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Welcome to the CLionDemo repository! This project is designed to showcase some of the powerful features of CLion, a versatile IDE for C and C++ development.

Table of Contents

Project Overview

The CLionDemo project serves as an illustrative guide for developers to understand and leverage the features offered by CLion. Whether you are new to C/C++ or a seasoned developer, this project provides a solid foundation to explore the capabilities of CLion in enhancing your development workflow.


  • Demonstrates basic and advanced C/C++ programming concepts
  • Showcases CLion's powerful code navigation and refactoring tools
  • Illustrates the use of CLion's debugging and profiling features
  • Provides examples of integrating version control within CLion


To get started with the CLionDemo project, follow these steps:

  1. Launch CLion:

    • Open CLion from your applications or start menu.
  2. Get from Version Control:

    • In the CLion welcome screen, click on Get from VCS.
  3. Repository URL:

    • In the dialog that appears, paste the following URL:
    • Click Clone.
  4. Open the Project:

    • Once the repository is cloned, CLion will automatically open the project.

Using CLion

Code Navigation

CLion offers powerful code navigation tools that make it easy to jump between different parts of your codebase. For instance:

  • Go to Definition: Simply Ctrl + Click on Windows/Linux (Cmd + Click on macOS) on any function or variable to jump to its definition.
  • Find Usages: Right-click on a symbol and select Find Usages to see where it is used throughout the codebase (or press Alt + F7 on Windows/Linux, Option + F7 on macOS).


Refactoring code in CLion is straightforward and helps maintain a clean codebase. Some common refactoring options include:

  • Rename: Select a symbol, right-click, and choose Refactor > Rename (or press Shift + F6).
  • Extract Function: Select a block of code, right-click, and choose Refactor > Extract > Function.

Debugging and Profiling

CLion's debugging and profiling tools are robust and user-friendly. Here are some key debugging shortcuts and their usage:

  • Start a Debug Session: Use Shift + F9 on Windows/Linux (Cmd + D on macOS) shortcut to start a debug session with the selected run/debug configuration.
  • Step Over: Press F8 to move to the next line in the current file without entering any function calls.
  • Step Into: Press F7 to enters the function call at the current execution point.
  • Step Out: Use Shift + F8 shortcut to step out of the current function and moves to the next line in the calling function.
  • Run to Cursor: Use Alt + F9 shortcut to run the program execution to the line where the cursor is placed.
  • Resume Program: Press F9 to resume the execution of the program until the next breakpoint or the end of the program.
  • Evaluate Expression: Use Alt + F8 shortcut to open a dialog to evaluate an expression in the current context.

CLion also provides a CPU profiler to help identify performance bottlenecks:

  • Start CPU Profiler:
    • Navigate to Run > Profile '<target>'.
    • This tool collects data on your program's execution to help you optimize its performance.

Version Control Integration

CLion integrates seamlessly with Git and other version control systems. You can perform all version control operations directly within the IDE:

  • Commit Changes: Ctrl + K on Windows/Linux (Cmd + K on macOS) to open the commit dialog.
  • Update Project: Ctrl + T on Windows/Linux (Cmd + T on macOS) to pull the latest changes from the repository.
  • Push Changes: Ctrl + Shift + K on Windows/Linux (Cmd + Shift + K on macOS) to push your local commits to the remote repository.


We welcome contributions to the CLionDemo project! If you have any ideas, suggestions, or bug reports, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Follow these steps to contribute:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch:
    git checkout -b feature-name
  3. Make your changes and commit them:
    git commit -m "Description of your changes"
  4. Push to the branch:
    git push origin feature-name
  5. Open a pull request and describe your changes.

Thank you for checking out the CLionDemo project!