
Static site for Neon Covenant Blog

MIT License




This file will serve as the main documentation for the repository.

# Neon Covenant Blog

This repository contains the source code for the Neon Covenant Blog, a static website built using [Hugo]( The blog covers topics related to nightlife, festivals, technology, and more. The site is automatically deployed to [GitHub Pages]( using a GitHub Actions workflow.

## Features

- **SEO Optimized**: Includes meta tags for SEO, Open Graph, and Twitter Cards.
- **Fast & Lightweight**: Uses Hugo for blazing fast static site generation.
- **Automated Deployment**: GitHub Actions pipeline automates the deployment process to GitHub Pages.
- **Custom Domain**: Hosted at [](

## Table of Contents

- [Installation](#installation)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Development](#development)
- [Deployment](#deployment)
- [Asset Management](#asset-management)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [License](#license)

## Installation

To install and run the project locally:

1. Clone the repository:

   git clone
   cd blog-neoncovenant
  1. Install Hugo:

    Follow the Hugo installation guide for your operating system.

  2. Start the Hugo server:

    hugo server

    Visit http://localhost:1313 to preview the site locally.


The Hugo configuration is located in the config.toml file. Update this file to customize metadata, SEO options, and other site-wide settings.

Example config.toml:

baseURL = ""
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "Neon Covenant Blog"
theme = "your-theme"
enableRobotsTXT = true

  description = "Welcome to the Neon Covenant Blog"
  keywords = ["Neon Covenant", "Blog", "Nightlife", "Festivals", "Tech"]
  author = "Jesse Veils"
  twitterHandle = "@neoncovenant"
  opengraph = true


You can add new content to the blog by creating new markdown files in the content/blog/ directory.

Example of creating a new blog post:

hugo new blog/


Deployment is fully automated with GitHub Actions. Once you push changes to the main branch, the site will be automatically deployed to GitHub Pages. The configuration for the GitHub Actions workflow is located in .github/workflows/gh-pages.yml.

Asset Management

  • Images: Stored in static/images/ or content/uploads/images/.
  • Documents: Stored in static/docs/ or content/uploads/documents/.

To include assets in blog posts:

![Sample Image](uploads/images/sample-image.jpg)

[Download PDF](uploads/documents/sample-document.pdf)


We welcome contributions! Please read the for guidelines on how to contribute to this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.


### 2. **Dependencies**

If you are using Python for automation, scripts, or any other dependency management tool, include a `requirements.txt` file. If no Python dependencies exist, you can skip this file.

#### **requirements.txt**
# Add any Python packages if required, e.g.

This file would include any specific packages you use for testing, automation, etc. Since Hugo is a Go-based system, it may not require many Python dependencies unless you use custom scripts.

3. Configuration Documentation


This .rst file will document the configuration parameters for your blog.

Neon Covenant Blog Config

This section explains the main configuration settings used for the Neon Covenant blog.

Base URL:
The `baseURL` sets the main URL of your site.


    baseURL = ""

Metadata Settings:
- **title**: Title of the site.
- **languageCode**: Language code, such as "en-us".
- **description**: A brief description of the blog.

SEO Configuration:
- **enableRobotsTXT**: Set to true to enable robots.txt file generation.
- **opengraph**: Enable Open Graph for social sharing.

Content Configuration:
- **params**: Custom parameters for the blog. This includes fields like `author`, `description`, and `keywords`.

Deployment Configuration:
The deployment settings are managed using GitHub Actions.

4. Requirements Documentation


This .rst file provides information about the required dependencies and how to install them.

Neon Covenant Blog Requirements

This project uses the following tools:

The Neon Covenant Blog is powered by [Hugo]( You need to install Hugo to run the blog locally.

To install Hugo, follow the instructions here:

GitHub Actions:
Deployment is automated via GitHub Actions. No additional manual setup is required once the actions are in place.

Optional Dependencies:
If you plan to extend the functionality using Python scripts or other tools, install dependencies via `pip` using the `requirements.txt` file.

    pip install -r requirements.txt

5. GitHub Actions Workflow (.github/workflows/gh-pages.yml)

Ensure you have the workflow configured to deploy your blog automatically upon each push to the main branch.

name: Deploy Hugo Blog to GitHub Pages

      - main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Setup Hugo
        uses: peaceiris/actions-hugo@v2
          hugo-version: 'latest'

      - name: Build site
        run: hugo --minify

      - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
        uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          publish_dir: ./public

This workflow file automates deployment to GitHub Pages every time you push to the main branch.

6. Folder Structure

To summarize, here's the structure for the static blog site:

├── content/              # Main content
│   ├── blog/             # Blog posts
│   └── uploads/          # Uploaded files (images, docs)
│       ├── images/
│       └── documents/
├── static/               # Static assets like CSS, JS, images
│   ├── images/           # Public images
│   ├── docs/             # Public documents
├── layouts/              # HTML layout files for themes
├── .github/              # GitHub Actions workflows
│   └── workflows/
│       └── gh-pages.yml  # GitHub Pages deployment workflow
├── config.toml           # Hugo configuration
├──             # Project documentation
├── requirements.txt      # Dependencies (optional)
├── config.rst            # Configuration documentation
├── requirements.rst      # Requirements documentation
└── LICENSE               # Project license