
Minimal Hugo theme for blog websites

MIT License


A Hugo theme for the minimalists. Fiber uses minimum JavaScript and CSS to so that you site could load faster! Also posses a clean UI which is great for eyes!!

Table of Contents


There are two ways this theme could be used with any Hugo-based sites.

  1. Using Git Submodules(recommended)
  2. Directly downloading theme to <hugo-site-root>/themes/

Using Submodule

  1. Create your site using hugo new site SITE_NAME
  2. cd to SITE_NAME
  3. Initialize a git repo: git init. This is needed because we have to add a git submodule.
  4. Add submodule by runing git submodule add [email protected]:abdus/hugo-theme-fiber.git themes/hugo-theme-fiber
  5. Now, start Hugo server locally using hugo serve

If there is an update in theme repository, you can pull them using git submodule update --remote

Directly downloading theme

Use this method if you cannot use Git for some reason.

  1. Download this and extract its
    content to SITE_ROOT/themes/hugo-theme-fiber/.
  2. Start hugo locally by executing hugo serve from terminal.


SEO Ready

This theme is loaded with basic SEO as well as with minimal JSON-LD data from


Apart from out-of-the-box shortcodes, it does have a few other useful shortcodes which can be proven helpful at times.


Embed an AsciiNema Cast. Shortcode to use: {{< asciinema id="id of a public cast" >}}

Can I Use

This shortcode shows latest data from website. Useful for web developers. Example:

{{< caniuse feature="abortcontroller" periods="future_1,current,past_1,past_2"

Click to Copy Code

Visitors of the website can copy content of any codeblock with just one click. This will not break code indentations!

Beautiful Notes

Anything you put inside content/notes, would get rough-annotations. This makes it easier to recognize important things from notes.

Rough Annotations are controlled using tags like strong, em and strikethrough. To generate a new notes entry, first you must create directory content/notes. Then use hugo new notes/ to generate a Note. This file would contain information about how to annotate things with above mentioned tags.


Theme Set-up

Listing content in Homepage

Homepage can be configured in two different ways. You can either list your favorite/most-important section fromcontent directory.

Or place custom content inside it.

Or you can do both! Make sure to create a file content/ that have a property title inside fromtmatter. This title property is useful for SEO. Example:

title: "Welcome to my Homepage"

<!-- content goes here -->

List of blogs, notes etc

In order to create a listing of content in homepage, you need to set a variable called mainSections in config.toml file. Example:

mainSections = ["posts"]

Listing custom content

To list custom content, simply place them inside content/ with appropriate frontmatter.

Code Highlighting

By default, Hugo would not use any classes. But this would not work for this theme as some of the features depends on that.

You need to trun on classes for codeblocks. Here's how you'd do it:

# file: config.toml
codeFences = true
noClasses = false

Menu Items

By default, there's only one menu item in top menu. To add more items in there, one needs to define menu items inside config.toml. Following is an example from my site's config.toml:


    identifier = "me"
    name = "Me"
    url = "/me/"
    weight = 10

    identifier = "keys"
    name = "keys"
    url = "/keys/"
    weight = 10

    identifier = "categories"
    name = "categories"
    url = "/categories"
    weight = 10

    identifier = "notes"
    name = "notes"
    url = "/notes/"
    weight = 10

Site Title

Site title is controlled by following params in config.toml:

  title = ""
  mainSections = ["posts"]

Writing Content

Writing Notes

Notes is a special kind hard-coded in this theme. Contents of this kind would get rough-annotations(which makes it easier to manage notes).

Generate a notes page using command hugo new notes/ to learn how to use rough-annotations within notes' page.

Archetype for kind Notes is included.


This theme uses frontmatter to handle custom post description and meta image for SEO. If it can't find meta.image and meta.description, it will fallback to /images/default-meta-image.png and .Summary respectively.

Use these two fields in frontmatter like this:

image: ""
  description: "your custom desc"

<!-- content goes here -->