
Streamline your Lovelace configuration with with a card template system.

MIT License


Streamline Card

Streamline your Lovelace configuration with with a card template system.

This card is for Lovelace on Home Assistant.

We all use multiple times the same block of configuration across our lovelace configuration and we don't want to change the same things in a hundred places across our configuration each time we want to modify something.

streamline-card to the rescue! This card allows you to reuse multiple times the same configuration in your lovelace configuration to avoid repetition and supports variables and default values.

streamline-card is an adaptation of decluttering-card by @brunosabot which is not maintained anymore.


With HACS (Recommended)

This method allows you to get updates directly on the HACS main page

  1. If HACS is not installed yet, download it following the instructions on
  2. Proceed to the HACS initial configuration following the instructions on
  3. On your sidebar go to HACS
  4. Click on the three dots button at the top right corner then Custom repositories
  5. Put the form:
    • as the repository
    • Dashboard as the type
    • Press Add
  6. Now search for Streamline Card and then click on the button at the bottom right corner to download it
  7. Go back on your dashboard and click on the icon at the right top corner then on Edit dashboard
  8. You can now click on Add card in the bottom right corner and search for Streamline Card

If it's not working, try to clear your browser cache.

Without HACS

  1. Download these files: streamline-card.js
  2. Add these files to your <config>/www folder
  3. On your dashboard click on the icon at the right top corner then on Edit dashboard
  4. Click again on that icon and then click on Manage resources
  5. Click on Add resource
  6. Copy and paste this: /local/streamline-card.js?v=1
  7. Click on JavaScript Module then Create
  8. Go back and refresh your page
  9. You can now click on Add card in the bottom right corner and search for streamline Card
  10. After any update of the file you will have to edit /local/streamline-card.js?v=1 and change the version to any higher number

If it's not working, just try to clear your browser cache.`


Defining your templates

First, you need to define your templates.

The templates are defined in an object at the root of your lovelace configuration. This object needs to be named streamline_templates.

With the yaml mode

[!WARNING] The path are put here as examples. you might want to change them to match your needs.

Also, you need to understand the principles of yaml and Home Assistant's includes to fully understand this version.

In your lovelace-dashboard.yaml file, you will find the following lines, adjusted to your needs:

  mode: yaml
  title: My Example Dsahboard
  icon: mdi:face-man
  require_admin: false
  show_in_sidebar: true
  filename: lovelace/ui/ui-example.yaml

This will create a new dashboard named ui-example with the content of the file lovelace/ui/ui-example.yaml. This file name is very important because it is the place where you are going to put your templates.

The file will look like this:

title: "My Example Dashboard"

  - !include ../views/example/first-view.yaml

streamline_templates: !include_dir_named ../streamline_templates/

or, if you want to inline all your templates:

title: "My Example Dashboard"

  - !include ../views/example/first-view.yaml

    # ...

    # ...

With the UI Mode

[!WARNING] Even if you are using the UI mode, you need to understand the principles of yaml to make streamline-card work.

When editing your dashboard in UI mode, you can find an option to edit it as a yaml file. For this, open the three dots menu at the top right of the dashboard and click on Raw configuration editor. This will open a panel where you can edit your dashboard as a yaml file.

In this file, just add at the top of the file the following lines:

    # ...

    # ...

Next, you can get back to the UI mode and add new streamline-cards to your dashboard with the UI Editor.

Basic templates

This object needs to contains your templates declaration, each template has a name and can contain variables. A variable needs to be enclosed in double square brackets [[variable_name]]. It will later be replaced by a real value when you instantiate a card which uses this template. If a variable is alone on it's line, enclose it in single quotes: '[[variable_name]]'.

You can also define default values for your variables in the default object.

For a card:

    default:  # This is optional
      - <variable_name>: <variable_value>
      - <variable_name>: <variable_value>
    card:  # This is where you put your card config (it can be a card embedding other cards)
      type: custom:my-super-card

For a Picture-Element:

    default:  # This is optional
      - <variable_name>: <variable_value>
      - <variable_name>: <variable_value>
    element:  # This is where you put your element config
      type: icon

Example in your lovelace-ui.yaml:

  - url: /local/streamline-card.js
    type: module

  my_first_template: # This is the name of a template
      - icon: fire
      type: custom:bubble-card
      name: "[[name]]"
      icon: "mdi:[[icon]]"
      entity: "[[entity]]"

  my_second_template: # This is the name of another template
      type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
        - type: horizontal-stack
            - type: custom:bubble-card
              entity: "[[entity_1]]"
            - type: custom:bubble-card
              entity: "[[entity_2]]"

Advanced templates

Every key of the template could be using a javascript expression. This could be useful if you want to condition the display of a card based on some advanced logic. Every key of the template that should be executed as JavaScript must end with _javascript.

For example, you can use this feature to display a different entity depending on a boolean status:

  my_advanced_template: # This is the name of a template
      type: custom:bubble-card
      name: "[[name]]"
      icon: "mdi:[[icon]]"
      # This entity is a JavaScript expression
      entity_javascript: "states[input_boolean.vacation_mode].state === 'on' ? 'weather.vacation_city' : 'sensor.home_city';"

If you have deep nested objects, you can use the same syntax everywhere:

  my_advanced_template: # This is the name of a template
      type: custom:bubble-card
      name: "[[name]]"
      icon: "mdi:[[icon]]"
        - name: Min
          # This icon is a JavaScript expression
          icon_javascript: "states[input_boolean.vacation_mode].state === 'on' ? 'mdi:thermometer-off' : 'mdi:thermometer'"
          entity: "[[entity]]"
          attribute: forecast[0].templow
          show_background: false
          show_attribute: true

And if you have an array of simple items, you can also use the following syntax:

  my_advanced_template: # This is the name of a template
      type: custom:bubble-card
      name: "[[name]]"
      icon: "mdi:[[icon]]"
      # This will create an array with the result of each JavaScript expression
        - "Math.random()"
        - "Math.random()"
        - "Math.random()"

Finally, you can combine classic variables and javascript expressions in the same template:

  my_advanced_template: # This is the name of a template
      type: custom:bubble-card
      name: "[[name]]"
      icon: "mdi:[[icon]]"
      # This entity is a JavaScript expression using the toggle variable
      entity_javascript: "states['[[toggle]]'].state === 'on' ? 'weather.vacation_city' : 'sensor.home_city';"

Using the card

Name Type Requirement Description
type string Required custom:streamline-card
template object Required The template to use from streamline_templates
variables list Optional List of variables and their value to replace in the template

Example which references the previous templates:

- type: custom:streamline-card
  template: my_first_template
    - name: Test Button
    - icon: arrow-up

- type: custom:streamline-card
  template: my_first_template
  variables: Default Icon Button

- type: custom:streamline-card
  template: my_second_template
    - entity_1: switch.my_switch
    - entity_2: light.my_light