
Home Assistant library for node with command line interface


Node Home Assistant

Home Assistant utility library and command line interface

NOTE: This is a work in progress ymmv. Currently it's working in my very limited testing and uses the Server Sent Events interface Home Assistant surfaces along with the REST api.

Command Line


  1. Install the module npm install -g node-home-assistant
  2. Add an environment variable with your Home Assistant URL and Password exported as HA_URL and HA_PASSWORD
  3. Run ha history as a quick test
  4. See other commands and examples by running ha with no other options
  5. The command line tool surfaces a lot of the defaults and configuration via environment variables, checkout config.js for a listing

Command line help output

$ ha

Usage: ha [cmd]

  -V, --version                                 output the version number
  -v, --version                                 get version
  -d, --debug                                   output debug messages
  -u, --url <url>                               home assistant url
  -p, --password <password>                     home assistant password
  -h, --help                                    output usage information

  history [options]                             Get history, defaults to all history from past hour
  states [options]                              Get list of all known states, returns only the list of entity_ids with states
  entities [options]                            Get list of all known entities, returns only the list of entity_ids
  dashboard [options]                           Display a dashboard that is updated with state data as events occur
  service <domain> <service> [data]             Calls home assistant service with data provided, outputs the response body from home assistant
  show [options] <entity|entities> [entity_id]  Get all details of one or more home assistant entities, returns only JSON object. If no entity is found JSON object will be empty, no error will be thrown


    * History:
      $ ha history --pretty --relative-dates
      $ ha history --entity_id binary_sensor.motion_office_motion
      $ ha history --include office --exclude group --pretty
      $ ha history --include '(office|livingroom)' --exclude '(sensor|group)' --pretty
      $ ha history --from "3 days ago" --to "2 days ago"
      $ ha history -i '(office|bedroom)' -e '(^sensor|device_tracker|group)' -f '1 day ago' --pretty
    * States:
      $ ha states
      $ ha states --pretty --relative-dates
      $ ha states -i '^sensor' -e '_motion$|transmission|pihole'
    * Entities:
      $ ha entities
      $ ha entities --pretty
      $ ha entities --include '^sensor' --exclude '_motion$|transmission|pihole'
    * Entity Details:
      $ ha show entities
      $ ha show entities group.all_switches
      $ ha show entities --include sensor
    * Calling Services
      $ ha service light turn_on '{ "entity_id": "light.garage_hue_room" }'
      $ ha service light turn_off '{ "entity_id": "light.garage_hue_room" }'
      $ ha service light turn_off
    * Dashboard:
        $ ha dashboard
        $ ha dashboard --include '^sensor' --exclude '_motion$|transmission|pihole'

Use as a library in your own project

  1. Install module locally npm install --save node-home-assistant
  2. Check out the _examples directory in this project which shows some usage of the API and Events listener interfaces
  3. Quick example below:
const HomeAssistant = require('node-home-assistant');

const config = {
    baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8123',
    apiPass: 'supersecretpassword'

const homeAssistant = new HomeAssistant(config, { startListening: true });

// Call a service with domain, service, data
homeAssistant.api.callService('light', 'turn_off', { entity_id: 'light.office_hue_room' })
    .then(res => console.log('Light switched off', res))
    .catch(e => console.log(e));

// Events by event_type as sent by home assistant ('state_changed' and 'service_executed' from home assistant below)'ha_events:state_changed', (evt) => console.log(`(ha_events:state_changed) ${JSON.stringify(evt)}`));


  • CLI option to call service
  • More tests
  • Finish CLI Dashboard
  • Update API to use new home assistant authentication methods