dc3d :target: https://codebeat.co/projects/github-com-markusressel-raspyrfm-client-master

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Home Assistant

The initial goal of this library was to be able to integrate the SimpleSolutions ConnAir gateway with Home Assistant <https://www.home-assistant.io>. This gateway is sadly not sold anymore but there are other alternatives like the Intertechno Gateway or the ConnAir Emulator script <https://github.com/Phunkafizer/RaspyRFM/blob/master/connair.py> that can be used on a Raspberry Pi equipped with a 433MHz radio like the RaspyRFM from Seegel Systeme <https://www.seegel-systeme.de/produkt/raspyrfm-ii/>_.

You can find the related integration documentation here: RaspyRFM Home Assistant component documentation <https://www.home-assistant.io/components/switch.raspyrfm/>_

How to use


:code:pip install raspyrfm-client


For a basic example have a look at the example.py <https://github.com/markusressel/raspyrfm-client/blob/master/example_simple.py>_ file.

If you need more info have a look at the documentation <http://raspyrfm-client.readthedocs.io/>_ which should help.

Basic Example

Import required modules ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python

from raspyrfm_client import RaspyRFMClient from raspyrfm_client.device_implementations.controlunit.actions import Action from raspyrfm_client.device_implementations.controlunit.controlunit_constants import ControlUnitModel from raspyrfm_client.device_implementations.gateway.manufacturer.gateway_constants import GatewayModel from raspyrfm_client.device_implementations.manufacturer_constants import Manufacturer

Create the :code:RaspyRFMClient object ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Get a client instance by calling:

.. code-block:: python

rfm_client = RaspyRFMClient()

Create a :code:Gateway instance ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can let the library search automatically for gateways available in LAN using:

.. code-block:: python

gateways = rfm_client.search()

This will return a list of Gateways that can later be used to send signals to.

To get a quick overview of what gateway manufacturers and models are supported call:

.. code-block:: python


Create a gateway instance with the specified :code:IP and :code:Port of your Gateway by using:

.. code-block:: python

gateway = rfm_client.get_gateway(Manufacturer.SEEGEL_SYSTEME, GatewayModel.RASPYRFM, "", 9876)


.. code-block:: python

gateway = rfm_client.get_gateway(Manufacturer.SEEGEL_SYSTEME, GatewayModel.RASPYRFM, "") # defaults to 49880 or the gateway implementations default

Get a :code:ControlUnit ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ControlUnits are the devices that receive the RC signals sent using the gateway, f.ex. a power outlet.

To get a quick overview of what ControlUnits manufacturers and models are supported call:

.. code-block:: python


which will give you an indented list of supported manufacturers and their supported models similar to this:

.. code-block:: text

Elro RC3500-A IP44 DE AB440S AB440D 200W AB440D 300W AB440ID AB440IS AB440L AB440SC AB440WD BAT RC AAA1000-A IP44 Outdoor Brennenstuhl RCS 1000 N Comfort RCS 1044 N Comfort Intertek Model 1919361 [...]

To generate codes for a device you first have to get an instance of its implementation like this:

.. code-block:: python

brennenstuhl_rcs1000 = rfm_client.get_controlunit(manufacturer_constants.BRENNENSTUHL, manufacturer_constants.RCS_1000_N_COMFORT)

The parameters of the :code:get_controlunit() method always need to be an enum value of the specified type. You can get an enum constant by its name though using:

.. code-block:: python

manufacturer = Manufacturer("Intertechno") model = ControlUnitModel("IT-1500")

:code:ControlUnit channel configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Before you can generate codes with your shiny new gateway and :code:ControlUnit implementations you have to specify a channel configuration for your :code:ControlUnit. These configurations can be very different for every device. The best way to know the correct way of specifying the channel configuration for a specific device is to look at the source code (yes I know...) or by trial and error (even worse). A good :code:ControlUnit implementation should tell you how the configuration should look like when specifying it in a wrong way.

