
a multi-container application to run an IPFS node behind a Wireguard client



a multi-container Docker application to run an IPFS node behind a Wireguard client

how to set it up

  1. download docker-compose.yml
  2. put your wg0.conf file into ./wireguard
  3. run docker-compose up

if everything works correctly, go-ipfs should be running behind your VPN!

how to use it

the IPFS web UI should be accessible at http://localhost:5001/webui

the IPFS gateway should be accessible at http://localhost:8080 e.g. http://localhost:8080/ipfs/QmVmtux8UCk8553R2qVa7CBYJbQ11hfyswqEJmTLYCugPx?.png

if you want to use this persistently, you should probably

  1. change the locations of the ipfs-node-data-volume & downloads-volume
  2. forward port 4001 with your VPN provider (or pick a different port), then add port forwarding to your wg0.conf using the rules proposed here

how it works

the ipfs-node service shares the network stack of the vpn-sidecar service (Wireguard), which is tunneled through your VPN provider. to maintain local connectivity to the ipfs-node container's web UI & IPFS gateway, we proxy to it to through the web-proxy service (Nginx) using Docker container links.

note: an OpenVPN version is also available

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