
Jorin's personal blog

22 - Jorin's personal blog

This site is generated as static files via custom code using Elixir and hosted on Github pages.

After using Hugo for nearly a decade, I decided to take things in my own hands. With the current setup I am in complete control over the rendering and do not have to learn a custom static site generator. All used tooling are common Elixir ecosystem packages.

You can read more about the setup in my Moving the blog to Elixir post.


  • pages/ contains the markdown and YAML content I regularly publish
  • assets/ contains static content
  • lib/ contains the code generating the side
  • output/ is where the generated files are rendered


  • mix deps.get to install dependencies
  • mix compile compiles code and generates the site during the compile step. This runs on commits using a Github Action.
  • iex -S mix runs a dev server serving the side for local development


Thanks to's post on SSG using Elixir for helping me getting started.


The content is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. The code is licensed under the MIT license.