
Let's design an international json-based standard format, used for description, storing, exchange and automation of beer brewing recipes

OTHER License


Open Brew

Introducing the Open Brew Standard

The beer brewing scene changes. Since the craftbeer revolution came along, brewing beer became a popular sport again. Everyone has the ability to brew a custom beer and make experiences by creating own recipes. And that's great. But the distribution of these recipes is a disaster. There are so much cool projects (such as craftbeerpi, kleiner-brauhelfer and so on) but all of them use individual data exchange formats like sql or the outdated beerxml. So we still miss an offical, fully featured standard for brewing recipes. Let us design a worldwide standard format in json together. Let's make the default for home brewing automation. Let's make it easy, sharing brew recipes across the world. Everyone with some experience in brewing and json-skills is welcome!



  • Json Schema as definition format
  • Versioning for further development
  • Variable and scalable ingredient amounts
  • Multi language support
  • Automation details possible but not required
  • Free definition of brew steps
  • Enums for often used values
  • Support for multiple units, etc.

Steps to version 1.0.0

  • Finalize the JSON Example
  • Full Documentation in Wiki
  • Extract json schema from example
  • Add description, required fields, enum values to schema
  • Release version 1.0.0

Thoughts for future versions

  • Swagger json definition
  • Wikipedia article about Open Brew
  • Formula and Codelibs for extrapolating amounts
  • Minimum requirements of brew equipment (container size, ...)
  • Free online hub for all recipes worldwide (
  • Directly import your favourite recipes to your IoT-Device
  • Address all automated parts (SSRs; Pumps; ...) in this json format

Open Brew - Format Description

Supported Solids

TODO: Translate grain types and add them to "Wording"

Value Grain Type Extract in Grams
pilsenerMalt Pilsener Malz 800 - 840
viennaMalt Wiener Malz 800 - 820
munichMalt Mnchner Malz 790 - 820
caraMalt Caramalz 720 - 750
caraMaltDark Caramalz, dunkel 720 - 760
wheatMalt Weizenmalz 800 - 820
roastedMalt Rstmalz 700 - 750
corn Mais 800 - 810
rice Reis 800
grainFlakes Getreideflocken 650 - 750
saccharose Haushaltszucker 1000
dryMaltExtract Malzextrakt (trocken) 990
liquidMaltExtract Flssigmalzextrakt 800
honey Honig 680 - 750

Supported Unit Types

Some elements need a concrete specification of their unit types. The supported unit types for the respective element are defined below.

Element Type Possible Values
ratioUnit string gramPerLiter, percent, degreePlato
tempUnit string celsius, fahrenheit, kelvin
timeUnit string week, hour, minute, second, millisecond
tasteUnit string ibu
chemicalUnit string dh, ppm
colorUnit string srm, lovibond, ebc
weightUnit string grams, kilograms

Unit Type Value Description

Value Display Hint Description
gramPerLiter g/L Defines the ratio amount of grams for each liter
percent % Defines the ratio amount in percent (fraction of 100)
volumePercent % vol. MISSING: Has anyone a good description?
degreePlato P MISSING: Has anyone a good description?
celsius C Temperature using Celsius skala
fahrenheit F Temperature using Fahrenheit skala
kelvin K Temperature using Kelvin skala
week You don't know that? Go back to school ;)
hour You don't know that? Go back to school ;)
minute You don't know that? Go back to school ;)
second You don't know that? Go back to school ;)
millisecond You don't know that? Go back to school ;)
ibu IBU International Bitterness Unit for measuring bitterness
dh dH Measuring unit for alkalinity or "hardness" of water
ppm ppm Measuring unit for alkalinity or "hardness" of water
srm SRM "Standard Reference Method" Standard color measuring unit outside of europe
lovibond L "Degree Lovibond" First, oldest and rareliest color measuring unit
ebc EBC "European Brewing Convention" Standard color measuring unit in europe

Elements in order of their apperance

Document Body

Element Type Description
openBrewVersion string Defines the version of the Open Brew Format (major.minor.patch)
encoding string Defines the encoding of the current json document, standard ist "UTF-8"
recipeName string The Name of the beer brewing recipe
recipeVersion number Defines the version of the recipe. Every change increases the value by 1, beginning by 1
createDate date-time Provides the date and time when this recipe has been created
changeDate date-time Provides the date and time of the last change to this recipe
brewStyle string Brew style, i. e. "Amber Lager". Freetext, too much variations here
descriptions array Multi language texts Describe your recipe in a few words. Muliple languages supported
matureTime object Amount The expected timespan the beer needs to mature
originalWort object Amount The amount of original wort in your maish. Nearly always describes in percent
bitterness object Amount Describes the bitterness of your beer. IBU is the unit
carbonDioxide object Amount The little thing, that makes you burp comes up with that likely name. It's preferred to define it in gram per liter
author object Author Provides information about the author of the current recipe
ingredients object Ingredients Provides every commodity you need to start brewing
brewing array Brewing Describes the hard way to glory. The steps to your own beer. And that manual and also fully automated. Automated is not so hard ;)


Element Type Description
private boolean Indicates if the author is a private or commercial brewer
brewery string Name of the brewery
brewMaster string Full name of the brew master, i. e. "Hannes Pfaffenhuber"
url string A valid url to the authors homepage, i. e. ""
phone string The phone number with country code, i. e. "+49 911 123456789"
address object Address The full address of the brewery or the private brewmaster
geo object Geo Provides geo coordinates of the address for displaying at maps, etc.


Element Type Description
street string Full street name with house number and additions (i. e. "Street 14 A")
zip string Zip of the address, string for international use
city string The city of the address. For multilingual citynames, use english version
federated State string The federated state (not available in all countries) i. e. "Bavaria"
country string The name of the brewers country


Element Type Description
latitude number Latitude of the address (value between -90 and 90)
longitude number Longitude of the address (value between -180 and 180)


Element Type Description
water object Water An object that provides some data about the brewing water
solids array Solid This array contains all used solids and their details
hops array Hop This array contains all hops and their details
yeast object Yeast The details about the yeast to use


Element Type Description
alkalinity object Amount Defines the required, ideal alkalinity of brewing water


Element Type Description
name string Name of the used solid
type enum Type of the used solid (Supported Solids)
relativeAmount object Amount The relative amount in percent. All amounts found in solids-array together must yield 100
color object Amount The color in the unit type. So that the final color of the beer can be calculated


Seems like here is something to do...


Element Type Description
name string Name of the used yeast


Element Type Description
mashing object Mashing Stop! Mashing Time! Here are all rest steps defined.
sparging object Sparging Steps for sparging
fermentation object Fermentation Steps for fermentation


Element Type Description
mashInTemperature object Amount When this temperature has been reached, add solids to your mash
rests array Rest Defines the rests at each temperature levels

Mash In Temperature

Seems like here is something to do...


Seems like here is something to do...


Seems like here is something to do...


Seems like here is something to do...

Recurring Types

Some types are more or less often reused in open brew format.

Multi language texts

Element Type Description
language string Defines the language by ISO 639-1, i. e. "en"
text string The text value in the specified language


Element Type Description
amout number A double-precision floating point number representing the value
{current}Unit string The unit type of the amount. For possible element names and values see Supported Unit Types