
A Hugo theme made for those who want to brat about their vinyl records collection.

MIT License


Vinyl Records Collection Theme

A Hugo theme made to present your vinyl records collection to the world.

If this theme has been designed for a vinyl collection, it's also suitable for any other music library with some customization.

Live demo

Quick start

Create your new Hugo site.

hugo new site my-vinyl-records-collection

Add this theme to your project :

## Clone directly
git clone themes/vinyl-records-collection-theme

## Or use as a sub module
git submodule add themes/vinyl-records-collection-theme

This theme use a specific archetype, so delete or rename the default one.

rm <your hugo site folder>/archetypes/

Update the configuration file :

baseurl: <your site URL>
languageCode: 'en-us'
title: 'My Vinyl Records Collection'
author: <Your Name>
theme: vinyl-records-collection-theme

  artist: artist
  genres: genres
  label: label
  year: year
  format: format

Or if you use the Toml format :

baseurl = '<your site URL>'
languageCode = 'en-us'
title = 'My Vinyl Records Collection'
author = '<Your Name>'
theme = 'vinyl-records-collection-theme'

  artist = 'artist'
  genres = 'genres'
  label = 'label'
  year = 'year'
  format = 'format'

Create your first record

Create a new content file with hugo :

hugo new

Open the newly created file, the archetype will basically tell you what you need to do to finish the job.

Example :

# Mandatory parts :
title: "Disc7"
date: 2023-08-19T23:31:17+02:00
draft: true

# Optional parts that you still should fill in order to sort your collection

## Label : name of the label that published the record
label: Record's Label

## The band's name
band: Record's Band

## The genres this record is classified into
  - To sort

## Cover image : will be displayed in the album list and top page.
## Display a default one unless you change this value.

# More optional details you can use for your collection.

## A quick description of your record. Markdown is supported
# description: |
#    This is a great album.

## Disc format : 45rpm, 33rpm, 78rpm or size if you prefer.
# format: 33rpm

## Any supplementary pictures you want to display.
## These pictures should be in the site asset folder :
## <your hugo site>/assets
## If you put them into a sub-folder, don't forget it in the path !
# pictures:
#   - this-album/pict.jpg

## The publish year
# year: 1990

## Below the metadata block, you can write some content such as a review or anything else you want. It'll be displayed in the album page.


The most comprehensive documentation of the support content is directly written in the archetype.

Customize theme

Custom colors

The CSS file is mostly variabilized and can be overloaded suing a custom.css file that will be loaded after the default style.

├── assets
   └── css
       └── custom.css # 2. customize the color there
└── themes
    └── vinyl-records-collection-theme
        ├── assets
           ├── css
           │   ├── custom.css ## 1. copy this file to the site assets folder, in a 'css' sub-folder
           │   └── style.css

Custom images

You can change the background image of the header and the footer, also the default record image, by adding your own one in the site assets folder.

├── assets
   └── img
       └── back-header.jpg # will have the priority over the one in the template
└── themes
    └── vinyl-records-collection-theme
        ├── assets
           └── img
               ├── back-footer.jpg
               ├── back-header.jpg
               └── default.png

The theme expects the header and footer to be in jpg format, while the default record image is expected to be in png.


Vinyl Records Collection Theme is licensed under MIT.

Pictures in the sample/ folder are from

Maintenance and contribution

This theme is maintained by Seb, the original author.

If you wish to contribute, fork this repository and open a pull-request. Any contribution is welcome !


If you like this project and was useful for you, please consider supporting its development. This theme is made by a coffee-lover, so you can just :