🌐 Anand Chowdhary's personal website, blog, and portfolio


🌐 Anand Chowdhary's personal website

Note I'm currently redesigning my personal website. This README is for the upcoming version. If you're looking for the current site's source code, see tree 82c8a7a.

No content is hosted in this repository. Instead, all content is fetched from source-of-truth GitHub repositories:

  • Add 2x image URLs
  • Add cover photos as OG images

💻 Development



Start a local development server:

deno task start

Directory structure

 ┣ components
 ┃ ┣ data
 ┃ ┃ ┣ Timeline
 ┃ ┣ layout
 ┃ ┗ text
 ┣ islands
 ┣ routes
 ┣ static
 ┣ utils
 ┣ deno.json
 ┣ dev.ts
 ┣ fresh.gen.ts
 ┣ import_map.json
 ┣ main.ts
 ┗ twind.config.ts

The configuration files in the root directory are:

  • deno.json - Deno tasks and compiler options
  • dev.ts - Development server script
  • fresh.gen.ts - Autogenerated Fresh manifest
  • import_map.json - Dependency import map
  • main.ts - Entrypoint
  • twind.config.ts - Twind (Tailwind-in-JS) configuration

📄 License

MIT ©️ Anand Chowdhary