Data Structures and Algorithms


Data Structures and Algorithms

Welcome to the Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) repository! This repository contains a collection of problems, solutions, and resources aimed at helping you strengthen your understanding and implementation skills in DSA. The content is designed for intermediate learners who have a basic understanding of programming and want to deepen their knowledge in DSA.



This repository is designed for individuals who have a basic grasp of programming and are looking to enhance their understanding of data structures and algorithms. The problems and solutions provided here will help you build a strong foundation in DSA, preparing you for technical interviews and advanced coursework.


To get the most out of this repository, you should have:

  • Basic programming knowledge in a language like Java, Python, or C++
  • Understanding of basic programming concepts such as variables, loops, and conditionals
  • Familiarity with basic data structures (arrays, linked lists) and algorithms (sorting, searching)

Topics Covered

Data Structures

  1. Arrays and Strings

    • Dynamic arrays and array manipulation
    • String operations and pattern matching
  2. Linked Lists

    • Singly linked lists
    • Doubly linked lists
    • Circular linked lists
  3. Stacks and Queues

    • Stack operations and applications
    • Queue operations and applications
    • Priority queues and heap implementation


  1. Sorting Algorithms

    • Bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort
    • Merge sort, quick sort, heap sort
    • Counting sort, radix sort, bucket sort
  2. Searching Algorithms

    • Linear search, binary search
    • Search algorithms in data structures (BST, hash table)
  3. Recursion and Backtracking

    • Recursive algorithms and problems
    • Backtracking algorithms and applications (N-Queens, Sudoku)
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