
Node Util for controlling a switchbot switch, either over MQTT or via a HTTP API


Switchbot Controller Util

Util for controlling a switchbot switch, either over MQTT or via a HTTP API (https://www.switch-bot.com/)


Run npm install -g https://github.com/binsentsu/switchbot-ctrl


switchbotctrl by itself will print usage information

You need to manually specify a list of MAC addresses to connect to, e.g.: switchbotctrl f5:11:7b:ee:f3:43

You must then specify options to use either MQTT, HTTP or both

To use with HTTP

Specify a port for the API to listen on with -l: switchbotctrl MACx MACy -l 3000

To use with MQTT

Specify a broker URL with --url option: switchbotctrl --url mqtt://yourbroker (mqtt/mqtts/ws/wss accepted)

Username and password for MQTT may be specified with -u and -p option

If no password argument is supplied, you can enter it interactively

Base topic defaults to homeassistant, but may be configured with the -topic option


To issue commands:

ON: <baseTopic>/switch/<deviceID>/set - message: 'ON'

OFF: <baseTopic>/switch/<deviceID>/set - message: 'OFF'

In addition, for use with Home Assistant MQTT Discovery:

To automatically setup the switch device: <baseTopic>/switch/<deviceID>/config will be set to, e.g.:

    "name": "MAC",
    "availability_topic": "homeassistant/switch/MACx/connection",
    "payload_available": "Online",
    "payload_not_available": "Offline",
    "command_topic": "homeassistant/switch/MACx/set",
    "payload_on": "ON",
    "payload_off": "OFF",
    "unique_id": "switchbot_MACx_switch",
    "device": {
        "identifiers": "switchbot_MACx",
        "name": "MACx",
        "manufacturer": "Switchbot"


<deviceID> has format of the device's MAC address in lowercase, with the colon's stripped out and cannot be changed

HTTP Endpoints

GET /: list devices. Response type: [String : Device] - ID as String key, Device as value


GET /<deviceID>: Get individual device data (or 404 if no device by that ID).

Response type: Device example:


POST /<deviceID>/on: Send ON command to switchbot. Response type: 200 - OK or 404 - Not Found

POST /<deviceID>/off: Send OFF command to switchbot. Response type: 200 - OK or 404 - Not Found

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