
Kotlin client for JetBrains Space HTTP API

APACHE-2.0 License


Space SDK

The Space SDK is a Kotlin library to work with the JetBrains Space API.


Let's have a look at how we can start working with the Space SDK.

Note: The beta version of the Space SDK is available from the following repository:

Getting Started

We will need to register an application to work with the Space API. There are various application types, all supporting different authentication flows.

For this example, we will use a Client application. Make sure to enable the Client Credentials Flow in your application's Authentication settings.

Create a Connection

After installing org.jetbrains:space-sdk in our project, we can use the Client ID and Client Secret of our Space application to create a SpaceHttpClient that can connect to our Space organization:

val spaceClient = SpaceClient(
        clientId,         // from settings/secrets
        clientSecret,     // from settings/secrets
        organizationUrl  // i.e. "https://<organization>"

We can then use the Space HTTP client in spaceClient to access the various Space API endpoints.

Note: Applications have access to a limited set of APIs when using the Client Credentials Flow. Many actions (such as posting an article draft) require user consent, and cannot be performed with client credentials. For actions that should be performed on behalf of the user, use other authorization flows, such as Resource Owner Password Credentials Flow.

Work with a Service Client

Clients for endpoints are exposed on the Space HTTP client, and map to the top level of endpoints we can find in the HTTP API Playground:

As an example, the top level Team Directory is exposed as spaceClient.teamDirectory.

Tip: While not required to work with Space SDK, having the HTTP API Playground open will be useful to explore the available APIs and data types while developing.

Get Profile by Username

Let's fetch a user profile from the Team Directory:

val memberProfile = spaceClient.teamDirectory.profiles

The memberProfile will expose top level properties, such as id, username, about, and more.

To retrieve nested properties, check nested properties.

Space API client

The Space API client provides necessary types to connect to and interact with the Space API.

Authentication and Connection

Communication with Space is requires the Space organization URL and an access token to work. Some features also require app client ID and client secret.

SpaceAuth defines several methods of authentication.

  • SpaceAuth.ClientCredentials supports the Client Credentials Flow. This is typically used by a Space application that acts on behalf of itself. It requires the client to be created with client id and secret specified.
  • SpaceAuth.RefreshToken supports Refresh Token Flow (and, by the association, Authorization Code Flow). This is typically used by applications that act on behalf of a user. It also requires the client to be created with client id and secret specified. The refresh token can be retrieved using Space.exchangeAuthCodeForToken(), which requires authorization code. Authorization code can be obtained by redirecting the user to a URL constructed with Space.authCodeSpaceUrl()
  • SpaceAuth.Token can be used with any flow. It doesn't require the client id and secret to be specified.


Scope is a mechanism in OAuth 2.0 to limit an application's access to a user's account.

When setting up the SpaceClient with the SpaceAuth.ClientCredentials or SpaceAuth.RefreshToken auth method, or when creating a URL to request permissions from the user with Space.authCodeSpaceUrl(), use the scope parameter to specify the scope required by an application.

Scopes can be defined the following way:

val scope =
        context = GlobalPermissionContextIdentifier,
        permission = PermissionIdentifier.ViewMemberProfiles
        context = ProjectPermissionContextIdentifier(
            project = ProjectIdentifier.Key("PROJ")
        permission = PermissionIdentifier.ViewIssues

Alternatively, if you already have a scope string, you can use PermissionScope.fromString(scopeString).

Warning: By default, the Space API client uses the PermissionScope.All scope for SpaceAuth.ClientCredentials, which requests all available scopes. It is recommended to limit the scope to just those permissions that are needed by your application.

Examples of available scopes are available in the Space documentation.


Clients for endpoints are exposed on the Space HTTP client, and map to the top level of endpoints we can find in the HTTP API Playground:

As an example, the top level Team Directory is exposed as spaceClient.teamDirectory, with methods that correspond to endpoints seen in the HTTP API Playground.

Properties, Fields and Partials

In this section, we will cover partial requests and shaping response contents.


For most requests, we can shape the results we want to retrieve from the API. In the HTTP API Playground, we can toggle checkboxes to include/exclude fields from the result.

When we want to retrieve a user's id and about description, we can set the $fields parameter in an API request to $fields=id,about. The API response will then only return those fields.

Fields can be primitive values (integers, strings, booleans, ...), and actual types. As an example, a user profile has a name field of type TD_ProfileName, which in turn has a firstName and lastName field. To request this hierarchy, we need to query $fields=name(firstName,lastName).

Being able to retrieve just the information our integration requires, helps in reducing payload size, and results in a better integration performance overall.

In Space API client, we will need to specify the properties we want to retrieve as well. Let's see how this is done.

Top-level Properties by Default

By default, Space API client will retrieve all top-level properties from the Space API. For example, retrieving a profile from the team directory will retrieve all top level properties, such as id, username, about, and more:

val memberProfile = spaceClient.teamDirectory.profiles

A TD_MemberProfile, which is the type returned by getProfile, also has a managers property. This property is a collection of nested TD_MemberProfile, and is not retrieved by default.

