
setting up Mac as much as automatically!

MIT License


related document



$ git clone ~/setup_mac
$ cd ~/setup_mac
$ git remote set-url origin [email protected]:kibitan/setup_mac.git
$ ./
  • if permittion denied happen, then try sudo chmod 0775 /usr/local/etc

also setup the dotfiles, with dropbox directory: ln -s ~/Dropbox/dotfiles ./dotfiles

crontab bins

compress working directory(ex. ~/www ), mainly store source codes, and put it under Dropbox directory (ex. ~/Dropbox/www )

update installed HomeBrew packages

update installed Homebrew Cask packages

dump all installed packages by homebrew-bundle as Brewfile and commit/push it to remote repository

change mac setting by System Preferences

  • Network
    • Firewall - Turn on

  • General

    • Software Update
      • Automatically keep my Mac up to date - enable
      • Install application updates from the App Stire
    • Language & Region
      • set English as Primary
      • add Japanese
      • set Region: Japan
    • Storage
      • Optimize Storage - enable
  • Appearance

    • Appearance: Dark
  • Accessibility

  • Control Center

    • Bluetooth: Show in Menu Bar
    • Sound: Always Show in Menu Bar
    • Other Modules
      • Battery: Don't Show in Menu Bar
    • Menu Bar Only
    • Clock
      • Date
        • Show date: when space - when space allows
        • Show the day of the week - disable time in menu bar
      • Time
        • Style - Digital (if with istat menus - Analog)
        • Display the time with second - enable
      • Spotlight: Don't Show in Menu Bar
    • Siri: Don't Show in Menu Bar
  • Siri & Spotlight

    • disable
    • Spotlight
      • Search Results
        • application
        • calculator
  • Privacy & Security

  • Firevalut - Turn on

  • enable crontab -> Granting "Full Disk Access" to /usr/sbin/cron

  • Desktop & Dock
    • Desktop & stage manager
      • click wallpaer to reveal desktop - only in stage manager
    • Dock
      • Position on screen - left
      • automatic hide - enable
      • add shortcut of Applications
      • customize shortcuts
    • hot corners - Put Display to Sleep
  • Displays
    • Night Shift
      • Schedule: Sunset to Sunrise
    • Advanced
      • Automatically reconnect to any nearby Mac or IPad - enable
  • Wallpaper
    • Shuffle All
  • Screen Saver
    • Shuffle All
  • Battery
    • Prevent automatic sleeping when the display is off - enable

  • Lock Screen
    • require password: immediately

  • User & Group
    • off the guest

  • Touch ID
    • setup fingers

  • Internet Accounts
    • AppleID - iCloud
      • Photos - disable
      • iCloud Drive options
        • Desktop & Documents Folder - disable
        • (rest of all) - enable
      • iCloud Mail - disable
      • Passwords & Keychain - enable
      • show more apps
        • Notes - enable
        • Find My Mac - enable
        • Contacts - enable
        • Calender - enable
        • Reminder - disable
        • Safari - enable
        • Stocks - enable
        • Home - disable
        • Wallet - enable
        • Siri - disable
        • Freeform - enable
        • Map - disable
        • Shortcuts - disable
    • Google
      • Contacts
      • Calenders
      • Notes
  • Wallet & Apple Pay
    • setup card

  • Keyboard
    • Keyboard:
      • press fn/🌐 key to "Do nothing"
      • (touch bar model) Press fnkey to: show F1, F2, etc. Keys
      • (touch bar model) customize Touch bar
      • Keyboards shortcuts -> Modifier Keys... - Caps Lock(⇪) key: ^Control
    • Shortcuts:
      • Mission Control
        • (first making 10 desktops then) enable desktops shortcuts and change to command + [0-9]
      • Input Sources ( it will appear after setup Input Sources section)
        • select the previous input source - option(⌥) + space
        • select next source in input menu - shift + option(⌥) + space
      • Spotlight
        • (if not using raycast) show Spotlight search - control + space
    • Input Sources: ( setup after install google japanese IME )
      • Add "U.S." English keyboard
      • Add "Hiragana (google)" keyboard
      • Remove mac original "Japanese" ( many time freeze )
      • Japanese ( or at Google Japanese Input Preferences )
        • change key "¥" button to "\"
    • dictation
      • on, use enhanced dictation
      • download English and Japanese
  • Trackpad
    • Point & Click
      • secondary click - right corner
      • tap click - enable
      • tracking speed - 2 step down from fastest
    • Scroll & Zoom
      • scroll natural - disable
    • More Gestures
      • swipe between pages - three fingers

