
EWS API for TypeScript/JavaScript - ported from OfficeDev/ews-managed-api - node, cordova, meteor, Ionic, Electron, Outlook Add-Ins

MIT License



Exchange Web Service in JavaScript/TypeScript.


Contact @gautamsi for support. Use for 1:1 support and paid support. Also looking for sponsors to fund remaining development on this.


Office 365 OAuth Support is built in

see demo repo https://github.com/ewsjs/oauth-demo which has working example - https://github.com/ewsjs/oauth-demo/blob/main/examples/msal-node-samples/auth-code/index.js to find out how to use oAuth Token from msal.

March 2023 Update:

fixes and typing cleanups, see 0.12.0 below

July 2019 Update:

You can now use this in Ionic, Cordova, Browser based process (where CORS is disabled), Outlook Add-in or Mail apps. see ews-js-api-browser for more detail

(planning to rename this to @ewsjs/ewsjs);

Current State:

  • Almost all methods in ExchangeService class is comple with respect to c# counterpart (based on commit#31951f4
    • some method skipped as they are not for client side code or are diaognostic methods.
  • Roadmap to 1.0 Beta:
    • ReWrite XHR/Request and Promise see #94 done
    • Rewrite Autodiscover code with fresh Promise approach, this code was my work in very beginning and poorly written, strategy and TypeScript features improved over time which this code isn't taking any advantage of. done
    • use async/await and move to @ewsjs/* namespace
    • chain @ewsjs/xhr to wrap all exports from @ewsjs/ews
    • Add jsdoc comment to remaining exported class
  • Roadmap to 1.0
    • fix bugs from Beta
    • complete code improvement based on diff from original snapshot
    • basic tests to be introduced to prevent breaking changes
    • Add documentation with sample code for each operation in ExchangeService methods
    • Integrate ntlm and cookies authentication code in main library
  • Beyond 1.0
    • Add npm based typings support for lates TypeScript based workflow completed in 0.9.0
    • minified version for any developer need
    • String Null check to improve reliability, TypeScript 2.0 feature
    • Complete jsdoc comment in
    • Complete code for new features introduced after the snapshot I was working on
    • Add OAuth authentication with Azure AD (needs admin created APP in Azure AD)
    • Break into components to have better performance and download
    • enable non Node scenarios
    • trimmed version for Outlook Mail APP supported EWS calls


Whats new v0.15.0

  • Added helper class for Exchange Online/Office 365 OAuth with Exchange RBAC with Apps Support (This is latest Microsoft Guideline)
    • This RBAC method is APP only which uses Client Credential Flow and not user specific token
    • You can still get user specific access token by delegation and pass token to OAuthCredentials
  • updated @ewsjs/xhr version to 3.1.0 (dependency audit update)
import { ExchangeService, OAuthCredentials, ExchangeVersion } from "ews-javascript-api";
import { EwsOAuthHelper } from "ews-javascript-api/lib/EwsOAuthHelper";

const oAuthHelper = new EwsOAuthHelper({ clientId: '', clientSecret: '', tenantId: '' });
const token = await oAuthHelper.getAppAccessToken();
const ews = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.);
ews.Credentials =new OAuthCredentials(token.accessToken);
await ews.<method>();

you will still need to update expired access token by calling oAuthHelper.getAppAccessToken(), you can safely run this when you want to use ews as this can return cached token which is not expired

Whats new v0.14.0

  • Updated implementation of @ewsjs/ntlm-client to continue support ntlm with node 18+ (dependency of @ewsjs/xhr)
  • This fixes latest support for ntlm with node 18/20+
  • This also fixes security warning of new Buffer(...) in the underlying library

Whats new v0.13.0 BREAKING CHANGES

  • Security update: removed fetch and bluebird dependency
  • removed XHRDefault and ConfigurationApi.ConfigurePromise exported methods
  • Exported XHRApi from @ewsjs/xhr to make it easier to use
  • Using default implementation of XhrApi from @ewsjs/xhr instead of using fetch

Whats new v0.12.0

  • fixed WellKnownFolderNames to be StringPropertyDefinition type instead of Generic which microsoft has changed long back. Part of this was fixed by #414 (thanks @klinki)
  • fixes #416 and also cleans up other typing issues
  • Security update: updated all dependency to latest version.

