
A plugin to debug PL/pg in Intellij

MIT License


Intellij PL/pg SQL debugger

Debug PL/pg stored procedures, functions, triggers and views from Intellij IDEs (Ultimate only)


Visit the plugin page at JetBrains. Report a bug or a problem => Create an issue

Getting started

Install the debugger on the server

You can use the plugin with the standard pldbgapi extension, but you will not be able to inspect every variable type. To get the full experience, you can use an enhanced version with the plugin.

You can compile the extension from the source code or use one of the Docker images available.

The Docker image is based on the official PostgreSQL image and includes the debugger extension, from version 11 to 16 for amd64 and arm64. To build your own image, you can use the Dockerfile provided.

docker run -p 5515:5432 --name PG15-debug -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -d galien0xffffff/postgres-debugger:15

Or install the debugger binaries on your machine.

Activate the debugger on the database

Run the following command on the database where you want to debug routines

--Take care to install the extension on the public schema

Debug a routine from the editor

Just write a statement using the function you want to debug

--This is a statement in a console or in a file
SELECT function_name(args);

(click on the debug icon on the top left of the editor)

Debug a routine from the database explorer

(Right-click on the routine you want to debug and select "Debug Routine")

Variable inspection

In the variables tab you can inspect:

  • Primitive types
  • Arrays
  • JSON

With the docker image you can also inspect:

  • Composite types
  • Record types

Inline values

Arguments and variables are displayed in the code editor

Debug process

The debug session is displayed as a background process. You can stop it by clicking on the stop icon.

When you stop the debug session, the process is killed on the server side.

If you debug a routine from the code editor, the process is automatically killed when you close the editor.

If you debug a routine from the database explorer, the process remains active until you stop manually.

Limitation of the standard pldbgapi

The standard pldbgapi does not send back composite variable, but you can put it in arrays to inspect them.


Debugger binaries

You must first install the debugger extension and activate the shared library onto the server.

EXPORT TAG = 11 # or 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
EXPORT PG_LIB=postgresql-server-dev-${TAG}

# Install dependencies
apt --yes update && apt --yes upgrade && apt --yes install git build-essential libreadline-dev zlib1g-dev bison libkrb5-dev flex $PG_LIB \
cd /usr/src/
# Install postgres source
git clone -b $PG_BRANCH --single-branch
# Setup postgres
cd postgres && ./configure
# Install debugger extension
cd /usr/src/postgres/contrib
git clone -b $PLUGIN_BRANCH --single-branch
cd pldebugger
# Compile with the same options as postgres
make clean && make USE_PGXS=1 && make USE_PGXS=1 install

Follow these instructions for PgAdmin for a standard installation.

Intellij IDE

  • Using IDE built-in plugin system:

    Settings/Preferences > Plugins > Marketplace > Search for "idea-plpgdebugger" > Install Plugin

  • Manually:

    Download the latest release and install it manually using Settings/Preferences > Plugins > ⚙️ > Install plugin from disk...

Plugin based on the IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template.

Extracted from project README
Version Downloads
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