
Raahu is a tool for extracting metadata from web pages. It retrieves key details like the title, description, image, and canonical URL.


Raahu: Metadata Extraction Tool

Raahu is a tool for extracting metadata from web pages. It retrieves key details like the title, description, image, and canonical URL.


Raahu was developed to address a specific requirement for a friend's SaaS project. I needed to create a "Readings" section where users can share their best readings or highlight noteworthy content they have encountered. Initially, the plan was for users to input the link, title, and description manually. However, I wanted to simplify the process by allowing users to provide just a URL. Raahu would then automatically fetch the title, description, and thumbnail from the web.

The challenge with client-side scraping is that browsers block such requests due to CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) policies. To overcome this, I moved the scraping process to the server side. Now, I don't have to fear about CORS Errors.


  • Title Extraction: Fetch the page title.
  • Description Extraction: Retrieve the meta description or Open Graph description.
  • Image Extraction: Get the Open Graph image or meta image.
  • Canonical URL Extraction: Obtain the canonical URL or use the provided URL.

Technologies Used

  • Backend Framework: Hono
  • Web Scraping: Cheerio
  • Data Fetching: Axios
  • Hosting: Cloudflare Workers (Serverless Architecture)

API Endpoints

GET / : Returns a welcome message and basic information about Raahu.

GET /scrape?url={url} : Extracts metadata from a given URL.

Demo: https://raahu.work-shivam.workers.dev/scrape?url=https://github.com/ashokasec



As Raahu is hosted on a EDGE runtime. This can result in rate limiting or high traffic errors on some websites, such as YouTube.


The IP used by Raahu may be flagged if other users have generated high traffic from the same IP, leading to restrictions or errors. To avoid this issue, consider hosting Raahu on your own serverful VPS where the IP is unique and not shared.


Raahu works with most sites like GitHub and Hashnode. However, sites with strict rate limiting, like YouTube, may encounter issues.

Thank You