
Get a PC-like experience on macOS - keyboard shortcuts & windows management

MIT License


PC'fy my Mac

All-in-one project to help you get a PC-like experience (known from Windows or Linux systems) on your macOS

This is a set of configuration files for open source applications like Karabiner-Elements, AltTab and Rectangle wrapped into an easy-to-use CLI tool that automates the whole setup process. It’s an ideal solution for those who are new to macOS and for users who frequently switch between macOS and Windows or Linux. This is also perfect for you if the macOS out-of-the-box workspace management isn’t really your thing.

You can think of this project as Kinto, but in reverse and with more features.


  • Keyboard shortcuts: keyboard shortcuts mappings for system and browser (Chromium-based) actions
  • JetBrains tools keymaps: battle-tested keymaps for JetBrains tools
  • Quick application launching: launch (or switch) applications quickly with just the Win/Opt key
  • Window snapping: snap windows using Win/Opt + ←/→ shortcut
  • Better window switcher: move between windows with Alt + Tab shortcut
  • Everything works on any keyboard layout (you can use both the built-in Mac and external PC keyboards at the same



brew install raxigan/tap/pcfy-my-mac

Remember about executing the binary after every brew upgrade in order to apply the changes from new release.


May require special terminal permissions

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/raxigan/pcfy-my-mac/main/pcfy.sh)"

Go binary

go install github.com/raxigan/pcfy-my-mac@latest

From source

git clone https://github.com/raxigan/pcfy-my-mac
cd pcfy-my-mac
go run pcfy.go


Flag Description
--help Show usage
--params <params.yml> Path to your YAML file containing installation parameters. Allows to run the tool in non-interactive mode. Use below option to see the file format
--show-sample-yaml Show sample YAML config which can be used as the input for above flag
--verbose Enable verbose mode. All performed operations will be logged out to console
--version Show version information

Shortcut list

The following shortcuts are available right after installation. Note that shortcuts from the tools' keymaps are not listed here.

For Mac keyboard layout:

  • The Win key corresponds to Opt
  • The Alt key corresponds to Cmd
Alt + Tab                   # Switch to next window
Alt + Shift                 # Switch to previous window (only when switcher is opened)
Win + Left/Right            # Snap window to left/right
Win + Up/Down               # Maximixe/almost maximize window
Ctrl + Left/Right           # Move to previous/next word
Ctrl + Shift + Left/Right   # Select previous/next word
Home/End                    # Move to beginning/end of line
Ctrl + Home/End             # Move to beginning/end of document
Shift + Home/End            # Move to beginning/end of line with selection
Ctrl + Shift + Home/End     # Move to beginning/end of document with selection
Ctrl + LMB                  # Select item
Ctrl + Shift + LMB          # Select multiple items
Ctrl + +/-                  # Zoom in/out in browser, Slack, Teams
Ctrl + A                    # Select all
Ctrl + B                    # Bold
Ctrl + C                    # Copy item, interrupt current process in terminal
Ctrl + F                    # Find
Ctrl + I                    # Italic
Ctrl + N                    # New...
Ctrl + L                    # Open location in browser
Ctrl + O                    # Open...
Ctrl + R                    # Replace/Reload
Ctrl + S                    # Save
Ctrl + T                    # New browser/terminal tab
Ctrl + Shift + T            # Reopen last closed browser/terminal tab
Ctrl + U                    # Underline
Ctrl + V                    # Paste item
Ctrl + W                    # Close browser tab
Ctrl + X                    # Cut
Ctrl + Y                    # Redo
Ctrl + Z                    # Undo
Ctrl + Tab                  # Move to next browser/terminal tab
Ctrl + Shift + Tab          # Move to previous browser/terminal tab
Ctrl + Shift + Z            # Redo
Win + L                     # Lock screen
F2                          # Rename file in Finder
F3/Shift + F3               # Move to next/previous ocurrence in text
Alt + F4                    # Quit application
F5                          # Reload page in browser
Win                         # Open preferred application launcher
Ctrl + Alt + T              # Open preferred terminal

Version compatibility

  • Fleet 1.39.118+

Additional notes

  • Only tools that have been installed via the JetBrains Toolbox are supported [JetBrains keymaps only]
  • Ensure your modifier keys are set to default in System Settings > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts... > Modifier Keys
  • Ensure the function keys are enabled in the system settings in order to use shortcuts based on them:
  • There is 1 alternative shortcut provided for Mac keyboard layout (as there is no Insert key):
    • Alt/Cmd + Insert (New file in JB tools) → Alt/Cmd + Enter

Terminal dev permissions

Necessary only if you install it by shell script. The binary is not signed, so macOS may not let you run it without the following permissions for your terminal. Just go to System Settings > Privacy & Security > Developer Tools and enable it:


Problem: Shortcuts from the list do not work

Solution: Verify the PCfy profile is selected in Karabiner-Elements:

Also check if Modify events option for your keyboard is enabled in Karabiner-Elements > Settings > Devices:


  • Ask a question or share your ideas in Discussions
  • Create & comment issues in Issues