However all configurations are a keyed dictionary. So in general there are two ways of passing the channel configuration argument. One (inline):

.. code-block:: python

device.set_channel_config(value1=1, value2=2)

Two (as a dictionary):

.. code-block:: python

    'value1': 1,
    'value2': 2

Note that the keys always need to be a :code:string. The second one is the recommended one as it will often result in a much more readable source code.

For our Brennenstuhl device it would look like this:

.. code-block:: python

    '1': True,
    '2': True,
    '3': True,
    '4': True,
    '5': True,
    'CH': 'A'

Generate action codes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Now that you have a properly set up :code:ControlUnit you can generate codes for it's supported actions by using an :code:Action enum constant that you imported previously.

To get a list of supported actions for a :code:ControlUnit call:

.. code-block:: python


and generate a code for one of them using your :code:Gateway instance:

.. code-block:: python

code = gateway.generate_code(brennenstuhl_rcs1000, Action.ON)

Send the code to the :code:RaspyRFM module ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To send a code for your device of choice you can combine the objects in this call:

.. code-block:: python

rfm_client.send(gateway, brennenstuhl_rcs1000, Action.ON)

This will generate a code specific to the passed in gateway implementation and send it to it's host address immediately after.

Custom implementations

The :code:raspyrfm-client library is designed so you can implement custom devices in a (hopefully) very easy way.

File Structure

All :code:ControlUnit implementations are located in the :code:/device_implementations/controlunit/manufacturer/ module and implement the base class :code:Device that can be found in :code:/device_implementations/controlunit/base.py.

Create a new :code:ControlUnit

To create a new :code:ControlUnit implementation for a new manufacturer and model create a new subdirectory for your manufacturer and a python file for your model:

.. code-block::

│   │   client.py
│   │
│   └───device
│       │   actions.py
│       │   base.py
│       │
│       └───manufacturer
│           │   manufacturer_constants.py
│           │
│           ├───intertek
│           │       Model1919361.py
│           │
│           ├───rev
│           │       Ritter.py
│           │       Telecontrol.py
│           │
│           ├───universal
│           │       HX2262Compatible.py
│           │
│           └───yourmanufacturer
│                   yourmodel.py

Implement a :code:ControlUnit

Now the basic implementation of your :code:ControlUnit should looks like this:

.. code-block:: python

from raspyrfm_client.device_implementations.controlunit.actions import Action
from raspyrfm_client.device_implementations.controlunit.base import ControlUnit

class YourModel(ControlUnit):
    def __init__(self):
        from raspyrfm_client.device_implementations.manufacturer_constants import Manufacturer
        from raspyrfm_client.device_implementations.controlunit.controlunit_constants import ControlUnitModel
        super().__init__(Manufacturer.YourManufacturer, ControlUnitModel.YourModel)

    def get_channel_config_args(self):
        return {}

    def get_pulse_data(self, action: Action):
        return [[0, 0], [0, 0]], 0, 0

    def get_supported_actions(self) -> [str]:
        return [Action.ON]

Most importantly you have to call the :code:super().__init__ method like shown. This will ensure that your implementation is found by the :code:RaspyRFMClient and you can get an instance of your device using :code:rfm_client.get_controlunit() as shown before.

If your manufacturer does not exist yet create a new enum constant in the :code:manufacturer_constants.py file and use its value in your :code:__init__. Do the same thing for your model name in the :code:controlunit_constants.py file.

You also have to implement all abstract methods from the :code:Device class. Have a look at it's documentation to get a sense of what those methods are all about.

After you have implemented all methods you are good to go! Just call :code:rfm_client.reload_implementation_classes() and :code:rfm_client.list_supported_controlunits() to check if your implementation is listed. If everything looks good you can use your implementation like any other one.

Exclude a WIP implementation

To prevent the RaspyRFM client from importing your half baked or base class implementation just include a class field like this:

.. code-block:: python

class YourModel(ControlUnit): DISABLED = True



GitHub is for social coding: if you want to write code, I encourage contributions through pull requests from forks of this repository. Create GitHub tickets for bugs and new features and comment on the ones that you are interested in.



raspyrfm-client by Markus Ressel
Copyright (C) 2017  Markus Ressel

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
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