

Background Runner Test App

This is a sample Capacitor app designed to demonstrate the background task capabilities of the Capacitor Background Runner plugin.

The app will fetch the following data every 15 minutes (or when available depending on OS):

  • Weather from the device's current location (using the OpenWeather API)
  • The latest news from Apple/Google developer news feeds

To demonstrate the use of background updates, these updates are performed entirely in the background.


  1. Fork and clone this repo.
  2. Install the dependencies.
    npm install
  3. In order to get weather data updates, you'll need a free API key for the OpenWeatherMap Weather API.
    Copy the example .env.example file to a new file called .env and set OPENWEATHERMAP_API_KEY equal to the value of your key.
  4. Build the app
    npm run build
    npx cap sync


Keep in mind that iOS will ultamately decide when and how often your background task will run. Read here for more information.


Unfortunately, various Android device manufacturers have employed various aggressive battery optimization software that may interfere with or outright break the functionality of background tasks on Android. This app has been tested thoroughly with these optimizations turned OFF on the following devices: