
Your Gateway to the Distributed Web

MIT License


Your Gateway to the Distributed Web

Dweb.page (previously Pact.online) is an open source webpage that lets you share and search content on the distributed web based on IPFS. The webpage itself runs on any writable IPFS gateway (see Hosting below). It’s one of the first distributed websites, and it's completely running in your browser, meaning you are in control of your own data. Furthermore, the website uses the distributed ledger technology IOTA to store metadata of the publicly uploaded files. The decentralized search engine integrated into the website uses this metadata to index the uploaded content. Additionally, the transfer history based on IOTA provides a transparent logging system and allows you to claim the ownership of your data.

Click below to learn more about it in a short youtube video:

Table of Contents


For a description of the security of Dweb.page see the first draft of the security whitepaper (Outdated draft needs to be changed after new signature + search engine implementation).


This project uses node and npm. Go check them out if you don't have them locally installed. To create the index.html simply run:

npm run build


Dweb.page simply needs to be hosted on a writable IPFS gateway. You can easily run Dweb.page local by following the below tutorial. We think that not every single application should start their own IPFS gateway due to performance reasons. Rather you have only one IPFS gateway running on your local machine or browser. Additionally the current setup is much faster and in theory also works for example on the Internet Explorer (currently not supported).

You can also use Dweb.page to host your own distributed web project (see this tutorial).


David Hawig


You can either support this project by setting up an IPFS Node, donating or by contributing to the code.


If you wish to participate you can simply set up your own IPFS node with a writeable gateway. You need to allow a maximum upload size on your server of 1GB. Lastly, reach out to us at info[at]pact[dot]care or on our discord server so we then can integrate your side on our main page. Currently, we share the IOTA donations equally among all participants at the end of every month. For transparency, you can track all donations under the current IOTA donation address. In the future, we might set up an advertising model to make it more attractive for IPFS nodes to participate.

The most recent online version of Dweb.page has the following hash:


List of participating nodes


IOTA Donation address



If you want to help either join our discord server or you can open issues for bugs you've found or features you think are missing. You can also submit pull requests to this repository.

If editing the README, please conform to the standard-readme specification.


GNU General Public License v3.0 © PACT Care B.V.