
MIT License



Table of Contents

HackFS Hackathon Integration



  • Frontend React.js & TypeScript boilerplate (./client)
  • Backend Express.js API boilerplate (./server). Served at
    • Configure CORS to allow requests from Official IPFS Gateway
  • Local Docker container setup process for running with storage API (PowerGate) that interacts with Lotus (Filecoin) and IPFS
  • Production Docker container running with storage API (PowerGate) that interacts with Lotus (Filecoin) and IPFS
  • Frontend Slate Design System UI components that interact with PowerGate (./client/src/)
    • Connect and obtain Authorisation to access the Filecoin File System (FFS) API using Textile PowerGate JS Client (@textile/powergate-client)
    • Generate a Powergate token. Store or retrieve (if exists) from web browser Local Storage. Check if retrieved existing Powergate token invalid due to restarting local Docker container with Textile PowerGate
    • Create and view multiple Filecoin Addresses and associate them with PowerGate token.
    • Retrieve Pin (IPFS Hash where front-end deployed) from PinList using Express.js API endpoint that connects to Pinata (
    • Display latest Pin (Website IPFS Hash) in front-end
    • Use Slate's "Make a Storage Deal" code to deploy a zip file of the website to Lotus Filecoin Testnet. Only works in 'development' environment where Lotus Filecoin Testnet and PowerGate Docker instances are running (see section "Connect to Lotus (Filecoin) and IPFS" below)
    • Modify the Slate's "Make a Storage Deal" code to deploy that latest Pin to Lotus Filecoin Testnet (not just Local)
  • Frontend deployed to IPFS Address using Pinata SDK
    • Request decentralised domain name from Unstoppable Domains (https://ethquad.crypto)
    • Deployment script generate a new Pin and Unpins all previous (./scripts/pinataUploadIpfs.js)
    • Separate IPFS Address Pin for deployed frontend depending on environment (development or proudction). Used Pinata metadata to identify associated environment.
    • Preview using Official IPFS Gateway (i.e.<IPFS_HASH>) in development environment (yarn dev:ipfs:preview)
    • Configure ethquad.crypto domain name to redirect to an IPFS Hash (which just redirects to Heroku at, and configure to further redirects to the IPFS hash where the front-end of the website is stored.
  • Backend Express.js API connection to Infura Eth 2.0 Endpoint (


  • Frontend deployed to IPFS Address using Fleek Continuous Deployment using Github
  • Logo deployed using Fleek Stage App JS SDK (@fleekhq/fleek-cli). See
    • Upload logo to publish it to IPFS, published to DNS, with a CDN and File Compression.
    • Reference the logo file using the Fleek Storage URL
  • Desktop Fleek Space Daemon integration to share encrypted files privately with peers using Textile/IPFS node on Local Machine
  • Textiles ThreadDB/Buckets (instead of Fleek Space Daemon) since not running private Textile/IPFS node on Local Machine


Note: Access to https://ethquad.crypto is in progress pending resolution to an IPFS Hash to direct it Note: Pending resolution of this issue


Install dependencies

  • Install dependencies and run server and front-end. Note that Webpack is installed globally to avoid conflicts since it is installed automatically on Heroku and to match the version they use.
nvm use;
yarn global add concurrently;

Connect to Lotus (Filecoin) and IPFS

Develop website locally without deployment to IPFS

  • IMPORTANT: Wait until PowerGate is fully running before running this.
yarn dev

Preview website redirecting to deployed to IPFS

yarn dev:ipfs:preview   
  • Go to http://localhost:5000
    • Important note: Use port 5000 since only running from server instead of client with proxy.
    • Important: If the UI doesn't load, try running with yarn dev instead, since it may be caused by React.js that aren't being shown.

View information about the ethquad.crypto domain name (provided by Unstoppable Domains)

node ./scripts/unstoppableDomainsRedirect.js

Deployment (IPFS & Heroku)

Generate an IPFS Hash (for redirecting the ethquad.crypto domain name to a traditional domain). Repeat this in future if the traditional domain name (i.e. changes.

Verify that the IPFS Hash has been created with name 'EthQuad-prod-traditional' at

Go to and change the IPFS Hash value the new IPFS Hash that is output to the terminal. Check for when the .crypto domain name resolves to the new IPFS Hash by running node ./scripts/unstoppableDomainsRedirect.js (without any flags). It will redirect when a value is output for Read record of IPFS redirection hash:.