change finder setting

  • Press Shift+Cmd+. for showing dot file
  • Preferences
    • General
      • New Finder windows show: home directory
    • Sidebar: customize
    • Advanced:
      • show all filename extensions - enable
      • remove items from the trash after 30 days - enable
      • keep folders on top: in windows when sorting by name - enable
      • when perfoming a search - current folder
  • View (as icon View)
    • Show Preview
    • Show Path Bar
    • Show Status Bar
    • Customize Toolbar
    • Show View Option
      • Group by - None
      • Sort by - Name
      • Icon size - small
      • Show columns
        • Date Modified
        • Date Created
        • Date Last Opened
        • Date Added
        • Size
        • Kind
      • use relative date - disable
      • Calculate all sizes - enable
      • show library folder - enable
      • click - "Use as default"
  • Select "List View" and Press "Command + J" to open View Options
    • check "Calculate All Sizes" and click "Use as Defaults"
  • change default application of mp3, m4a into QuickTimePlayer by Get info

setup Safari

  • Preferences - Autofil - disable all (to not ask save passwords etc)

setup force touch

  • do force touch and just "continue"


lincense install

  • 1Password
  • istat Menus
  • Bartender
  • Dash
  • Witch
  • Rubymine / Goland

manually launch

  • Karabiner Elements (or cmd-eikana)
  • 1Password
    • Preference
      • General - menu bar: disable
  • Music (iTunes)
    • Account - Authorizations - Authorize This Computer
    • setup iphone: connect iPhone and "Trust this computer"
  • App store
  • Google Japanese Input
    • Config
      • General - Input from ¥ or backslash key - Backslash \
    • Dictionary
      • Tools - import to current dictionary - mac_setting/google_japanese_dictionaly
        • TODO: automatic backup/restore, mackup nize?
  • LINE
  • Quiver
    • Preferences:
      • Themea: Dark
      • change library location
        1. Backup: Restore from Backup - mac_setting/Quiver.qvlibrary
        2. Sync: Move library - mac_setting/Quiver.qvlibrary
      • Advanced: Load Settings - mac_setting/Quiver-settings.json
  • Dash
    • Preference: General - Setup Syncing...
      • Set Sync folder(Dropbox/mac_setting/dash)
      • check sync option (General Setting, View option, Docsets search profile, Bookmark )
    • Snippet: Snippet library location: /mac_setting/dash/dash_snippets.dash
    • enable full-text search manually one-by-one
  • Visual Studio Code
    • enable setting sync
  • Docker
  • Rubymine / Goland
    • enable setting sync
  • mousepose
    • allow security
      • System Preferences - Security & Privacy - Privacy - Accessibility: Mousepose - enable
  • Bdash
    • setup github accesstoken ( need gist scope )
  • BetterTouchTool
  • Tunnelblick
  • Caffeine
  • WhatsApp
  • DeskApp for YouTube

with auto launch at login

  • Brave
  • iTerm
    • iTerm2 - Preferences - General - Preferences - Load Preferences from custom folder or URL - mac_setting/iterm_profile, then reboot
    • iTerm2 - Preferences - General - Save changes - Automatically
    • (Mojave: Mac System Preferences - Security & Privacy - Full disk access, add iTerms2 for updating crontab)
  • Warp
  • Notion
  • raycast
    • import Preferences
    • off the menu bar
  • Dropbox
  • Witch
    • Actions - choose "Cycle Non-Minimized Windows", delete other actions
      • Sort by "Window Activity", Orientation "↓"
      • List windows from all spaces - disable
      • ListTabs - disable
      • ListApps without windows - disable
      • Keyboard - choose Forward "command-tab", Backword "shift-command-tab"
    • Appearance
      • Preset Open - mac_setting/witch/dark_original.witchlayout
    • Advances
      • Show list on "display with mouse pointer"
        • Delay - None (most left)
      • Cycle through search for .. - disable
  • istat Menus
    • File - Import Settings - mac_setting/istatmenus/iStat Menus Settings.ismp
  • bluesnooze
  • Backup and Sync from Google
  • Slack
  • discord
  • WiFi Signal
  • totalspaces
  • Bandwidth+
  • Bartender
    • General
      • Show items in bar below menu bar - enable
      • Bartender menu bar icon - bartender
      • menu bar item spacing - Tiny spacing

brew services

  • brew services start noclamshell


  • Battery & Bluetooth status
  • World clock
  • Weather
  • Stock (currency)

(only for Apple Silicon)

install iOS apps like lehra, Tuner, MetaRecorder (apogee record app)



see also:

reinstall macos


tips: no space, no multibyte character to username/fullname of account