Whats new v0.11.0

  • BREAKING dependencies upgraded to latest version of commonjs module (still avoiding pure esm modules). The code is now compiled to es6 target, must use nodejs version >= 10
  • Security update: updated all dependency to latest version.

Whats new v0.10.0

  • new/fix: #324 Autodiscover is back again, improved and supports DNS fallback using Autodiscover SRV records

  • new: #320 Allow access to HttpResponseHeaders, you can use <ExchangeService Instance>.HttpResponseHeaders to get fresh header from last call to ews service.

    • you can also add a delegate (callback) for <ExchangeService Instance>.OnResponseHeadersCaptured which is called after each call to service and when headers are returned.
  • Breaking Changes: <ExchangeService>.HttpHeaders is now Disctionary instance, compatible with c# disctionary. you can no longer do service.HttpHeaders[<header>] = value. do this instead service.HttpHeaders.Add("header", "value");

  • fix: #322 you can now delete tasks properly

See older change in CHANGELOG.md


EWS managed API for TypeScript/JavaScript - code ported from OfficeDev/ews-managed-api. availbale for nodejs, browser and mobile devices (cordova).

Pluggable XHRApi adapter to replace client (browser) based XHR call with server brokered call (example coming soon). Example Ruby on rails, PHP or any server side framework where c# or nodejs is not available

Works with Office 365/Exchange Online and on-premises Exchange (2007 - 2016)


use SSL for basic authentication NTLM and Cookies Authentication works with nodejs only

NTLM issue with invalid tagName gibrish character is due to gzip encoding, see #334.

Solution use gzip: true in XhrApi({ gzip: true }) constructor options of @ewsjs/xhr.


  • commonjs module for NodeJs
  • AMD module for other scenarios* (not documented yet)

All http call is wrapped in promise using default BlueBird promise. You can also interchange compatible promise api. Code sample from EWS Managed API 2.1. should work with little modificaion to Promise format

async/await latest nodejs

You can also leverage new async/await feature of nodejs (>7.0.6) or in TypeScript transpilation with es5/es6 code.


Api document generated using TypeDoc and is hosted at ews-javascript-api.github.io/api. ** outdated Check Wiki for more details

keep track of what is coming in backlog, keep eye on milestones when I start working on it

Getting Started


[sudo] npm install ews-javascript-api


//classic Javascript style
var ews = require('ews-javascript-api');
var exch = new ews.ExchangeService(ews.ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013);
//ES6 TypeScript style
import {ExchangeService, AutodiscoverService, Folder, Item, ExchangeVersion} from "ews-javascript-api";
var exch = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013);

Autodiscover user settings (** Working again as of 0.10 **)

//import ews module
var ews = require('ews-javascript-api');
//create AutodiscoverService object
var autod = new ews.AutodiscoverService(new ews.Uri("https://autodiscover-s.outlook.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.svc"), ews.ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010);
//you can omit url and it will autodiscover the url, version helps throw error on client side for unsupported operations.example - //var autod = new ews.AutodiscoverService(ews.ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010);
//set credential for service
autod.Credentials = new ews.WebCredentials("userName", "password");
//create array to include list of desired settings
var settings = [
//get the setting
autod.GetUserSettings(["[email protected]", "[email protected]"], settings)
.then(function (response) {
    //do what you want with user settings    
    var tabcount = 0;
    var tabs = function () { return ews.StringHelper.Repeat("\t", tabcount); };
	//uncoment next line to see full response from autodiscover, you will need to add var util = require('util');
	//console.log(util.inspect(response, { showHidden: false, depth: null, colors: true }));
    for (var _i = 0, _a = response.Responses; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
        var resp = _a[_i];
        console.log(ews.StringHelper.Format("{0}settings for email: {1}", tabs(), resp.SmtpAddress));
        for (var setting in resp.Settings) {
            console.log(ews.StringHelper.Format("{0}{1} = {2}", tabs(), ews.UserSettingName[setting], resp.Settings[setting]));
}, function (e) {
    //log errors or do something with errors

