
DEPRECATED - Homebridge plugin to control Vaillant Heating system

MIT License


Deprecation warning: This project and repo is now deprecated and will not be maintained anymore. Vaillant has put in place some "protection" on their API to prevent this plugin to work correctly. Feel free to fork and update it for your personal need if you judge it useful for you.

DEPRECATED - homebridge-vaillant-vrc9xx

A plugin for homebridge, which allows to control Vaillant heater equipped with the VRC900 or VRC920 internet module.

It is a partial replacement for the multiMatic app available for iOS and Android.


Beside the pleasure of integrating everything into one single app (Home or Eve), the vaillant app has been a source of frustration for me since the beginning especially:

  • the fact that it is sometimes very "slow" to acquire the connection with the home and give you a current reading of the system status (temperature, heating state, ...)
  • the fact that sometimes "commands" like changing temperature or activating a veto mode were not successful but it wouldn't let you know for sure

The first point is definitelly fixed by this plugin as homebridge will poll vaillant API every minute and record the last known state. I think this continuous polling helps keeping the connection with the internet gateway alive and even if it is broken for some reason, you would still have the last know state available which is better than nothing.

The second point is not fully adressed for now. I plan to build a better retry mechanism that would ensure your command eventually get executed even hours later one the connection with the gateway is restored. This is quite tricky because there is other sources of changes (the vaillant app, manually on the thermostat).

Remark I have to say I have seen improvement in the stability in the last two years. But there is still issues from time to time. I even put the VR900 on a connected plug so that I can reset the gateway remotely when it starts demonstrating weird behaviour.

Beside these points, integration with homekit bring additional benefits like richer automation (based on your location for example).

You can also adapt the temperature along the day (a bit cooler during the period of the day you are active and move a lot, a bit hotter when you are sitting in your coach watching TV).

I am also thinking to integrate predefined schedules that you could activate automatically (when you are away for the week-end for example).

Do not hesitate to let me know if additional features would be useful for you.


Supported Vaillant devices

  • VR900 (tested in combination with VRC700 thermostat)
  • VR920 (tested in combination with VR50 & VR51)
  • VRC700
  • VR50 & VR51

In theory any Vaillant heater that can be controlled with the multiMatic app (iOS and Android) should work too.


  • Node version 12
  • Homebridge 4.50

This might be an issue to upgrade an existing installation of homebridge. So remember that you can deploy a second (or third, ...) instance of homebridge next to an existing one: just change the username and port number in the config file.


After Homebridge has been installed, you can install it globally with the command:

sudo npm install -g homebridge-vaillant-vrc9xx

But instead of doing this, I would highly recommand using homebridge-config-ui-x to deploy and update your plugins.


Below if the configuration with default values

  "bridge": {
  "platforms": [
      "platform": "VaillantVRC9xx",
      "api": {
                "debug": false,
                "polling": 300,
                "user": {
                    "name": "username",
                    "password": "password",
                    "device": "1234-56789-1011"
                "rooms": {
                    "disabled": false,
                    "veto_duration": 180
Attributes Usage
debug If set to "true", it will create a dump file with all queries to the Vaillant API allowing to debug any issue. DO NOT activate this permanently as it will create a huge dump file over time. The path to this dump file will be printed in the logs. The filename is "vaillant-query.log". Your password will not be output in the dump.
name The username used to connect the multiMatic app. I recommand creating a dedicated user for homebridge so that the plugin will never mess-up with your access. This is easily done from within the multiMatic app.
password The password of this user
device A unique identifier used to identify the "device". Just select any random sequence of number.
polling The polling interval (in seconds) the plugin uses to retrieve the state of the system. The communication between the cloud api and the VRC9xx module seems to occur every 5 minutes or so. So the default value is 300. The minimal value is 30 to avoid performing a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack on the API servers
disabled Disable the room-by-room functionnality in case the API incorrectly report it as available
veto_duration When room-by-room (ambiSENSE / VR-50 & VR-51) is used, this parameter defines, in minutes, the duration of "Quick Veto", i.e. changes to the scheduled temperature when the room is in AUTO mode. When done from the Vaillant app, the default is 3 hours / 180 mins, so this is also the default here. This parameter is global for all rooms.

How it works

This configuration will connect to Vaillant API servers and get the full state of the system and create:

  • Per active "Zone":

    • One thermostat
    • One temperature sensor


  • Inactive zones are ignored and will not show up in homekit
  • Zones for which individual rooms (see below) have been defined will not show up in homekit
  • Per active "Room" (require ambiSENSE system with VR50 / VR51 controlled valves):

    • One thermostat
    • One temperature sensor
  • Per "Hot Water Tank":

    • One thermostat
    • One temperature sensor
  • One temperature sensor if your thermostat is connected with an external temperature sensor

  • Two "Contact sensors":

    • One closed if the connection with the cloud is correctly working (will open if 2 consecutive refresh failed)
    • One closed if the connection between cloud and gateway (VR9xx) is not stale (data is fresh enough)

Heating zone


The heating thermostat is fully functional. It will show the current temperature in the room the thermostat is located as well as the target temperature.