Nested Properties

Nested properties have to be retrieved explicitly. For example, if we want to retrieve the managers for a user profile, including the manager's name, we would have to request these properties by extending the default partial result:

val memberProfile = spaceClient.teamDirectory.profiles
    .getProfile(ProfileIdentifier.Username("Heather.Stewart")) {
        defaultPartial()        // with all top level fields
        managers {              // include managers
            id()                //   with their id
            username()          //   and their username
            name {              //   and their name
                firstName()     //     with firstName
                lastName()      //     and lastName

The Space API client will help with defining properties to include. Let's say we want to retrieve only the id and username properties for a profile:

val memberProfile = spaceClient.teamDirectory.profiles
    .getProfile(ProfileIdentifier.Username("Heather.Stewart")) {

When we try to access the name property for this profile, which we did not request, Space API client will throw an IllegalStateException with additional information.

try {
    // This will fail...
    println("${} ${}")
} catch (e: IllegalStateException) {
    // ...and we'll get a pointer about why it fails:
    // Property 'name' was not requested. Reference chain: getAllProfiles->data->[0]->name
    println("The Space API client tells us which partial query should be added to access the property:")

Let's look at some other extension methods for retrieving partial responses.

Partial Methods

As demonstrated in the previous section, all builder methods (such as id()) are methods to help build the partial response based on a property name of an object. There are some other methods and overloads that can be used when building partial responses.

Utility methods:

  • defaultPartial() — Adds all fields at the current level (uses the * field definition under the hood).

Utility overloads exist for retrieving recursive results. For example, if we want to retrieve a user profile and their managers with the same fields, we can use the managers(this) overload:

val memberProfile = spaceClient.teamDirectory.profiles
    .getProfile(ProfileIdentifier.Username("Heather.Stewart")) {
        defaultPartial()  // with all top level fields
        managers(this)    // and the same fields for all managers


The Space API may return polymorphic responses. In other words, there are several API endpoints that return subclasses.

One such example is spaceClient.projects.planning.issues.getAllIssues(), where the createdBy property can be a subclass of CPrincipalDetails:

  • CAutomationTaskPrincipalDetails, when the issue was created by an automation task.
  • CBuiltInServicePrincipalDetails, when the issue was created by Space itself.
  • CExternalServicePrincipalDetails, when the issue was created by an external service.
  • CUserWithEmailPrincipalDetails, when the issue was created by a user that has an e-mail address.
  • CUserPrincipalDetails, when the issue was created by a user.

The partial builder contains properties for all of these classes.

Here's an example retrieving issues from a project. For the createdBy property, we are defining that the response should contain:

  • CUserPrincipalDetails with the property.
  • CUserWithEmailPrincipalDetails with the name and email properties.
val issueStatuses = spaceClient.projects.planning.issues.statuses
    .getAllIssueStatuses(ProjectIdentifier.Key("CRL")).map { }

val issues = spaceClient.projects.planning.issues
    .getAllIssues(ProjectIdentifier.Key("CRL"), sorting = IssuesSorting.UPDATED, descending = true, statuses = issueStatuses) {
        createdBy {
            details {
                // Available on CUserPrincipalDetails
                user {

                // Available on CUserWithEmailPrincipalDetails,
                // CAutomationTaskPrincipalDetails, CBuiltInServicePrincipalDetails
}.data.forEach { issue ->
    when (issue.createdBy.details) {
        is CUserPrincipalDetails -> {
            // ...
        is CUserWithEmailPrincipalDetails -> {
            // ...

We can cast these types, use when expressions on their type, and more.

Inaccessible Fields

When a given field can not be accessed, for example when our application does not have the required permissions, a PropertyValueInaccessibleException may be thrown.

Let's say we try to retrieve the username and logins fields for a profile:

val memberProfile = spaceClient.teamDirectory.profiles
    .getProfile(ProfileIdentifier.Username("Heather.Stewart")) {

Accessing elements in the logins field will throw a PropertyValueInaccessibleException with additional information, in this case because logins are typically not available to applications.

try {
    // This will fail...
    memberProfile.logins.forEach { login ->
} catch (e: PropertyValueInaccessibleException) {
    // ...and we'll get a pointer about why it fails:
    // Could not access following fields: 'logins'.


Many operations in the Space API return a collection of results. To guarantee performance, these responses will be paginated, and can be retrieved in batches.

A batch contains the data, and may return the total count of items that will be returned after fetching all pages:

class Batch<out T>(
    val next: String,
    val totalCount: Int?,
    val data: List<T>)

We have to specify the properties of the data type we need. As an example, let's retrieve the current user's To-Do items for this week, with their id and content:

// Get all To-Do
var todoBatchInfo = BatchInfo("0", 100)
do {
    val todoBatch = spaceClient.todoItems
            .getAllTodoItems(from = LocalDate(2020, 1, 1), batchInfo = todoBatchInfo) {
            } { todo ->
        // ...

    todoBatchInfo = BatchInfo(, 100)
} while (todoBatch.hasNext())

Note: This code example makes use of an extension method hasNext() to determine whether more results need to be retrieved:

fun Batch<*>.hasNext() = data.isNotEmpty()

The resulting batch will contain one page of results. To retrieve more To-Do items, we will have to make additional API calls.