Example EWS operations

Example of user availability

var ews = require('ews-javascript-api');
//create ExchangeService object
var exch = new ews.ExchangeService(ews.ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013);
exch.Credentials = new ews.WebCredentials("userName", "password");
//set ews endpoint url to use
exch.Url = new ews.Uri("https://outlook.office365.com/Ews/Exchange.asmx"); // you can also use exch.AutodiscoverUrl

var attendee =[ new ews.AttendeeInfo("[email protected]"), new ews.AttendeeInfo("[email protected]")];
//create timewindow object o request avaiability suggestions for next 48 hours, DateTime and TimeSpan object is created to mimic portion of .net datetime/timespan object using momentjs
var timeWindow = new ews.TimeWindow(ews.DateTime.Now, ews.DateTime.Now.AddDays(2)); 
exch.GetUserAvailability(attendee, timeWindow, ews.AvailabilityData.FreeBusyAndSuggestions)
.then(function (availabilityResponse) {
    //do what you want with user availability
}, function (errors) {
    //log errors or do something with errors

Use with React Native

there is some issues with how react native exposes native browser methods, here are changes needs to be done to us ews-js-api-browser with react native. Add following lines to some place before requiring ews-js-api-browser. you need to use @xmldom/xmldom and base-64 packages.

if (!global.DOMParser) {
    global.DOMParser = require('@xmldom/xmldom').DOMParser;
if (!global.atob || !global.btoa) {
    global.atob = require('base-64').decode;
    global.btoa = require('base-64').encode;

Porting status

Review Core/ExchangeService methods in api document, Any method not marked private oe internal (internal marker is in description of method) is posted and can be used, open issue if it doe snot work

List of ExchangeService methods available

ArchiveItems AutodiscoverUrl BindToGroupItems BindToItems ConvertId ConvertIds CopyItems CreateItems DeleteItems ExpandGroup FindAppointments FindFolders FindItems GetAttachments GetClientAccessToken GetPasswordExpirationDate GetRoomLists GetRooms GetUserAvailability GetUserOofSettings GetUserOofSettings LoadPropertiesForItems MarkAsJunk MoveItems ResolveName SetTeamMailbox SetUserOofSettings SetUserOofSettings SubscribeToPullNotifications SubscribeToStreamingNotifications SubscribeToStreamingNotificationsOnAllFolders SyncFolderHierarchy SyncFolderItems UnpinTeamMailbox UpdateItems GetInboxRules UpdateInboxRules AddDelegates GetDelegates RemoveDelegates UpdateDelegates GetUserRetentionPolicyTags FindConversation FindGroupConversation GetConversationItems GetGroupConversationItems EnableAlwaysCategorizeItemsInConversations DisableAlwaysCategorizeItemsInConversations EnableAlwaysDeleteItemsInConversations DisableAlwaysDeleteItemsInConversations EnableAlwaysMoveItemsInConversations DisableAlwaysMoveItemsInConversations MoveItemsInConversations CopyItemsInConversations DeleteItemsInConversations SetReadStateForItemsInConversations SetRetentionPolicyForItemsInConversations SetFlagStatusForItemsInConversations GetAppManifests GetAppMarketplaceUrl DisableApp InstallApp UninstallApp GetDiscoverySearchConfiguration GetHoldOnMailboxes GetNonIndexableItemDetails GetNonIndexableItemStatistics GetSearchableMailboxes SearchMailboxes SetHoldOnMailboxes

List of Folder object methods available

BindToFolder CopyFolder CreateFolder DeleteFolder EmptyFolder FindFolders FindItems Load LoadPropertiesForFolder MarkAllItemsAsRead MarkAllItemsAsUnread RemoveExtendedProperty SetExtendedProperty MoveFolder Save UpdateFolder

List of Item object methods available

ArchiveItem BindToItem CopyItem[s] CreateItem DeleteItem[s] FindAppointments FindItems LoadPropertiesForItems MarkAsJunk MoveItem SendItem Save UpdateItem[s] RemoveExtendedProperty SetExtendedProperty AcceptTentatively [Appointment] AcceptTentatively [Appointment] Decline [Appointment]

Use in Cordova

AMD module for require.js to be included in build system, bower module and related documentation will be published.


in progress....


Licensed under MIT