The target shown depends on the heating state. The heater can be in 4 states: OFF (completelly stopped), Reduced (Night mode), Day, Auto (alternate between night and day according to the schedule).


  • Two temperatures can be programmed one for the day and one for the night.
  • In "OFF", "Day" or "Auto" mode, the target shown is the day temperature. This is the one you can control via the Apple Home app. In "Reduced" (Night) mode, the target temperature shown/controlled is the night temperature. This is quite logical as you usually want to control the target temperation that is active now. If you want to control these two temperature individually, try the EVE app. It exposes two individual settings.

Room by room (a.k.a ambiSENSE)

Multiple VR50 and one VR51 can be linked to 1 room. One thermostat will be defined for each room regardless of the number of devices in that room.

Note that when a room-by-room is active the corresponding zone becomes useless and not visible in the Vaillant app. So it will no show-up in homekit neither.

The heating thermostat representing the room is fully functional. It will show the current temperature in the room the thermostat is located as well as the target temperature.


  • A single target temperature is available at any given time.
  • If the room contains a (battery powered) device with low battery, the thermostat will report low battery for the room (visible in both Apple Home app and Eve app).
  • As this is not a heater per se, heating status will be reporting "HEATING" if current temperature in the room is lower that target temperature (meaning that the valve is "OPEN").
  • If the valve is in AUTO mode (i.e. following the schedule as defined in Vaillant app), changing temperature will trigger a quick veto (i.e. a deviation from the schedule for a specified amount of time. see veto_duration parameter above). Each times the temperature is changed, the veto duration is reset to inital value.
  • If the valve is in MANUAL mode (i.e. constant temperature all the time, no schedule), changing the temperature from the app will update the target temperature.

Domestic Hot Water

The domestic hot water is represented as a heating thermostat. Only a single target temperature is available.

Temperature Sensors

They come with historical data visible in the Eve app. Some are duplicated from the current temperature in the thermosat for easier access.

Contact Sensors

These sensors allow to monitor the connection between:

  • Homebridge and the cloud
  • The cloud and the gateway

Please note that if the connection between the cloud and the gateway is broken for some reason, after some time the connection between homebridge and the cloud will fail too.

This is because Vaillant api generate an error when the installation is disconnected and you cannot get the last known info.

If this situation occurs during startup of homebridge, the plugin will never finish its initial setup (until the connection can finally be established). That also mean the homebridge instance will not be available.

Known limitations

  • Incorrect status for domestic hotwater. I have not been able to find a way to determine for sure if the boiler is actually currently heating the water tank. I might implement a heuristic based on the planning though (see roadmap)
  • No support for Fan and Cooling
  • Not dynamic: if you add or remove an installation (i.e. a home) or configure new zones, you have to relaunch the plugin for them to appear in homekit
  • Essentially tested in my personnal configuration which is a VRC900 internet gateway, the VRC700 thermostat and the VC306 boiler and a water tank.
  • Room-by-room (a.k.a ambiSENSE) tested only for one installation (multiple rooms, VR50 & VR51)
  • My installation has a single Home, a single "Zone", a single "Water Tank", no Fan, no Cooler. Although the code is written with the possibility of multiple of them (Home, Zone, ...), I cannot guarantee it will work. If you have multiple installation you MUST give them different names. Thanks to a nice user of this pluggin who granted me access to his system, version 0.4.0 now support multiple zones and multiple installation. Beware to give a different name to each installation.
  • Limited error handling. Although it has worked for me quite long periods, sometimes the polling is broken and a restart is required. It is a stupid authentication issue. Just haven't found the time to fix it for now. Has been dramatically improved in my last refactoring.

Roadmap for enhancements

These are the few evolution that I have in mind. Do not hesitate to "vote" for them and/or to propose new items

  • Dynamically deal with new/deleted home, zones, ...
  • Allow to activate some predefined schedules (probably in the form of switches)
  • Provide a way to know if there is pending commands to be treated by the API
  • Use current schedule to determine if the hot water boiler is heating or not

Feel free to vote for your preferred features or propose new ones.


You can contribute to this homebridge plugin in following ways:

  • Report issues and help verify fixes as they are checked in.
  • Review the source code changes.
  • Contribute bug fixes.
  • Contribute changes to extend the capabilities

Pull requests are accepted.

Comments and feedbacks

If you use this and like it - please leave a note by staring this package here or on GitHub.

If you use it and have a problem, file an issue at GitHub - I'll try and help.

If you tried this, but don't like it: tell me about it in an issue too. I'll try my best to address these in my spare time.

If you fork this, go ahead - I'll accept pull requests for enhancements.


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2019 L. Mélon

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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