Alternatively try setting the IPFS Hash programmatically by running node ./scripts/unstoppableDomainsRedirect.js --setRedirectIpfs. However, this approach would require you to add the following to your .env file:

  • ETHEREUM_ADDRESS that owns the .crypto domain name
  • MNEMONIC phrase associate with the above Ethereum address
  • INFURA_PROJECT_ID and INFURA_PROJECT_SECRET to connect to Ethereum Mainnet using Infura
    Note that running node ./scripts/unstoppableDomainsRedirect.js --setRedirectTraditionalDomain to redirect the .crypto address to a Traditional Domain like directly is not currently supported by Unstoppable Domains.
yarn run build:release:ipfs-traditional-domain

Push changes to IPFS & Heroku

git push heroku master

Note: Heroku will build dependencies, then run the "heroku-postbuild" script in package.json. The "build:release:ipfs" script will deploy the front-end to an IPFS hash.

Configure Heroku

heroku git:remote -a ethquad

Set Heroku Environment Variables to match the contents of the .env file. Replace missing values below:

heroku config:set \

heroku config --app ethquad


If you get a nodemon issue due to server already running on a port just run ps -ef | grep node and kill all associated processes kill -9 <PID>



Sia + Namebase (Handshake) "Own the Internet" Hackathon Integration

About Sia + Namebase (Handshake)

  • Goal:

    • Build a Skapp using Handshake and Skynet
  • Skynet

    • About
      • Offers decentralized filesharing and application hosting where the user owns the content instead of it being controled be a centralized entity (e.g. Youtube, Medium)
      • Applications hosted on Skynet are decentralized apps called "skapps"
    • Usage
      • Create application
      • Upload files or applications to Skynet so file available to all Portals
      • Skylink returned may be downloaded and content viewed through any Portal
      • Runs in browser supporting client-side applications
    • Development
      • API for web apps to upload and download data
      • SDKs supported (JS, Node.js, etc)
      • Build a Skynet Application
        • Instal Node.js, Webpack
        • Install skynet.js NPM package
    • Hosting
  • Handshake

    • Skynet Portals run Handshake Full Nodes
      • Endpoints allow users to load applications and content from Handshake domains and query Handshake domains for Skynet content
  • Examples

    • Skybin
    • Skylive -
    • Instasky - Upload and share media libraries
    • iOS Uploader - Download on phone and share via Skynet
    • Dgit - - decentralized Git
    • SkyGallery - creates media galleries
  • Docs:



EthQuad is an open-source application that has now been extended to integrate both the Sia Skynet and Handshake ecosystems, as a step toward building a platform to help developers build on Skynet and Handshake.

It incorporates tooling to allow users to generate and upload a "redirection" page file to a Sia Skynet hash (Skylink) using the Skynet Node.js SDK to improve the developer experience. The "redirection" page may be configured to redirect to a given Handshake Domain Name (e.g. epiphysitis/) at a Skynet Portal (e.g.

The tooling allows users to generate and upload a "website" from a given website folder to a different Skylink using the Skynet Node.js SDK. The "website" at EthQuad includes a React.js front-end with TypeScript support.

The tooling authenticates with the Namebase API to allow users to configure their Handshake Domain Name's Blockchain DNS records to resolve to the Skylink of that "website".

In future this tooling could be extracted into a separate application on the Skynet App Store, a CLI application, or an NPM library with configuration options to automatically generate a website using a chosen technical stack for customisation, then upload it to a Sia Skylink, and then automatically choose an freemium Handshake Domain Name and have it resolve to that Skylink.

In the process of extending EthQuad, Namebase website user experience issues were raised by ltfschoen at, Skynet Node.js SDK issues were raised at and

The tooling for Sia Skynet and Handshake that was created in this project was applied to my other open-source decentralized game FlappyTips, which is built with React.js and p5.js, to deploy it to a Skylink hash (e.g. and associated with a Handshake domain (e.g. in this Pull Request

Additional functionality is currently being investigated.


Deploy Redirect using Sia Skynet and Handshake

Connect to Lotus (Filecoin) and IPFS (see section "Connect to Lotus (Filecoin) and IPFS")

Add your Handshake (HNS) Domain HNS_DOMAIN to the .env file (e.g. HNS_DOMAIN=epiphysitis)

Build the website for Development or Production. If Development is chosen the backend API is expected to be running on localhost:5000/api instead of at

  • IMPORTANT: If using PowerGate, wait until it is fully running before running the following.

  • Development (without Skylink deployment)

    yarn dev
  • Development (using Skynet)

    yarn dev:build:sia-handlebars
  • Production (using Skynet)

    yarn build:release:sia-handlebars

When using Skynet will run the following:

Run the server

yarn dev:server:sia-handlebars


Run the following to:

PUT=true node ./scripts/handshakeDomainSetSkynetPortalRecord.js

Alternatvely, manually update the Handshake domain's DNS records by going to<HANDSHAKE_DOMAIN_NAME> and adding a TXT record that points the domain to the Skylink of the Website <SKYLINK_WEBSITE>/index.html, and then waiting ~10 minutes for domain changes to propagate through Handshake nodes syncing the changes. If you change the NS record too it may take more than a day for changes to propagate.

Verify the Handshake domain's resolve configuration has been updated by either:


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